Sales Consultant / Licensed Real Estate Agent at Avery Property Professionals
My market Toronto (NSW), Blackalls Park (NSW), Coal Point (NSW), Bolton Point (NSW), Wangi Wangi (NSW), Carey Bay (NSW), Marmong Point (NSW), Fishing Point (NSW), Fennell Bay (NSW), Kilaben Bay (NSW)
The Avery name has a strong reputation in Toronto. Our real estate agency was started close to 60 years ago by my great-grandfather and it remains a family business today. You could say that I was born to work in real estate. I’ve certainly been fortunate to have incredible teachers around me my whole life. Having built up a wealth of knowledge about houses and people, it was a natural progression to become a real estate professional myself. Playing a key role in our family business today means I have an immense respect for the company and work incredibly hard for my sellers, to make my family proud. My past experience as a carpenter is also a valuable asset to the business, enabling me to speak confidently with clients about prospective renovations and improvements they can make to a property. As well as traditional techniques passed down by family members, I've been able to bring a fresh set of eyes and new approaches to our real estate sales and marketing approach. Leveraging social media and online strategies, we’ve moved our agency into the digital age. With a strong team around me for support, I’m able to focus 100% of my time on my home selling clients and their properties. Bringing consistency across the entire marketing campaign, my focus is to attract the right buyer, keep my sellers in the loop throughout and negotiate a successful deal. When you're helping someone make one of the biggest decision in their life, it’s important you treat people with respect. Helping people sell or buy a home brings me great joy, especially when the financial or personal results for my clients are life-changing.