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Willie Roberts
+ 61 0438 009 097
Sherryn Tibos Fry
+ 61 0438 579 865
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SOLD on Mar 2023

565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South, VIC, 3133, Australia

Map of the surrounding area

About this Property

If these walls could articulate, they would undoubtedly attest to the decades of love and warmth that have permeated this family residence, standing steadfast against the trials of time. The task at hand demands not only an ardent desire but also an astute vision to revive this property and usher it into the modern era.
The previous owners thoughtfully constructed an extension to the dwelling, which serves as a self-contained unit with a discrete entrance, yet remains intimately connected to the main house via a spacious decked patio at the rear of the property. This feature is particularly ideal for families seeking to cohabitate with aging parents who may require some degree of independence, a lesson learned well during the recent pandemic.
As an alternative, the self-contained unit may be leased to generate supplemental income. Alternatively, this residence boasts 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 3 living areas, capable of accommodating even the most sizeable families.
The proprietors earnestly desire to see their cherished home bestowed with a new beginning; hence they have generously priced it well below the average value for homes in Vermont South. This will allow prospective buyers the freedom to personalize their vision via a comprehensive renovation.
As discerning buyers, you are already well-versed in the advantages of residing within this residential area, recognizing the substantial value that such homes command. The neighbourhood offers an abundance of superior local amenities, including convenient access to transportation via bus, tram, train, and freeway links to the city and the coast. The area also offers an unparalleled selection of retail and dining options, with notable establishments such as The Glen, Burwood One Plaza, and the recently revamped Westfield Knox.
Given the outstanding flexibility of this property, we do anticipate a swift sale. Therefore, we strongly encourage all interested parties to take advantage of this opportunity to attend the scheduled open for inspection days or to schedule a private viewing.

Proudly marketed by Barry Plant Rowville - 9753 2828
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Willie Roberts

Barry Plant Rowville - Rentals
+ 61 0438 009 097

Sherryn Tibos Fry

Barry Plant Rowville - Rentals
+ 61 0438 579 865
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More Details on 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South VIC

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South have?


565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South is a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South?


The agency who listed 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South is Barry Plant Rowville - Rentals - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South have?


565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South is a 2 car spot home.

How much is 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South?


The price of 565 Burwood Highway, Vermont South is $1M - contact the agents to find out more.