
The Best Way to Answer “Why is This Rental Property Right For You”

May 20, 2024
Why is this rental property right for you

Key takeaways:

  • Things that landlords look out for are eviction and criminal records and a good credit history.
  • Proving to landlords that you’re financially stable is a must.
  • A solid cover letter and good references can also help.

The question – ‘why is this rental property right for you?’ often qualifies or disqualifies a lot of potential renters during apartment searches. 

Choosing the right rental property for you can be tasking. Not only do you have to be qualified for the property, but you also have to meet the landlord’s standards. 

And the best way to do it is addressing the things you want to tell the landlord about yourself, namely that you are a trustworthy person.

Let’s go over what landlords look for in a tenant and how you can stand out in your rental application. 

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Some background on ‘why is this rental property right for you?’

Every landlord has different terms and conditions. Most times, to get a rental property, you would have to answer the question, why is this rental property right for you? and your answer will determine whether you get the place or not.

Landlords are very aware of the risks of renting out a property. Several applications start coming in when a property is put up for rent. There can be up to 10 or more different people looking to take one property. 

In cases like this, each applicant will have to present convincing reasons why they are a better match for the property. After all, there are certain qualities an applicant can have that can appeal to a landlord.

So, a good start is to know what exactly a landlord would want in a tenant.

3 things landlords look for in a tenant

Why is this rental property right for you

Even with a strong first introduction, a winning renters resume always comes out on top. Here are three things landlords look out for when going through rental applications. Keep this in mind when you’re looking for homes for rent.

1. Good credit history

Your credit history is a good point to bring up when answering the ‘why is this rental property right for you?’ question. 

Most times, landlords aren’t looking out for an individual with an extremely good credit history, although the priority of every business is to make profit.  

Landlords just like to lease their property to an applicant when they are sure the applicant can pay rent whenever it is due. 

This can only happen when the applicant has a source of income and a good credit history

Leasing a property to an applicant who can barely make ends meet is like giving up a property for free because you do not expect that the person would be able to pay the rent. 

An individual with a good credit history would be considered over an applicant with a bad one, but this is just one of the qualities a landlord looks out for. 

The increase in rent in Australia makes it very difficult to afford rent while keeping up with other financial obligations. 

Payment sustainability is a big concern for landlords and probably the most sought after quality.

2. No eviction record

Why is this rental property right for you

Every successful rental business must have quality tenants. No landlord would want to lease their property to an individual who has a history of evictions. 

Prolonging payment of a property for a long time eventually leads to eviction, and evicting a tenant comes with a very big loss to the landlord.

This is preventable, as landlords consider their decisions to protect their rental income. 

Most landlords would do their best to alleviate the risk of eviction by either avoiding the applicant altogether or allowing him to explain himself. 

During the screening of an applicant, a few questions to be asked concerning eviction are;

  • Do you pay your rent on time?
  • Were there any complaints from past landlords concerning mismanagement of property?
  • Why did you leave your last abode?

The landlord could also request the phone number of the applicant’s past landlord(s) for further enquiries. 

Doing this gives the landlords more insight into which applicant they should accept. Landlords are usually very thorough about this.

Additionally, your landlord may ask your reasons for moving on from your last rental, in which case you should present a clear and fair explanation.

3. No criminal convictions

Why is this rental property right for you

This is a very important quality that landlords consider before leasing their properties to renters. 

Many landlords believe an individual who has been convicted of a crime in the past tends to cause problems. 

The landlord would have to run a background check on the applicant to get more information. 

If the applicant had been convicted, landlords would ask the questions below to gain more insight into the type of crime and time served. 

  • What was the offence committed
  • How recent was the crime
  • How severe was the crime
  • Does the nature of the crime committed put other tenants/neighbours at risk?
  • Would it affect the property negatively? 
  • Is the person making a rehabilitative effort? 

Many renters are quick to disqualify an applicant that has a relevant criminal history, not minding how small the crime was.

How to answer ‘why is this rental property right for you’ 

Why is this rental property right for you

After background checks, you would probably have to answer the question, ‘why is this rental property right for you’ or ‘Why do you think you are the ideal tenant?’

Depending on the property’s location or if the landlord approves of having a pet, the demand for the property can be high and competitive. 

So you should try to distinguish yourself from the other applicants. 

1. Prove that you can pay

You should also share a list of references. References are people who can be contacted and can give some information about you. 

Landlords would like it if you listed your past landlords as a reference, but if not, your colleagues, employers or friends would do. 

You should provide their full names, phone numbers and email address. Be certain that they will speak well of you, as this gives you a higher chance of getting the property.

2. Provide details of your past residence:

You should be able to tell the reason why you left and why you applied for that property.

3. Demonstrate eagerness

You have to show that you are excited about the property. Try to appear presentable and well-groomed, as your appearance says a lot about you.

4. Express your ability to take good care of the property

You should be able to assure the landlord that you will keep his property in good condition throughout your stay.

5. You can offer something other tenants can’t

You can offer to prepay rent, or sign a long-time lease, as landlords like the extra security. However, make sure you are realistic and do not agree to or offer conditions you cannot uphold. 

Things to add to your rental application

Include these five documents in your rental application to increase your chances of getting the apartment. 

You can also check out our examples of how to describe yourself to your landlord—also a must-read to improve your cover letter.

Now that you know how to answer ‘why is this rental property right for you’?

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