
8 Tips to Reduce Stress When You Move

May 18, 2024

It’s often said that moving is one of life’s most stressful experiences, but with the right approach, it doesn’t have to be.

Whether you’re moving only a short distance from your current residence or you’ve purchased property interstate and require interstate backloading, planning ahead can make the process much smoother, less stressful and more efficient.

If you’re worried about an upcoming move or simply want to ensure you’re doing everything possible to reduce the stress that comes with moving, this article will share eight helpful tips for a stress-free move. 

Start Planning Early

One of the most effective ways to reduce moving stress is to start planning as early as possible. Creating a detailed checklist of all the tasks you need to accomplish before, during and after the move is a great way to reduce stress.

Not only does this create a physical reference for your move, but it can also go a long way to reducing the mental burden of carrying everything you have to do in your mind.

Your list could include everything from sorting and decluttering your belongings to setting up utilities in your new home.

The more you can tick off in the weeks leading up to the move, the less overwhelmed you’ll ultimately feel.

Declutter & Donate

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need. Go through each room in your house with a critical eye and decide what to keep, sell, donate or throw away.

Reducing the volume of your possessions will help lower your moving costs, particularly if you’re using interstate backloading. It also means less packing and unpacking, which can be a significant source of stress.

Hire Professional Movers

While it might be tempting to save money by moving yourself, hiring professional movers can greatly reduce the stress associated with moving day.

Professionals have the experience and equipment to handle your belongings with care, which can be reassuring if you’re dealing with valuable or fragile items.

They can also navigate unique challenges such as a property you’re buying or selling having limited access, which can save you time and prevent disputes with other residents.

Pack an Essentials Box

An often overlooked but critical aspect of moving is packing an essentials box. This box should contain everything you might need for the first night in your new home, such as toiletries, basic cookware, a few changes of clothes and medications.

Having these necessities easily accessible will save you from rummaging through boxes after a long day of moving, helping to make your first night less stressful.

Keep Important Documents Handy

Throughout the moving process, keep all your important documents, such as transfer of title contracts, leases and moving company paperwork, in one easily accessible place.

A folder or file organiser is an easy way to keep everything organised. This tip is especially important if you’re moving interstate, as you may need to provide documentation at various points throughout your relocation, and having these in an easy to reach place can be a lifesaver.

Schedule Utilities & Services Transfer Ahead of Time

8 Tips to Reduce Stress When You Move

Unfortunately, the stress of a move isn’t centralised to the move itself. There’s also the tension of settling into your new home once the move itself is complete.

Fortunately, having your services such as electricity, water, gas and internet scheduled for your new residence ahead of time can make the process of settling in seamless. 

Contact your current service providers to inform them of your move and to determine if your services can be transferred to your new address easily or if you’ll need to find new providers.

If new accounts need to be established, make these arrangements a few weeks in advance to ensure everything is operational by the time you move in. This proactive approach will ensure that your first days in your new home are comfortable while eliminating the potential for stressful last-minute arrangements.

It’s also important to remember to schedule the final readings and disconnection of services at your former residence to avoid being charged for utilities after you’ve moved out. 

Label Boxes 

Take the time to label your boxes clearly and efficiently. Write the contents and the room they belong in on the side of each box. This will help both you and your movers, as your movers will know which boxes need to be placed in which room at your new home, and you’ll be able to quickly locate belongings should you need them in the middle of the move.

For added efficiency, you might consider colour-coding boxes by room. This simple step can significantly speed up both the packing and unpacking processes, reducing stress in the process.

Take Care of Yourself

As much as it’s important to take care of your belongings, it’s also important to take care of yourself during the moving process. Moving is undeniably a huge physical effort, but the mental toll a big move can have can also be overwhelming, especially if you’ve just gone through the equally stressful process of buying or selling a property. 

Be sure to get enough rest, eat well and outsource as much of the mental and physical tasks that come with a move as possible. If you feel overwhelmed, take a break or ask for additional help. Enlisting the support of friends, family and moving professionals can provide an enormous amount of physical and emotional relief during a move.

Final Thoughts

By following the eight tips in this article, you can make your move much smoother and less stressful. Remember, preparation is the key to a stress-free move.

Whether you’re downsizing after selling a property or moving into your dream property across the country using services like interstate backloading, being prepared at every step can significantly reduce your stress.

With the right plan in place, you can focus more on the excitement of starting a new chapter in your life and less on the stress of getting there.

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