
Proptech Carpool – Ray White and Technology ft. Anthony Cavallaro

December 7, 2018

“You can’t wait for it to happen, you got to make it happen.” Anthony Cavallaro Principal at Ray White City South, shares his insights on how Ray White are at the forefront of innovation.

Most people are looking for that new thing and you have to be one step ahead. Through innovation and property technology, Ray White bring that to their franchisee’s to give them the opportunity of staying ahead.

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Here’s the transcript of the video:

Anthony Cavallaro,
Thanks for joining Proptech Carpool Soho.
my pleasure, thanks for inviting me
Ray White,
massive brand,
Seven hundred offices
I guess,
you know,
what was your decision to kind of
join the Ray White family?
well, an opportunity came up to,
buy into City South Office,
which is,
one of Ray White's, as I understand,
earlier offices.
and, predominantly a Chinese-based business.
been around a hell of a long time,
and the opportunity came up,
to buy that franchise,
in all honesty,they're awesome
they are really up with technology,
really caring about their franchises,
lots of awsome systems,
lots of awesome learnings
and really
really hands-on
and always happy to help,
and get more involved in,
and helping you grow your business,
whether it be from a sales business,
or property management,
which is
i couldn't speak highly enough of them,
and they've been really cool for me.
you touched on technology before
about Ray White being, you know,
pretty kind of "tech savvy"
obviously, Proptech's a big thing these days,
and techonology seems to be,
i guess evolving the real estate industry
what views do you have on "real estate technology"?
or, is there any specific platforms that
you like, or use with any business?
well, obviously, from a selling point of view,
you've got the domain and,
which are the, you know, the two main brands
but, i think from a reporting point of view,
knowing where your business is at,
knowing what your competitors are doing,
in terms of communicating
with tenants and landlords,
whether it be, with the statements,
with what new listings you've got,
all of those sorts of things are really,
really cool.
yeah, and Ray White,
are really really at the forefront,
of innovation and bringing that to their franchises.
and getting them on-board to embrace it.
because you can't wait for it to happen.
you gotta make it happen,
and you've gotta be at the forefront of,
upbringing new things into the vouge,
because, most poeople always now looking
for that new thing.
yeah, sure.
i mean, you know some people are saying,
Facebook's even getting a bit passe
now it's all about instagram,
so, it's all those sorts of,
you've always got to be that one step ahead.
with Ray White only a couple of days ago,
we're looking at new different things.
that they're gonna be bringing,
next year, which is awesome.
you heard quite a bit about Soho,
we obviously engaged with you about a year ago.
nearly nearly after we launched,
you know, we've got' obviously, the market place
for properties, you can go on see list, and
browse and search for properties, but then,
we combine that with,
i guess, a social network,
so you can go search for people as well,
you could search for, you know, buyers,
and sellers, and renters.
what's your views on Soho? and i guess,
the model which is much different,
your typical kind of pay to list, domains,
REAs, Homely, kind of things
look, i think,
and I kinf of touched on it a bit earlier,
i think there's
you've gotta be a step ahead.
and i think
what Soho is developing,
whether you call it the disruptor,
which everyone loves to talk about, that word,
an awesome thing to,
to come to the table,
and i'm really - we're really,
excited about the opportunity,
and i think there's a real market there,
for peoplet to ,
to do things a bit differently,
and get involved in,
in a different way of,
selling property?
and we're, i'm really happy to embrace it.
as part of my business,
and looking at diferent angles of doing things,
so, I'm really excited about it.
Anthony Cavallaro,
Thanks for joining Proptech Carpool with Soho.
Awesome. Thanks for having me.
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