
Will Adelaide House Prices Fall in 2024? – Property Market Forecast

August 18, 2023
will adelaide house prices fall

Key takeaways:

    • Adelaide’s property market in 2024 will be affected by various factors such as interest rates, government policies and infrastructure developments.

    • Experts have mixed opinions on the outlook of Adelaide house prices ranging from a potential decrease to modest growth.

    • Population growth, economic conditions and housing supply are all expected to positively influence the long term outlook for Adelaide’s property market in 2024.

Dive into this comprehensive analysis to gain valuable insights and make well-informed decisions in the ever-evolving Adelaide property scene, including the burning question: will Adelaide house prices fall?

As the world continues to rebound from the pandemic, the Adelaide property market will be a hot topic in 2024. With a myriad of factors at play, from interest rates and government policies to market trends and expert predictions, understanding the landscape is vital for both buyers and sellers.

Adelaide Property Market in 2024: Key Factors and Predictions

As we step into 2024, Adelaide’s real estate scenario continues to evolve under the influence of multiple critical factors. The current year sees the market responding to dynamic interest rate changes, evolving government policies, significant infrastructural developments, and fluctuating buyer demand. with experts providing mixed predictions on Adelaide property prices.

These elements collectively contribute to a complex and intriguing market landscape. Industry specialists offer a range of insights and forecasts regarding property prices in Adelaide, highlighting the importance of staying informed and agile for those interested in investing in this market.

Understanding these key elements is crucial for navigating the market and capitalizing on potential Adelaide property investment opportunities.

Interest Rates and Their Impact on House Prices

Interest rates play a significant role in determining house prices, as they can alter affordability and borrowing capacity for purchasers.

In 2024, potential rate hikes could impact the Adelaide real estate market, affecting Australian property prices and house price growth.

As fixed-rate loans expire, mortgage rates may reset, further influencing the market. Consequently, buyers should be vigilant of interest rate predictions, cash rate fluctuations, and potential increases when considering property investments in Adelaide.

Government Policies and Infrastructure Developments

Government policies and infrastructure projects can contribute significantly to Adelaide’s property market growth. Support programs, for instance, can stimulate demand for property.

Moreover, infrastructure investments such as the AUKUS submarine plan and public housing initiatives can create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth, positively impacting the property market. Thus, being aware of government policies and infrastructure developments can help buyers and sellers make informed decisions in the Adelaide property market.

Market Trends and Buyer Demand

Market trends and buyer demand will shape Adelaide’s property market in 2024, with the housing market being directly influenced by factors such as population growth and housing supply. These factors will impact property prices, as increased demand leads to higher rents and property prices.

Furthermore, shifting household trends and increasing construction costs can also affect house prices in Adelaide. Staying informed about market trends and buyer demand is crucial for those looking to buy or sell property in Adelaide’s dynamic market.

Expert Opinions on Adelaide House Prices in 2024

will adelaide house prices fall

Interest Rates and Market Stability

As of November 2023, the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate was at 4.35%, significantly higher than the 0.1% rate in May 2022. Major banks anticipated no further rate hikes, with expectations of rate cuts starting late in 2024 or early 2025.

Each bank had varying forecasts for the peak and trough of rates, indicating uncertainty in the market’s future direction​​.

Performance of Houses vs. Apartments

Houses in Adelaide outperformed apartments in 2023, although the unit market showed promise due to factors like the tight rental market and increasing asking rents. The house market’s affordability reached critical levels nationally, and Adelaide started feeling the impact.

The property market’s resilience was attributed to extensive infrastructure development, job creation, and the return of international travelers and migration​​.

Property Value Growth and Decline

By February 2023, 61.5% of Adelaide properties had experienced annualized price growth, a decrease from 66% in November 2022.

Conversely, the proportion of properties declining in value increased from 34% to 38.5%​​.

Growth Predictions for 2024

Looking into 2024, experts predicted a rise in Adelaide’s property prices, ranging from 4% to 7%. These predictions were contingent upon interest rates and the ongoing balance between supply and demand.

The potential for rental growth was also noted, with Adelaide’s vacancy rate at a low 0.5% and weekly rents averaging $612, an annual increase of 12.7%​​.

This information reflects a property market in Adelaide that, while facing challenges in 2023, showed signs of resilience and potential for growth, making it a point of interest for buyers and investors.

Comparing Adelaide to Other Australian Capital Cities

When comparing Adelaide to other Australian capital cities, it’s essential to consider varying property market trends and forecasts.

While some cities may experience price declines or face challenges in 2023, Adelaide’s market performance may differ, highlighting the importance of understanding the unique characteristics of each city’s property market.

Adelaide’s property market is unique and requires careful consideration when making decisions about investing.

Sydney and Melbourne Property Markets

Sydney and Melbourne property markets are expected to experience price declines in 2023, with affordability issues and high interest rates impacting demand. In contrast to Adelaide’s relatively smaller predicted price drop, Sydney and Melbourne may face more significant challenges.

Highlighting the importance of understanding each city’s unique market conditions when making property investment decisions is key.

Brisbane and Perth Property Markets

Brisbane and Perth property markets may also face challenges in 2024, with factors such as rising prices and new supply affecting market performance.

While these cities may face different challenges compared to Adelaide, understanding the nuances of each market can help investors make well-informed decisions and identify potential opportunities in the Australian property market.

Investors should consider the local market conditions, economic outlook, and potential risks when making decisions.

Strategies for Buyers and Sellers in Adelaide’s Property Market

will adelaide house prices fall

To navigate Adelaide’s property market effectively in 2024, buyers and sellers should consider strategies such as timing, identifying opportunities, and maximizing returns. Understanding the factors driving growth and being aware of market trends and policy changes can help both buyers and sellers make well-informed decisions in the Adelaide property market.

Timing is key when it comes to buying and selling property in Adelaide. Knowing when to buy.

Tips for Buyers: Timing and Opportunities

Buyers should consider market trends, affordability, and potential growth opportunities when deciding whether to invest in Adelaide’s property market in 2024. To safeguard against downward pressure, buyers should capitalize on lower listing volumes and focus on properties that are low-maintenance and attractive to buyers.

Establishing connections with real estate agents and locating motivated sellers can also help buyers identify potential opportunities in the market.

Tips for Sellers: Maximizing Returns

Sellers can maximize returns by understanding local market conditions, monitoring auction clearance rates and days on the market, and choosing the right real estate agent.

Observing open for inspections conducted by potential agents and evaluating how they present properties and interact with buyers can provide valuable insights into agent performance.

By taking these factors into account, sellers can optimize their chances of success in Adelaide’s property market.

Long-term Outlook for Adelaide House Prices

The long-term outlook for Adelaide house prices will be influenced by factors such as population growth, economic conditions, employment, housing supply, and construction trends. Understanding these factors can help buyers and sellers make well-informed decisions about their property investments in Adelaide’s property market.

Population Growth and Housing Demand

will adelaide house prices fall

Population growth and housing demand will continue to impact Adelaide’s property market, with net overseas migration, immigration, and returning international students contributing to increased demand due to population growth can push the median house price in Adelaide upwards in the long run.

Buyers and sellers should consider these factors when making property investment decisions in Adelaide’s property market.

Economic Conditions and Employment

South Australia’s economy is set to grow at a slower pace of 1% in 2023-24, down from previous years, amidst global economic challenges like inflation and rising interest rates.

Employment in Adelaide and the state is also expected to stabilize, with growth slowing to 1% in 2023-24 and 0.75% in 2024-25, indicating a post-pandemic labor market adjustment.

Deloitte forecasts a 0.5% national employment growth in 2024, with varying impacts across sectors: consumer-driven industries may struggle due to inflation, whereas healthcare could see modest growth, and manufacturing and trade are likely to be significantly affected by the slowdown.

Housing Supply and Construction Trends

Housing supply and construction trends will also affect Adelaide’s property market, with factors such as new developments and construction costs influencing house prices. As construction activity increases and new housing supply enters the market, property prices may be impacted.

Buyers and sellers should monitor these trends when making property investment decisions in Adelaide’s property market.


In conclusion, Adelaide’s property market in 2024 will be shaped by various factors, including interest rates, government policies, market trends, and expert predictions.

By understanding these elements and their implications on house prices, buyers and sellers can make well-informed decisions and maximize their returns in the Adelaide property market.

With a long-term outlook influenced by population growth, economic conditions, employment, housing supply, and construction trends, Adelaide’s property market presents an appealing investment landscape for those willing to navigate its complexities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the property market forecast for Adelaide in 2024?

Adelaide home values are expected to increase by 6.2% over the next 12 months. This growth rate positions Adelaide alongside Perth and slightly behind Brisbane, which is forecasted to experience a 6.5% rise in dwelling prices in 2024.

Is 2024 a good time to buy a house in Australia?

The Australian property market is anticipated to see a positive, yet modest, growth in 2024. This suggests that 2024 could be a favorable time for buying a house in Australia.

Will the house price drop in 2024?

Sydney housing prices are projected to fall in 2024. This anticipated drop is attributed to an increase in distressed sales.

What will the house prices be in 2025 in Adelaide?

The specific prediction for Adelaide house prices in 2025 is not provided in the provided context. However, the general trend for 2024 suggests an increase in property values, which could potentially continue into 2025.

Why are house prices so high in Adelaide?

Low interest rates and increased demand have encouraged buyers to enter the housing market in Adelaide, driving up house prices and consequently making them higher than the national average.

This has been a positive development for the local economy, as more people are able to purchase homes and invest in the area. It has also been beneficial for those looking to sell their homes, as they can now get a higher price for their homes.

What will houses be worth in 2030 Australia?

Australian house prices are predicted to have an average growth rate of 7%, meaning that in 2030 the median dwelling price will likely be around $1.1 million.

However, some properties may experience higher capital growth than others, so these predictions should be taken with caution.

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