Out of all the real estate marketing tools you have at your disposal, the humble sign board is still one of the most effective.
An astute real estate agent knows a sign board with all the right ingredients has the power to win them a sale. For this reason, they aren’t going to disappear from our marketing collateral anytime soon.
But you can’t just plonk down a sign board and hope for the best. There’s an art to designing the perfect sign board to hook in a prospective buyer.
What to include on your sign board
Think of a signboard like a billboard and apply the same design rules.
It’s a visual medium so you need to ensure it’s aesthetically pleasing, not too cluttered and draws the eye in the right places.
You need to include just the right amount of information to grab a buyer’s interest and leave them wanting to know more.
Like a billboard, one relevant ‘hero shot’ image works best rather than smaller multiple images.
Include a simple but catchy tagline and clearly outline the key benefits of the property without going overboard.
Text is a secondary concern on a sign board. The image needs to do the work to get people through the door or online to find out more.
Only include the most important information and be sure to include the website address of the property so people can look it up online, and access auction or open home dates.
It’s not necessary to include a photo of the selling agent, but definitely include the agency brand name and logo as well as the agent’s contact details.
What are the benefits of using a sign board?
Sign boards are an effective advertising tool for generating and maximising leads.
They also notify other homeowners in the street and in the neighbourhood that the property is on the market.
If a prospective buyer likes the neighbourhood they’ll be doing walkabouts and drive bys to see what’s available.
People who aren’t actively looking to buy may still be enticed by an attractive sign board touting the main features of a specific house.
Sign boards also act as a tool to provide information quickly and as a directional guide for people arriving in the street to view an open home.
If a property is on the market but doesn’t have a sign board, it may make people feel they’re being intrusive if they’re walking past for a look. It may also imply that the property is no longer available.
A sign board is a green light for people to go ahead and be curious, and find out more information.

Sign boards and digital technology
Traditional sign boards can do the job they’re intended for perfectly well, but there’s nothing wrong with modern technology giving you a helping hand.
Vendors are embracing sleek digital sign boards that utilise solar powered lighting, the latest 4G technology and wireless connectivity. After all, why just restrict your signage to daylight hours?
Potential buyers are out and about at night after work doing drive bys, and a digital sign board that’s lit up can give your listing extra attention and extra chances to sell.
Digital sign boards can also offer agents some more versatility around content and advertising as a campaign progresses. You can use them to countdown in real time to important events like an auction date or an open home, for example.
As a sign board is usually part of the advertising package that the vendor will pay for, it’s a good idea to have an understanding of all options and costs so you can properly convey this information to your clients.
By choosing the best sign board for the property, you can potentially attract the attention of a buyer early on and make a quick sale.