
What is the Maximum Rent Increase Allowed in Queensland?

October 18, 2024

Key takeaways:

    • In Queensland, landlords can only increase rent once every 12 months, providing stability for tenants.

    • Landlords must give at least two months’ notice for rent increases and detail the last increase date in tenancy agreements starting June 2024.

    • Tenants have the right to challenge excessive rent increases and request proof of the last increase, promoting transparency and fair practices.

The maximum rent increase allowed in Queensland is now legally capped.

Starting July 1, 2023, landlords can raise rent only once every 12 months, providing more financial predictability for tenants.

Read on to learn about specific rules, exceptions, and your rights as a tenant or responsibilities as a landlord.

Current Laws on Rent Increases in Queensland

🔍: Landlords can only increase rent once a year in QLD.

From July 1, 2023, new rules by the Queensland government mandate that landlords can only increase rent once per year for all tenancies, both new and ongoing.

This measure, part of the Local Government Electoral and Other Legislation (Expenditure Caps) Amendment Act 2023, aims to bring predictability to the rental market.

Starting June 6, 2024, landlords must include in the tenancy agreement the last date of any rent increase, fostering transparency and avoiding disputes.

Tenants also have the right to request proof of prior rent increases, and landlords must provide this information within two weeks, ensuring that tenants remain informed about their lease costs.

Maximum Rent Increase Limits

  • One Increase Per Year: Landlords in Queensland are restricted to increasing rent only once every 12 months, applicable to all tenancy agreements.
  • Notice Requirement: From June 6, 2024, tenancy agreements must specify the date of the last rent increase.
  • Market Benchmarks: Proposed rent increases must reflect market rates for similar properties, ensuring fairness for both landlords and tenants.

Some properties have seen rent spikes as high as 25%, which underscores the importance of knowing your rights and understanding market benchmarks when negotiating rent.

This is similar to the rules governing the maximum rent increase allowed in Western Australia, where regulations are designed to maintain fairness.

Frequency of Rent Increases

The Queensland government has capped rent increases at once per year, effective from July 1, 2023. This measure applies to both new and ongoing tenancies, providing at least 12 months between any rent increases.

Any attempt by landlords to increase rent more frequently can lead to legal consequences, ensuring tenants are shielded from unexpected financial stress.

Notice Requirements for Rent Increases

🔍: Generally, landlords must provide a minimum of two months’ written notice before a rent increase.

What Is The Maximum Rent Increase Allowed In Queensland
  • Two Months’ Notice: Landlords must provide a minimum of two months’ written notice before a rent increase in general tenancies.
  • Rooming Accommodation: For rooming accommodations, the required notice is at least four weeks before a rent hike.
  • Fixed to Periodic Tenancies: If a tenancy changes from fixed-term to periodic, landlords must give two months’ notice for any rent increase.

These regulations ensure renters have sufficient time to adjust their budgets, and starting June 6, 2024, all new agreements will explicitly include the last rent increase details.

Similar requirements for rent increases in NSW help ensure tenants are well-prepared for changes in their rental costs.

Exceptions to Rent Increase Rules

  • Hardship Cases: Landlords facing significant financial strain can request permission from Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for a rent increase before the 12-month period.
  • Community Housing Providers: Certain housing providers and emergency accommodation services are exempt from the standard rent increase rules.

These exceptions balance the rights of landlords with the need to protect tenants from sudden financial changes.

Tenant Rights and Protections

Tenants in Queensland can challenge rent increases through QCAT if they believe them to be unreasonable. They have 30 days after receiving a rent increase notice to lodge a dispute.

Additionally, tenants can request written proof of the last increase, which landlords must provide within two weeks.

This ensures transparency and gives tenants an opportunity to assess the validity of any new rent proposal.

Tenants can also explore their options when renting a property in Australia, as understanding rental rights is crucial for securing a fair deal.

Landlord Responsibilities

  • Documenting Rent Increases: As of June 6, 2024, landlords must note the date of previous rent increases in tenancy agreements.
  • Compliance and Transparency: Landlords are required to provide proof of past rent increases if requested by tenants within two weeks. Any rent increase must align with current market trends to ensure fairness.
  • Legal Penalties: Rent increases are restricted to once every 12 months, and failure to comply can lead to penalties.

Negotiating Rent Increases

What Is The Maximum Rent Increase Allowed In Queensland

Tenants can negotiate rent increases by maintaining a respectful dialogue and collecting data on similar properties to support their case.

Proposing an extended lease could appeal to landlords looking for stability. Should negotiations fail, property owners may seek to relist the property, and tenants should be prepared for such outcomes.

Impact of Market Conditions on Rent Increases

Queensland’s rental market is heavily influenced by market conditions. Recent spikes in regional Queensland rents have exceeded 15% due to increased tenant demand and shifts in population dynamics.

Monitoring these conditions helps both tenants and landlords make informed decisions on rental pricing.

Historical Context of Rent Increases

Economic trends have significantly influenced rent increases in Queensland. During economic booms, rent prices surged, while in downturns, increases leveled off.

Understanding these patterns is essential for both landlords and tenants to predict potential rent changes.


The rules governing rent increases in Queensland are designed to maintain balance in the rental market, protecting tenants from sudden hikes while ensuring landlords comply with legal requirements.

Knowledge of these regulations, market trends, and historical data is crucial for a fair rental experience.

FAQs on What Is The Maximum Rent Increase Allowed In Queensland

Is there a limit on rent increase in Qld?

Rent can only be increased once every 12 months in Queensland. Property managers or owners are encouraged to provide tenants with as much notice as possible.

What is the highest percentage a landlord can raise rent?

Under the Tenant Protection Act in California, rent increases are capped at 10% total or 5% plus the change in cost of living (whichever is lower) over a 12-month period.

What is considered an excessive rent increase in Australia?

In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), rent increases cannot exceed 110% of the percentage change in the consumer price index (CPI) for rents. A lessor may increase rent by up to 10% more than the change in rent CPI since the last increase or the start of the tenancy.

Is it illegal to offer more rent in Queensland?

Yes, rent bidding is prohibited in Queensland, and properties must be advertised with a fixed price.

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