
How to Grow Your Real Estate Business on Instagram

December 18, 2023
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Instagram is rapidly gaining importance in the real estate world, especially in Australia. Known for its high user engagement, it’s become a vital platform for showcasing properties. More and more real estate agents are turning to Instagram to connect with a broader audience. They’re using its visual strengths to make properties more appealing to potential buyers.

This platform excels in turning property listings into visual stories. Agents use Instagram to transform buildings into potential homes, sharing these narratives in a fun and engaging way. This makes Instagram a powerful tool in real estate marketing.

Through Instagram, real estate agents can do more than just present houses. They provide a real sense of what living in these homes would be like. This interactive and visual approach is a significant upgrade from traditional selling methods. It simplifies the buying and selling process, making it more enjoyable and accessible.

Significance of Instagram Marketing for Real Estate

Instagram’s role in real estate marketing is huge, and a well-performing Instagram marketing agency always knows just how to tap into its potential. The platform’s high engagement rates and broad user base make it an ideal space for promoting properties. Here’s why Instagram is a vital tool in our marketing toolkit:

  • Instagram is known for its active engagement, much more than platforms like Facebook.
  • With over 1 billion active users, it offers access to a vast audience.
  • Many of these users are young adults, often first-time home buyers or sellers.
  • Users typically spend around 53 minutes a day on Instagram, giving you plenty of time to catch their attention.
  • A lot of users find new products and services on Instagram – this includes real estate.
  • Many people follow business accounts, making it easier for realtors to connect with potential clients.

These points show why Instagram is a space you can’t ignore in real estate marketing. It’s not just about posting pictures; it’s about creating connections. 

In the following sections, we’ll learn how you can use Instagram effectively to showcase your listings and grow your business.

Setting Up a Perfect Instagram Business Account

For real estate professionals, an Instagram Business account is a powerful tool. It’s not just about posting photos; it’s about creating a professional online presence. Here’s how to set up your account for success.

1. Switch to Business Profile

First, switch your account to a Business profile. This is easy to do in your account settings. A Business profile gives you access to features like Instagram Insights, which provides valuable data about your followers and how they interact with your posts. It also allows you to run ads, which can increase your reach and attract more clients.

2. Complete Your Profile

Your profile is the first thing people see, so make it count. Use a high-quality profile picture, which could be your company logo or a professional headshot. 

Write a clear and concise bio that explains what you do, who you serve, and what sets you apart. Use keywords related to real estate to make your profile more searchable.

3. Contact Information

Make sure your contact information is up to date. Include your email, phone number, and a link to your website. This makes it easy for potential clients to reach out to you. Consider adding a call-to-action in your bio, encouraging visitors to contact you for their real estate needs.

4. Use Business Features

Take advantage of the business tools Instagram offers. Use Instagram Insights to track the performance of your posts and understand your audience better. This can help you tailor your content to what your audience wants to see. 

Explore Instagram Ads to reach a larger audience. Ads can be targeted to specific demographics, locations, and interests, making them a valuable tool for getting potential clients.

Why Realtors Should Buy Instagram Followers and Likes

For realtors, having a strong Instagram presence can be a game-changer. When making it big on Instagram, buying real Instagram followers or likes can give your profile a quick boost. This can help you in many ways. It makes your profile look popular and trustworthy. It can also get your posts seen by more people. 

Here’s a closer look at why this can be good for your real estate business on Instagram.

Quickly Grow Your Profile

Growing your Instagram profile can take time. Buying followers and likes can speed this up. This makes your profile look active and popular right away. When people see a lot of followers, they think your business is well-liked. This can attract even more authentic followers.

Building Social Proof

Social proof is when people think you’re good because others do. On Instagram, having lots of followers and likes is like showing you’re a trusted realtor. This can make more clients want to work with you. They see many others following you and think you must be good at what you do.

Get Seen by More People

Instagram shows popular posts to more people. When your posts have lots of likes, Instagram might show them to people outside your followers. This means even more people can see your listings and your real estate services. This is a great way to reach potential clients who haven’t found you yet.

Save Money and Time

Traditional advertising can be expensive and time-consuming. Buying followers and likes is a quicker, often cheaper way to get attention on Instagram. It’s a fast step to make your profile look good. This can be especially helpful when you’re just starting and want to get noticed quickly.

Support Your Real Growth

Remember, buying followers and likes is just the first step. Keep posting great photos of your listings and valuable real estate tips. Talk to your followers. This helps build a real, engaged audience over time. It supports the growth you started by buying followers and likes.

Creating Engaging Content on Instagram

To grow your real estate business on Instagram, engaging content is key. It’s all about grabbing attention and keeping your audience interested. Good content can show off your properties and tell your story. Here are some ways to make your posts stand out.

5. High-Quality Images

High-quality images are a must on Instagram. They need to be clear and show the best parts of your properties. Bright, attractive photos draw people in. 

Show different angles and details of each property. This gives a complete picture of what you’re selling. Remember, each photo is a chance to impress potential buyers.

6. Videos and Virtual Tours

Videos and virtual tours are great for showing more than just pictures. They let people feel like they’re walking through the property. This is especially helpful for buyers who can’t visit in person. Make sure your videos are clear and steady. Highlight key features of each property in these tours.

7. Tell Stories

Every property has a story. Maybe it’s about the neighbourhood or the people who lived there before. Share these stories in your posts. This makes your content more than just a sales pitch. It builds a connection with your audience.

8. Interactive Content

Interactive content can really engage your followers. This could be polls, quizzes, or asking questions in your captions. It’s a great way to start conversations and get to know your audience. People love to share their opinions. This makes them feel more connected to your brand.

Strategies for Viral Content and Sharing

Creating content that goes viral on Instagram can significantly boost your real estate business. It’s about making posts that people want to share and talk about. Here are some strategies to help your content reach a wider audience.

9. Understand Your Audience

Knowing your audience is the first step to creating viral content. Spend time analyzing who your followers are and what they engage with. Look at their interests, the type of properties they like, and their lifestyle preferences. Creating content that resonates with them increases the chance of it being shared. 

For example, if your audience loves luxury homes, focus your content on showcasing such properties and the lifestyle they offer.

10. Collaborate with Others

Collaborating with local businesses, influencers, or other real estate professionals can extend your reach. For instance, partnering with a local home decor shop for a giveaway can attract their audience to your profile. 

These collaborations introduce your properties to a wider audience, increasing the likelihood of your content being shared.

11. Share User-Generated Content

When your clients or followers tag you in posts about your properties, share this content on your profile. User-generated content is authentic and relatable, making others more likely to engage with and share it. This not only shows appreciation for your clients but also builds credibility among your audience.

12. Post Regularly

Consistency is critical to keeping your audience engaged and your content visible. Develop a posting schedule that keeps your feed active without overwhelming your followers. Regular posts keep your audience engaged and more likely to share your content.

13. Highlight Your Listings with Instagram Stories and Highlights

Instagram Stories and Highlights are great for showcasing listings in a more informal, engaging way. Use Stories to give real-time updates, virtual tours, and sneak peeks of new listings. Save the best Stories as Highlights on your profile for longer-term visibility.

14. Add the Location of The Properties to Your Posts

Including the location of your listed properties can attract local buyers or those interested in specific areas. It also helps your posts appear in location-based searches, reaching potential clients who are looking for properties in specific neighbourhoods or cities.

15. Provide Value to Your Followers

Providing value through your content is essential. This could be in the form of market insights, home-buying tips, or interior design trends. Value-driven content positions you as an expert in your field and is more likely to be shared by your audience.

16. Share Client Testimonials

Sharing positive experiences from previous clients can significantly boost your credibility. Client testimonials work as social proof that your services are reliable and of high quality. These testimonials can be shared as quotes, video interviews, or story highlights.

Optimizing Your Branding Strategy on Instagram

A strong branding strategy on Instagram is essential for real estate businesses. It’s about making your brand memorable and recognizable. 

Here’s how to optimize your branding on this platform.

17. Be Consistent

Consistency in your Instagram branding means using the same style across your posts. This includes colours, fonts, and tone of voice. Consistent branding makes your profile look professional and easy to recognize. 

For example, if you use a specific colour scheme in your logo, carry those colours into your Instagram posts. This helps in creating a visual identity that followers can associate with your brand.

18. Tell Your Brand’s Story

Your brand’s story is what sets you apart. Share the journey of your real estate business, your values, and what makes you unique. This could be your approach to finding the perfect home for clients or how you contribute to the local community. Telling your story helps build a connection with your audience and gives a personal touch to your brand.

19. Use Your Logo

Make sure your logo is visible on your Instagram profile. This could be in your profile picture, as a watermark on your images, or subtly included in your posts. 

Your logo is a crucial part of your brand identity. Having it visible reinforces brand recognition among your followers.

20. Create a Theme

Creating a theme for your Instagram feed can make your profile more visually appealing. This could be a particular filter on your photos, a consistent layout, or a type of content that you regularly post. 

A thematic approach to your content not only makes your profile look organized but also reinforces your brand’s visual identity.

Effective Posting Strategies for Maximum Engagement

Engaging your audience on Instagram requires smart posting strategies. It’s not just about what you post but how and when you do it. 

Let’s dive into some practical ways to increase engagement on your real estate Instagram account.

21. Post at the Right Time

Posting when your followers are most active can significantly increase your IG Likes and post’s visibility. To find the best times, check your Instagram Insights for when your audience is online. Typically, early mornings and evenings are good times as people often check their feeds during these periods. 

Adjust these times based on your specific audience’s habits. Timely posts have a higher chance of engagement, which can lead to more likes, comments, and shares.

22. Mix Up Your Posts

Diversity in your content keeps your followers interested. Alternate between different types of posts like high-quality images, engaging videos, and real-time Stories. For instance, you can share pictures of new listings, videos of property tours, and Stories highlighting client testimonials or open house events. 

This variety caters to different preferences in your audience and keeps your feed dynamic and engaging.

23. Use Hashtags Well

Hashtags are a great tool for increasing the reach of your posts. Use a mix of broad real estate hashtags and more specific ones related to your locality or type of property—research trending and relevant hashtags in your industry. 

However, avoid overcrowding your posts with too many hashtags. Instead, select a few that accurately describe your post and are likely to attract your target audience.

Popular Real Estate Hashtags

Here are some examples of popular real estate hashtags that can help increase the visibility of your posts:

  1. #RealEstate: A general hashtag for anything related to the real estate industry.
  2. #HomeForSale: Great for posts showcasing properties that are available for purchase.
  3. #JustListed: Use this when you have a new property on the market.
  4. #HouseHunting: Ideal for attracting potential buyers who are actively searching for properties.
  5. #DreamHome: Useful for highlighting properties that have luxurious or unique features.
  6. #LocationLocationLocation: Emphasizes the importance of the property’s location.
  7. #OpenHouse: Perfect for announcing open house events.
  8. #RealEstateAdvice: Share tips and advice related to buying, selling, or investing in real estate.
  9. #PropertyGoals: Showcases aspirational and high-end properties.
  10. #LocalRealEstate: Tailor this to your specific area, like #MiamiRealEstate or #NYCRealEstate, to target a local audience.

These hashtags can help categorize your content, making it easier for users interested in specific aspects of real estate to find your posts. 

Remember to adjust and tailor your hashtag strategy based on the specific content of each post and your target audience.

24. Ask Questions

Encourage interaction by asking questions in your posts or captions. This could be about real estate preferences, opinions on market trends, or feedback on a property showcased. 

Questions invite your audience to engage in a conversation, increasing the likelihood of comments and interactions. This not only boosts engagement but also helps you gain insights into your audience’s preferences.

25. Show Off Your Success

Sharing your success stories, like happy clients or successful property deals, helps build trust and credibility. These posts act as testimonials of your professionalism and expertise in the real estate field. 

They also provide a personal touch, showing the real impact of your work on clients’ lives. Success stories can be shared through photos, client quotes, or video testimonials.

FAQs about Real Estate Business on Instagram

How often should I post on Instagram?

It’s good to post 1-2 times a day. This keeps your feed active without overwhelming your followers.

What kind of content works best for real estate on Instagram?

High-quality images of properties, virtual tours, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses are great. They show your business’s human side and professionalism.

Can Instagram Stories help in real estate marketing?

Yes, Stories are perfect for quick updates, showing new listings, or sharing daily activities. They’re more casual and can engage followers regularly.

How to Advertise Real Estate on Instagram

To advertise, use visually appealing posts and Instagram Ads to target specific demographics. Include high-quality images, engaging captions, relevant hashtags, and clear calls to action. Use Stories and IGTV for detailed showcases.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram for Real Estate

Increase followers by posting high-quality, relevant content. Engage with your audience, use hashtags, collaborate with influencers, and cross-promote on other platforms.

How to Get Real Estate Leads on Instagram

Generate leads by showcasing your expertise and listings. Use Stories for updates and virtual tours, and interact regularly with your audience—direct potential clients to your website or contact form through Instagram Ads.

How to Market Real Estate on Instagram

Market by sharing attractive photos and videos of properties, success stories, and real estate tips. Engage with followers and use Instagram Analytics to refine your content strategy.

How to Post Real Estate on Instagram

Share high-quality images and videos of your listings, market updates, and client testimonials. Use engaging captions and relevant hashtags, and interact with your audience consistently.

What to Post on Instagram for Real Estate

Post a mix of property showcases, market insights, success stories, and educational content. Engage your audience with interactive content like polls and Q&As.

The Bottom Line

To sum it up, Instagram is a great place for real estate agents to get noticed. It’s perfect for showing off properties with nice photos and videos. Using Instagram smartly can really help your business grow. Keep in mind, it’s not just about having lots of followers. 

What really matters is posting great stuff and talking to your followers. This is how you can genuinely make your real estate business shine on Instagram. So, start using Instagram today and see how it can change the way you sell homes.

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