
How to Paint Skirting Boards – End of Lease Guide

June 21, 2023
how to paint skirting boards

Key takeaways:

    • Giving your skirting boards a fresh lick of paint can do wonders in sprucing up your room, making it an appealing sight for the end-of-lease check-over.

    • Getting your skirting boards ready the right way and picking the best paint are the keys to nailing that professional look.

    • To keep your newly painted skirting boards looking snazzy, regular clean-ups and swift stain removal are the go.

When it comes to end-of-lease cleaning, one thing that often gets overlooked is the skirting boards. Learning how to paint skirting boards is easy, but it’s also easy to forget to do them, especially when moving.

Those little strips of woodwork that line the bottom of your walls can make a huge difference in freshening up your place before you hand back the keys. So, this guide will show you how to paint skirting boards, ensure your home looks spick and span and increase your chances of a solid condition report in a rental situation.

Why paint skirting boards?

Skirting boards go through a lot. They collect dust, get scuffed and sometimes chipped. Painting your skirting boards can bring a fresh, clean look to your rooms, boosting your end-of-lease cleaning checklist result without the cost of hiring an end-of-lease cleaner.

Materials needed for painting skirting boards

You may be wondering about the end of lease cleaning cost. But before you start painting, gather your tools:

  • Paintbrushes and rollers
  • Your chosen paint colour (usually gloss paint for skirting boards)
  • A putty knife
  • Masking tape
  • Fine sandpaper
  • A damp cloth

Step-by-step guide on how to paint skirting boards

Preparing the skirting boards for painting

Cleaning the skirting boards

how to paint skirting boards

To kick off, make sure your skirting boards are spick and span by giving them a solid wipe-down with a damp cloth to banish dust and grime. It’s crucial to start on a clean surface.

Applying masking tape

how to paint skirting boards

Following that, slap on some masking tape along the top edge of the skirting board. This’ll help you score a clean line when putting on the paint and sidestep any pesky paint drips on the wall.

Choosing the right paint

how to paint skirting boards

The kind of paint you pick is a big deal. For skirting boards, a semi-gloss or gloss paint is your best bet because it’s a cinch to clean and stands up to scuffs. You can choose between oil-based paint or water-based paint. Oil-based is generally more durable but takes a bit longer to dry.

Painting process

Applying the primer

If you’re painting over dark colours or repainting skirting boards, kick things off with a primer. It’ll help the paint stick better and really make your colour pop.

Painting the skirting boards

Time to bust open that paint tin and get stuck in! Keep in mind you’re aiming for even strokes. And don’t forget, slap on a second coat after the first one’s dried for a fresh look.

Drying and finishing touches

Hold your horses, friend! Give the paint enough time to dry. Then, carefully peel off the masking tape, making sure not to nick any of the fresh paint. This will keep your freshly painted skirting boards looking good.

Also, keep a damp cloth handy for regular clean-ups to keep your newly painted skirting boards looking schmick. Make sure to clean up any spills straight away to avoid stains.

People also ask

How do you properly prepare skirting boards for painting? 

In the process of learning how to paint skirting boards, the first step is to clean the boards thoroughly. Grab a damp cloth and give that surface a good wipe-down to get rid of any grime or dust. If that grime is being hella stubborn, you can hit it up with some mild detergent. 

Then, inspect the boards for any loose paint or chips. Using a putty knife, remove loose paint from the board, and then smooth the area with a fine-grit sandpaper. Lastly, mask off the top of the skirting board before painting to keep your paint job neat and prevent it from dripping onto the floor!

How do you deal with old paint on skirting boards? 

Dealing with old paint can be a real pain in the butt, but it’s gotta be done if you wanna get that slick, professional look. And, if that crusty paint is flaking or chipping, grab a putty knife and scrape that mess off. Otherwise, even if you know how to paint skirting boards, your result will look patchy and unfinished. For those tough spots, just hit it with some fine sandpaper, and it’ll be all good.

Once you’ve stripped off the old paint, give the skirting boards a wipe-down with a damp cloth to catch any dust or paint particles.

How can you make sure you paint evenly?

Getting an even paint job is all down to your technique. Kick off with a bit of paint on your brush or roller and go for smooth, long strokes. Don’t overload your brush, as it can lead to drips and a patchy finish.

If you’re using a roller, roll in a ‘W’ pattern to distribute the paint evenly over the surface. Once the first coat is all dry, slap on a second one to ensure total and even coverage.

Do you need to remove all the old paint before painting?

You don’t always have to scrape off all the old paint, especially if it still holds up well. But if the old paint is chipping, flaking, or peeling, it’s crucial to get rid of it before you get started on the painting to guarantee a smooth and even finish.

I’ve just installed new skirting boards. Do I need to treat them differently when painting? 

Ripper question, mate! Tackling new skirting boards is a breeze as you’re starting with a fresh canvas. Kick-off by making sure the surface is sleek and free from dust. From there, you can jump straight into priming the boards.

A decent primer will lock in the new wood and set up a solid foundation for your paint. Once the primer is all dry, you can carry on the same as painting older skirting boards. And don’t skip out on using painter’s tape to keep things looking sharp!

Should you always go for a white skirting board? 

White skirting boards are a popular choice because they provide a clean, crisp edge and complement most wall colours. However, your choice of paint colour should ultimately reflect your personal style and the aesthetic you’re aiming for.

If you’re up for a splash of colour, go on, give it a burl! Just bear in mind, darker hues might highlight dust and scratches a tad more, while lighter tints can help your room feel more spacious and airy.


So, there you go, mate! With these pointers, you’re all sorted to make those skirting boards look as good as new.

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