
Pest Infestation Signs to Look Out For During An Inspection

May 23, 2022
pest infestation

If you’re in the process of buying or renting a new property, it’s essential to be aware of the signs of pest infestation. Many pests can cause huge damage to your home, and some can even be dangerous. 

So, if you’re lucky enough to be getting an inspection done before you finalise your purchase or lease, make sure you know what to look for. This article will cover some of the most common signs of pest infestation. Keep reading to learn more!

What are the seven signs of a pest infestation?

Here are some things to remember while searching for a pest infestation:

Look for the alive pests

One of the most apparent signs of a pest problem is seeing the pests themselves . If you see any insects or rodents running around, it’s a pretty good indication of an infestation. 

However, not all pests are active during the daytime, so you may need to investigate to find them. 

Snoop around the house

Check for droppings, gnawed holes or damage to food packaging. These can all be signs that pests have been present, even if you haven’t seen them yourself. 

Also, listen to the sound of pest infestation. Mice and rats, for example, are notorious for their characteristic noises.

Do you see nesting?

man in brown shirt and blue denim jeans standing near window

Another sign to look for during a pest infestation is evidence of nesting. This could include a mouse nest made out of shredded paper or sawdust. 

Also, look for a wasp nest attached to the side of your house. If you see anything that looks suspicious, make sure to point it out to your inspector.

Damage to the property

Also, keep an eye out for damage to the property itself. A pest infestation can cause massive destruction, and you may be able to see things like chewed-up baseboards or holes in walls. 

This damage is often most noticeable in older homes, but it can happen in new properties. If you see any damage, ask the real agent about it. 

Look for the trap

The next sign of pest infestation is finding traps left by the previous owners. These could be mouse traps, rat traps, or even roach motels.

If you see any of these, it’s good to ask the inspector about them. Another thing to look out for is the empty pest control spray bottles.  

Take note of any foul odours

If you notice an unpleasant smell in your potential new home, it could be a sign of a pest infestation. It could be due to a dead house pest or rotting food. This is especially true if the smell comes from a particular area or room. 

For instance, if you smell something musty in the basement, it could be a sign of mould or mildew. Or, if you smell something sweet in the kitchen, it could be a sign of ants or cockroaches.

Don’t forget your outer boundaries

shallow focus photo of bees on brown wooden surface

Do not forget to look outside the home for pest infestation. For example, if you see a termite mound in the yard, it’s a good indication that termites are present in the house. Or you see damaged plants or mole holes, which could also be signs of insect infestation.

Don’t forget to take these extra steps 

Ask around

When you have already stepped outside the house for the previous step; it is best to ask the neighbours. A real estate agent may lie to you about any pest infestation, but neighbours may warn you of any possible house pests.

Consult an inspector

Do not forget to ask the inspector about any pest-control measures that have been taken. If the property has been sprayed for insects or treated for rodents, it’s a good sign that there has been a problem. However, this doesn’t mean that the problem has been completely eradicated, so you’ll still need to look for signs of infestation.

Listen to yourself

Finally, don’t forget to trust your gut. If something looks suspicious or you feel that there might be a problem, make sure to mention it to the inspector. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!


Do I need to get my home checked out by a professional?

Although you can look out for signs of a pest infestation, a professional eye is necessary before making a considerable purchase. Pest infestations can be a big problem, so it’s important to be on the lookout for any of these signs. 

If you see anything that makes you suspicious, bring it up with your inspector. They’ll help you determine whether there is an infestation and what needs to be done about it.

What is the most common pest in Australia?

The most common pest in Australia is the termite. These tiny creatures can cause a lot of damage to your property, so it’s important to be on the lookout for any signs of infestation.

For example, termite mounds in the yard or mud tubes on the walls. Another common pest in Australia is cockroaches. They’re often attracted to food and water, so kitchens and bathrooms are common places to find them.

Does Australia have a lot of pests?

Australia does have a lot of pests, but not all of them are harmful to your property. These are the harmful ones you should be on the lookout for Termites, Cockroaches, Spiders, Mice, Rats, Bees, Wasps, and Ants.

Is there a mouse plague in Australia?

There is not currently a mouse plague in Australia. But, in mid-2020, a mouse plague that afflicted parts of Queensland and New South Wales began and continued into 2021. 

This was the worst mouse plague in over two decades, with farmers reporting damage to crops and infestations in homes. 

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