
What to Ask When Renting a House in WA

January 3, 2023
Perth Property Market

Key takeaways:

  • Look for a property that satisfies your needs, like access to public transportation, department stores, and more.
  • Carefully read and discuss all the terms and conditions before renting the property.
  • It’s important to check that the rental price matches your budget.

Are you new in Western Australia and looking to rent a home? If yes, you’re not the only one. This guide will highlight what to ask when renting a house in WA.

During property searches in Western Australia, there are several important considerations to keep in mind, like the residential tenancy act, rent certificate form, etc. So, without any delays, let’s get started.

Common questions about renting a house in WA

What questions to ask when you want to rent a house?

If you are considering renting a house in Western Australia, there are several questions you may want to ask. We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions and tried to answer queries on rentals in Perth or other parts of WA.

What are 3 questions you could ask the landlord?

The three questions you need to ask the landlord are if the house is inspected correctly. As a tenant, you have certain rights and responsibilities. Familiarise yourself with these rights and responsibilities, so you know what to expect from your landlord and what to do. This will help to ensure that your tenancy goes smoothly.

What to check while renting a house?

When renting a house on a fixed-term lease, it’s essential to consider the location. Make sure the house follows all the residential tenancies of WA. Also, look for property condition reports, safety features, utilities, appliances and amenities.

Before signing the rental agreement, checking the property’s overall condition is essential. Look for signs of pests or damage, and ask the landlord or property manager about any repairs that have been made. Ensure that the walls, floors, windows, and doors are in good condition and that the property is well-maintained.

what to ask when renting a house in wa

What question should I ask the landlord?

You can ask the landlord about the house’s features, like appliances, power backups, and more. Furthermore, you might inquire as to the presence of fire extinguishers and smoke alarms. Make sure that they are in good working order and that you know how to use them in an emergency.

Learn what costs are rolled into the monthly rent and what you’ll have to pay for separately. This may include electricity, water, gas, internet, and cable services. Be sure to ask about these services availability and associated fees.

What should you not tell your landlord?

Many landlords do not like lots of people going in or out of the house. In addition, if you’re a social individual who hosts many parties and gatherings, you should refrain from mentioning it while renting a house. Also, you should refrain from mentioning if you’re going to share your house with friends or planning to do so.

What to ask landlords before renting?

The most important thing is to discuss the terms and conditions of the agreement. Also, it’s essential to know if pets are allowed on the property. Furthermore, ask if you can share the place and split the rent with your friends or flatmate.

what to ask when renting a house in wa

What a first-time renter should know

If you are a first-time renter, it can be a daunting experience. For starters, it’s crucial to know your lease agreement. Know the rent policies; this depends on your rental tenancy or the property owner’s preference.

Next, you should research different neighbourhoods and compare the cost of rent, post ads on social media titled rent my property. This will help you find a tenant that fits your needs and budget.

What is a good rule of thumb for renting?

It’s crucial to read the lease terms and conditions thoroughly before signing it. Ask the landlord or property management company any questions that you may have. Many landlords maintain the house with the money the tenant pays.

Document everything you discuss with your landlord, whether it’s the lease terms or the condition of the property you’re renting. This will be helpful if you need to resolve any issues that may arise during your periodic tenancy.

Finally, think about your long-term plans and consider whether the rental property is a good fit for your needs. You can use this information to prepare for the future and save money on unanticipated costs.

what to ask when renting a house in wa

How do I prepare for my first rent?

Creating a budget is crucial in saving money and continuing to pay rent. To make a budget plan, start by identifying your income and expenses. Include all your fixed expenses, such as periodic leases and bills, as well as variable expenses, like groceries and entertainment.

To save more money, it’s helpful to cut unnecessary expenses to avoid overdue rent in Perth. This can include cancelling subscriptions that you no longer use or need and reducing your spending on dining out or buying coffee.

Splitting the cost of rent with someone else can significantly reduce your expenses and make them more manageable. Just make sure to choose a roommate you get along with and who is responsible for paying rent and bills on time.

Part-time work or freelance gigs are another way to supplement your income. You may be able to reduce the cost of your initial rent payment this way, giving you more financial leeway. Just be sure to factor in the time and effort required for a part-time job or freelance work into your budget and schedule.

Bottom line: what to ask when renting a house in WA

We hope his guide on what to ask when renting a house in WA was helpful. In conclusion, when renting a house, you must ask various questions to find a home that meets your needs and budget.

For a comprehensive overview of the renting process, check out our detailed guide on how to rent a house in Perth.

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