
What Is the Minimum Requirement to Rent a Property in Sydney?

October 1, 2022
What Is the Minimum Requirement to Rent a Property in Sydney

Finding your dream rental property in Sydney is exciting for many people, but it can be stressful to compete with other people to rent a specific property. In some situations, you need to do more than meet the minimum requirements. 

In this article, we’ll share the minimum requirements for finding your dream rental property in Sydney and what you can do to stand out among other applicants. 

One Hundred Points of Documents

The most important part of snagging rentals in Sydney is scoring one hundred points in identity and other documents. Simply put, if you don’t score one hundred points on these documents, you won’t be able to rent a house in Sydney.

1. Primary Proof of Identification

These documents are worth thirty to fifty points and include documents verifying your identity, such as your passport and licence. 

2. Secondary Proof of Identification

These documents are worth ten to thirty points and include a foreign driver’s licence or NSW photo ID card. 

3. Visa Documents

You need to show you’re not on a tourist visa or have a visa that will expire before the lease term. For visa proof, you don’t get any points.

4. Health Cards

Health cards like Health Care Card or Medicare Card worth ten to thirty points. 

5. Bank statements

Documents from your bank are worth ten to fifteen points, and these documents are used to verify your financial situation. They ensure real estate agents and landlords that you can afford the rent during the lease term.

What Is the Minimum Requirement to Rent a Property in Sydney

6. Utility Bills 

To secure a rental property, utility bills like phone, gas, and electricity are worth ten to fifteen points. 

7. Rental History

Rental history documents are important and add up to twenty to thirty points to your profile. You have to prove that you’ve rented a property in Australia before, and these documents usually include the last lease you signed, rent receipts, a rental bond receipt, and a reference letter. 

8. Proof of Income

These documents are worth twenty to thirty points, but in some cases, there won’t be any points for proof of income documents because this is a basic requirement. These documents prove you’re employed and you can pay the rent–they can include your:

  • Pay slip
  • Employment offer letter
  • Employment reference
  • Bank statements showing savings equivalent to six month’s rent
  • Accountant letter 
  • Centrelink documents

The most important documents listed above are primary proof of identification, proof of income, and rental history. If you don’t have these three documents, you won’t score one hundred points, even if you have all the remaining documents on the list. An important factor to remember here is that different real estate agencies in Sydney have different document point systems, so agencies can ask for different documents. 

What Is the Minimum Requirement to Rent a Property in Sydney

Include a Cover Letter

The cover letter is one way to stand out among other applicants or explain a situation. In your cover letter, keep things short and precise, and explain why you’re the right fit for this specific rental property. If you’re coming from abroad and want to settle in Sydney, explain:

  • Why you’re moving
  • What you do in Australia
  • Whether you’re moving alone or with family, as well as other key details 

Provide References

You should also remember to add references in your application. References can be your previous landlords in Australia verifying your rental history or your current employer verifying your income claims. Before adding personal or professional references, ask if they’re okay with being a reference and if they’re able to take a call from a real estate agent in the coming days. 

After submitting your application, follow up with real estate agents by phone or email. These follow-ups will show the agents you’re still interested, and can help you stand out among other applicants. 

To find your dream rental property in any part of Australia, whether you dream of renting out a granny flat in NSW or finding a house to yourself in Melbourne, a reliable platform like Soho is the way to go. Additionally, if you’re the owner of a classic house in Sydney and you’re struggling to find your perfect tenants, check out our recent article on renovation ideas for rentals in Sydney.

Soho is your expert team in Australian real estate, offering an innovative platform for effortless property searches. With deep insights into buying, renting, and market trends, we guide you to make informed decisions, whether it's your first home or exploring new suburbs.
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