
What Can I Recycle – Eco-Friendly Tips For The Home 

January 18, 2023
What can I recycle

The environment of our world is heading towards deterioration. The human impact on the earth is so much that it is destroying the natural world. However, not all is lost. We can still save our planet. So, if you’re wondering, ‘what can I recycle’, you’re already on the right track.

The first place where you can start is your home. It is easy to be environmentally friendly. What can I recycle? Here are a few eco-friendly tips for the home.

These tips are not only going to be energy efficient or reduce the carbon footprint but are also easy on your wallet. Read below to find out more. 

Say no to plastic bottles

What can I recycle

Plastic is the biggest enemy of nature. It is also a major contributor to carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. Most of them are not recycled and have a lot of waste. Hence plastic keeps collecting in landfills and oceans.

To solve this issue, you can purchase a water bottle that can be reused. You can take it wherever you go and fill it with a drink instead of buying a new plastic bottle. This approach will also save you money. 

Start composting 

What can I recycle

Food waste is a huge concern for our environment. Composting is an effective way to recycle leftovers and get rid of household waste. It will not only reduce methane gas emissions but will also give you natural fertiliser to put in your home garden.

Moreover, compost bins do not have any foul odour and are clean. 

You can put away the food scraps in a compost bin instead of just throwing them away. Composting is far better than letting your food waste end up in landfills.

This promotes the emission of methane gas. So, if you have been asking, how can I make my home green? Here’s a good place to start.

Consume less meat 

Being mindful of what you eat is the first step towards being environmentally friendly. Eating less meat can significantly improve the environment. Having a plant-based diet can reduce your carbon footprint at home. 

Hence, consider replacing meat with vegetables or seafood if you wish to be environmentally friendly. Even if you do not eat meat for two to three days a week, it can significantly impact our planet. 

Unplug electronics 

What can I recycle

You have to be careful with electricity. Turn off the extra light bulbs and all the unnecessary appliances. Make a habit of turning off lights and fans when you leave the room.

You can also take part in saving energy by lowering the hot water temperature.  

Moreover, you can also use solar panels to be energy efficient. Following these tips will allow you to be environmentally friendly and go easy on your wallet. With modern technology, you can also use sensors that automatically turn the appliances on and off.

Also, use STAR appliances as they use less energy. Use energy-efficient light bulbs because they have low energy costs.

Make journey on foot 

Whenever possible, always make your journey on foot or a bicycle. You don’t need to use your car just to go down the lane. For longer distances, you can make use of public transport as well. 

Using fewer of your vehicles will significantly reduce your carbon footprint. It may take you a long time to reach your destination. However, you will be doing your part in becoming environmentally friendly.

When you have no choice but to use a car, drive at a low speed with a smoothly running engine. Try to carpool with your friends, so you can save money and reduce emissions. 

Use reusable bags 

What can I recycle

To be environmentally friendly, say goodbye to plastic bags, and use paper or canvas bags. The canvas bags can be reused, especially while doing groceries. Canvas bags are the perfect alternative to paper and plastic bags, which are a threat to the environment. 

Moreover, a canvas bag can hold many more things than plastic bags. You can use it for a long time, as it is sturdier. Other than that, go to health food stores for groceries.

In such stores, you can buy food in bulk and free of plastic packaging.

Other eco-friendly tips  

  • Have a garage sale or donate all unused items and clothes that are no longer in your use.
  • Try not to use paper towels frequently.
  • Wash your clothes with cold water, and do not use a spinner to dry them.
  • Go green by installing a thermostat that will monitor the cooling and heating systems. A thermostat will save energy and reduce your energy bill.
  • Moreover, use natural cleaning products and reusable containers.
  • Also, you can use lemon juice or baking soda to kill bacteria instead of bleach.

Conclusion: what can I recycle – eco-friendly tips for the home

These are just a few tips that will allow you to live an environmentally friendly life. Learning what I can recycle is a big first step.

Every small change matters and change starts within you. Be mindful of energy usage and save your planet. We ought to be more careful with the environment if we wish to protect our home, the Earth. Happy recycling!

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