
Navigating the Rental Market for Tenants with Disabilities: Tips and Resources

June 26, 2024

According to research from CoreLogic, the median amount of money people are paying for rent across Australia is $627, which represents an increase of about 9% from last year.

With more than 31% of the population living in rental accommodation, this high price is due, in part, to demand outweighing supply. Indeed, it was only a couple of years ago that over 200 people famously turned up for one rental open house in Sydney. So, the market is very tough.

However, it is even tougher for those living with disabilities – simply because there are even fewer accessible options around.

This means that if you are one such individual who needs to find a place to rent, you are going to have to take a strategic approach, which admittedly might seem daunting.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips on what you can do to increase your chances of finding somewhere suitable.

NDIS disability accommodation

If the thought of searching on the property market is a bit too daunting, one option you might want to consider is moving into a supported independent living community.

There are a few providers available, including SIL accommodation with United For Care, who provide a comprehensive range of housing and care solutions for those with disabilities.

These include everything from short to long-term digs to home care and supported independent living arrangements, all within a supportive community of like-minded people.

These types of providers also tend to offer individualised care plans to make sure you enjoy a very good standard of living there.

Start your initial search online

If you are happy to focus your search on the wider rental market, your best bet is to start looking online. There are plenty of websites you can check out, including ours, to draw up a long list of accessible properties you might be interested in.

You will be able to filter your search criteria according to your requirements, such as the number of bedrooms, location, etc. Additionally, you should also be able to see floor plans and photographs or short videos of the properties you are interested in.

Focus on the latest listings

You’ve no doubt heard of the saying ‘first in best dressed’. Well, when it comes to renting, it pays to remember this adage.

The first person to respond to a listing often puts themselves at an advantage. So, make sure you set up alerts on these websites that inform you every time a suitable rental property becomes available.

When you do see a new rental property you like, don’t delay registering your interest in it. Be sure to strike while the iron’s hot!

Contact a real estate agent

To complement your online search, it is worth building a rapport with a real estate agent or two.

Doing this could give you a competitive advantage over other renters, as they may advise you of available properties before they even come onto the market.

On-siding a real estate professional can also be beneficial, as they can give you advice on how to ensure your application is as robust as it can be.

Additionally, they can even put in a good word for you when it comes to discussing your application with the landlord, which might prove a difference in getting it approved.

Make sure you have all your documentation ready

Whenever you apply for a rental property, you need to submit certain documentation with your application. This includes identification, evidence of income, your rental history and personal references.

Before commencing your search, it is important to have all this documentation collated and ready to submit as soon as you see a rental property you like.

It might take a bit of time to get it ready, but it is worth taking the time to do so. The last thing you’ll want is to miss out on a property because someone else who had all their documentation ready, got in before you.

It pays to be organised.

Make sure you have transport available

If you do see a rental property you like, it is vital to be able to get to it. For this reason, it is important to have transport options available to you.

Ideally, you will either have the ability and means to drive or have a partner, relative or close friend that could take you to inspections, as and when they are scheduled.

However, if they don’t, then it is worth investigating what community transport programmes are available in your local area and utilising that service when you need it.

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