
Is It a Good Sign If the Real Estate Agent Calls Your References?

May 18, 2023
Is It a Good Sign If the Real Estate Agent Calls Your References

Key takeaways:

  • The real estate agent calling your references is generally a positive sign.
  • Reference checks serve as an additional layer of validation for the real estate agent.
  • It’s important to choose references who can provide positive feedback about your character, reliability, and ability to maintain a rental property.

Renting a property can be an exciting step towards finding your dream home. Whether it’s your first-time renting or you’ve done it a thousand times, the uncertainty of waiting for the rental approval is super stressful. One common question that arises with rental applications is, is it a good sign if the real estate agent calls your references?

With the added pressure of the current rent crisis we’re experiencing and the horror stories of people forced out of their homes, it’s only normal that we’ll be biting our fingernails wondering how long the application will take to be approved.

So, rest assured, that normally, it is a good sign if the real estate agent calls your references. Why? Read on to uncover some more rent application tips.

What you need in a rental application

When applying for a rental property, the real estate agent or property manager may request several documents and details to evaluate your suitability as a tenant. This typically includes your:

  • rental history
  • pay slips or bank statements to verify your income
  • contact details of personal references
  • rental resume or cover letter

Additionally, you may need to provide identification documents such as a driver’s license or passport, and in some cases, proof of citizenship like a birth certificate or Medicare card.

Among the various elements of your application, the inclusion of personal references can hold significant weight. These references are individuals who can vouch for your character, reliability, and ability to fulfill your responsibilities as a tenant.

So, who should you list as personal references on your rental application? They could be previous landlords, property managers, employers, or personal acquaintances who have known you in a capacity that demonstrates your trustworthiness.

Why you should be selective about your references

If the real estate agent does reach out to your references, it’s crucial to have chosen individuals who can provide positive feedback about your character, reliability, and ability to maintain a rental property.

Before listing someone as a reference, make sure you have their permission and inform them about the rental property you are applying for. This will enable them to speak knowledgeably about your suitability for the specific rental opportunity.

Is it a good sign if the real estate agent calls your references?

Now, let’s get back to the question at hand: Is it a good sign if the real estate agent calls your references? In short, the answer is yes! When a real estate agent takes the initiative to contact your references, it indicates that they are actively interested in learning more about you as a person and a potential tenant. It demonstrates their thoroughness in assessing applicants and their commitment to finding a responsible and reliable renter for the property.

When a real estate agent reaches out to your references, they are likely seeking to verify the information you provided in your rental application. They may want to confirm details about your rental history, your ability to pay rent on time, and your overall conduct as a tenant. By speaking with your references directly, the agent can gain valuable insights into your character, responsibility, and compatibility with the property.

This extra step of contacting references is a positive sign that the real estate agent is conducting a diligent screening process. It shows that they are invested in making informed decisions and ensuring a smooth tenancy for both you and the landlord.

Moreover, it suggests that you have successfully passed initial stages of the application process, and the real estate agent is seriously considering you as a potential tenant for the rental property.

Keep in mind that reference checks are not intended to be intrusive or to dig up personal information. The real estate agent will focus on relevant aspects related to your tenancy and rental history.

Which of my personal references will be contacted?

Is It a Good Sign If the Real Estate Agent Calls Your References

It’s important to note that the real estate agent or property manager may not always contact every reference listed in your application. Factors such as the number of applicants, time constraints, and the quality of information already gathered may influence their decision-making process.

Nevertheless, if the agent does reach out to one or more of your references, it’s generally a positive indication of their interest in your application.

What if the property managers can’t reach my references?

If, for some reason, the real estate agent is unable to reach one or more of your references, don’t panic. They may simply move forward with the application using the information already gathered. It’s always a good idea to have alternative references in mind or provide additional supporting documentation, such as a rental ledger or personal reference letters, to strengthen your application.

How to prepare your list of personal references on your rental applications

So, what should you do to prepare for such reference calls? First and foremost, make sure you have provided accurate and up-to-date contact details for your references. Inform your references in advance that they may receive a call from the real estate agent or property manager. This will allow them to anticipate the call, gather their thoughts, and be prepared to provide positive feedback about you as a tenant.

It’s also worth noting that a successful application extends beyond just the reference checks. Other factors, such as your rental history, income, and overall demeanor during inspections, contribute to the real estate agents’ decision-making process. The real estate agent or property manager will assess the entirety of your application to determine whether you are the right fit for the rental property.

Is It a Good Sign If the Real Estate Agent Calls Your References

Final words on personal references

In conclusion, if the real estate agent calls your references during the rental application process, take it as a positive sign. It demonstrates their interest in getting to know you better as a potential tenant. It shows that they value thoroughness and want to ensure they make an informed decision when selecting a tenant for the property.

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