
Homeowner Duties: How To Remove Mould In Property

March 7, 2022
how to remove mould

As a homeowner, one of your duties is to make sure that your house is well-kept at all times. But sometimes, cleaning your house with just water and soap is not enough to ensure that it won’t attract mould and mildew. Even if it’s just a tiny spot in your kitchen or bathroom, if you’re aware of the potential consequences, mould can be very alarming, which is why you should learn how to remove mould when it occurs.

Generally, a small growth is not very harmful but if you leave it to proliferate, it may reach the other areas of your home and cause serious problems. It can ruin your property and may cause allergies to sensitive individuals.

To prevent mould from growing and eventually becoming an outbreak, you have to learn how to properly maintain your house and keep rooms that can get damp—like the kitchen or bathroom—clean and dry. But also take note that even when you’re doing your best to keep them off the surfaces of your home, mould can still spread and reach even the cleanest and coolest areas.

So, if you’re having a bit of a mould situation in your home or you simply want to prevent it from happening, this blog will tell you how to do that.

Mould removal safety precautions

But before you get into it, you need to know first how to avoid or limit your exposure to mould spores that can spread while cleaning. If you have to remove mould that covers more than a few square feet, it’s recommended to take these safety precautions:

  • Wear old shoes and clothes you can dispose of after the clean-up work
  • Wear long rubber gloves, goggles, and N095 or P-100 respirators
  • Turn off your air conditioner and cover doors, windows, and ducts to contain mould spores
  • Moisten the areas with a water sprayer while you’re cleaning to trap airborne spores

However, if you have to remove mould that covers more than 10 square feet, it’s best to hire professionals to do the work as it may require the use of heavy-duty chemicals as well as the safe disposal of infested materials. You may check out to find out more about professional services for mould problems.

For minor mould growths you want to clean yourself, here are some tips to remove them from different areas and surfaces of your house:

Removing mould from tiles

how to remove mould
A woman in a protective suit and a respirator sprays a special antifungal spray on the mold-infested wall under the heating battery

Damp and warm areas are the perfect environment for mould growth, like the bathroom, which can be difficult to keep mould-free because of its humidity. Luckily, there are plenty of commercial products for mould and mildew removal that you can use to remove mould from your bathroom’s tile and grout.

But you can also try out grout cleaner or bleach-and-water solution, as they’re just as effective and much less expensive. Create a solution by pouring one cup of bleach on a gallon of water and spray it on the mould-affected areas. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before scrubbing, then rinse with water and wipe it with a cloth until fully dry.

Removing mould from walls, ceilings, and flooring

You may be feeling hopeless and already thinking to replace your mould-covered ceiling and flooring completely, but you don’t necessarily have to do it because you can still stop the mould from growing in those areas if you’ll act fast. Using the same bleach solution as suggested above, apply the solution to the affected surfaces with a brush or sponge.

Allow it to soak in the area for at least five minutes then scrub, rinse, and air dry. For surfaces like drywall and wood, it is best to add a detergent to the chlorine-and-water solution to help it adhere to the surface. Apply the mixed solution using a mop or sponge and make sure you don’t rinse it away and just allow the solution to air dry.

Removing mould from fabric

If left for too long, a damp fabric like a towel or cloth can be a perfect place for mould to flourish. When this happens, it may be impossible to salvage them. But if caught early, you can easily remove the mould on most fabrics by taking them outside of your house and brushing away as much mould as possible to prevent mould spores from spreading. You can use hot water and liquid detergent to wash fabrics that are machine washable and hand-wash those that are not using a solution of water and either one cup of white vinegar or ½ cup of borax. If the stains remain after washing, create a solution of oxygen bleach and water and soak the fabric overnight or for at least eight hours.

Removing mould from leather

how to remove mould

Mould can also grow on leather furniture and personal items like coats, shoes, and purses. As much as possible, it’s recommended to remove the mould from these items outside of your house so the spores won’t spread inside. When removing the mould, use a cloth dipped in distilled white vinegar and wipe the affected surface.

Use a leather soap and warm water in rinsing it afterward. Next, you have to dry it with a soft cloth and let it dry completely. Lastly, use a leather conditioner once the item is completely dry.

Removing mould from exterior home surfaces

You also have to get rid of mould from exterior home surfaces to make sure that they won’t get inside your house and grow. When removing mould from exterior surfaces like concrete, stone, and bricks, you can use chlorine bleach and water solution.

Apply the same bleach solution using a garden sprayer or just hand scrub the areas affected. Allow the solution to sit in for several minutes and let it air dry completely.

Just make sure you wear protective clothing and safety glasses when cleaning to protect your eyes and clothes. Also, don’t forget to cover your plants and lawns before cleaning the outside of your house as chlorine bleach can be harmful to them. To make sure the pants and lawns are safe, it is best to rinse them with plain water after cleaning.


Removing mould from your property can be a challenging task as it often requires time and patience. But doing it immediately as soon as you notice them growing on surfaces can help you save your house and keep your family safe from allergies that may be caused by mould spores.

To prevent its growth, it’s ideal to constantly check the areas of your home that are most prone to it and act fast as soon as you see signs of mould growth. After all, prevention is always better than cure.

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