
Home Security – How Far Do You Need To Go?

April 4, 2022
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As a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to keep your home safe and secure. But have you ever wondered how far you should go in terms of keeping your house secure?

The truth is: everyone’s situation is unique. You should consider your specific set of circumstances before deciding the degree of safety you want in your home.

Some people are content with basic security measures, such as locks on the doors and windows. Others go a bit further, installing security systems like security cameras and fences. And then some take home security to the extreme, with barbed wires and trained canines.

The key is to find the right balance for you. There’s no need to spend a fortune on home security if you’re not comfortable with it. Likewise, there’s no need to go overboard if basic security measures are all you need.

Here are a few things to consider when deciding how far to go with home security:

1) Your circumstances

If you live alone, or if you have young children, you may want to take extra security measures no matter how safe your neighbourhood is. There’s nothing more important than keeping those closest to you safe, and preventing easy access to the front or backdoor of your home is a good place to start.

Moreover, if you have valuable possessions in your home, such as jewellery or art, you may want to take extra precautions. Burglars are more likely to target homes that appear to be easy targets, so make sure your home is as secure as possible.

Ways you can increase security at home include:

  • Installing locks on all doors and windows
  • Installing CCTV cameras around the house
  • Getting a burglar alarm system
  • Keeping valuables far from windows

2) The crime rate in your area

Naturally, the likelihood of your home being burgled depends on the crime rate in your neighbourhood. If you live in an area with a high crime rate in Australia, you’ll need to take extra measures to secure your home.

You can find out the crime rate in your area by a simple Google search or by checking your city’s official website. You can also speak to your neighbours for more personal accounts on the matter. 

If you’re concerned about break-ins, LY Lawyers states that a person can carry out self-defence if the conduct is necessary. Ensure that you have the means to defend yourself in case of unexpected break-ins.

home security

3) Your peace of mind

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide how secure you want your home to be. If you’re constantly worried about break-ins, it may be worth taking extra security measures.

However, if you feel that there’s no need for extra security, then you don’t have to fully commit yourself to the latest security tech either! The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and safe in your home. And if you don’t have any compelling reason to do so, there’s no need to go overboard with home security.

4) Your budget

Of course, home security doesn’t have to be expensive . You can install locks on your doors and windows for a few dollars each, or you can buy a basic burglar alarm for less than $100.

However, if you want more comprehensive security measures, such as CCTV cameras or a burglar alarm, then the cost will naturally be higher. It’s important to find the security measures that fit your budget on your first purchase, and then scale your security measures as your cash flow increases.

When deciding what sections of the house to secure, choose the most important entry points to your home, such as doors and windows. Then, consider other potential weak spots, such as garages and second-story windows later on.

5) Your living arrangements

home security

The type of home you live in will also affect the security measures you need to take. If you live in a detached house in a gated and posh suburb, for example, you won’t need to worry about someone breaking into your home from the outside.

However, if you live in a condominium unit, you’ll need to be more vigilant about security, as it’s easier for someone to break into your home from the hallways or balcony

Similarly, if you live in a shared house, you’ll need to take extra measures to secure your room and belongings with increased foot traffic in shared areas.


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to home security. It’s up to you to decide how far you want to go to feel safe and secure in your own home.

Consider your budget, your living arrangement and the crime rate in your neighbourhood before making any decisions. It’s more expensive and time-consuming to increase security after a break-in has occurred, so it’s better to be proactive about it.

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