
Capital Gains on Selling House: What You Need to Know

July 21, 2023
capital gains on selling house

Key takeaways:

    • Capital gains tax is a tax paid on the profit made from selling an asset, such as a property or investment.

    • The tax rate for capital gains tax varies depending on the seller’s income and the length of time the property was owned.

    • Understanding how capital gains tax works and how to minimize it can help sellers maximize their profits.

When selling a house, it’s important to consider the potential capital gains tax that may be owed on the profits from the sale. Capital gains tax is the tax paid on the profit made from selling an asset, such as a property or investment, and it can apply to both primary residences and investment properties. Understanding how capital gains tax works and how to minimize it can help sellers maximize their profits.

In Australia, the capital gains tax on the sale of a property is calculated based on the difference between the sale price and the cost base of the property. The cost base includes the original purchase price, as well as any expenses incurred during the ownership of the property, such as renovations or repairs.

The tax rate for capital gains tax varies depending on the seller’s income and the length of time the property was owned. For example, if the property was owned for more than 12 months, the seller may be eligible for a 50% discount on the capital gains tax owed.

Understanding Capital Gains

When selling a house, it is important to understand capital gains and how it can affect your taxes. Capital gains refer to the profit made from the sale of an asset, such as a house. In Australia, capital gains tax (CGT) may apply to the sale of investment properties, but not to the sale of a primary residence.

Capital Gains and Investment Properties

If you are selling an investment property, CGT will apply. The amount of CGT you will pay depends on the length of time you have owned the property and your marginal tax rate. The longer you have owned the property, the lower the CGT rate will be.

There are some exemptions and concessions available that may reduce your CGT liability, such as the 50% CGT discount if you have held the property for more than 12 months. It is important to seek advice from a tax professional to determine your CGT liability and any applicable exemptions or concessions.

Calculating Capital Gains

capital gains on selling house

To calculate capital gains, you need to know the cost base and sale price of the property. The cost base includes the purchase price, as well as any expenses associated with buying and selling the property, such as legal fees and stamp duty.

To determine the sale price, you need to subtract any expenses associated with selling the property, such as real estate agent fees and advertising costs, from the sale price. The resulting amount is your capital gain.

It is important to keep accurate records of all expenses associated with buying, selling, and maintaining the property, as these can be used to reduce your capital gain and, therefore, your CGT liability.

In conclusion, understanding capital gains and CGT is essential when selling a house, particularly if it is an investment property. Seek advice from a tax professional to ensure you are meeting your tax obligations and taking advantage of any exemptions or concessions available to you.

Paying Capital Gains Tax

When selling a house, one of the taxes that the seller may need to pay is Capital Gains Tax (CGT). This tax is applied to the profit that the seller makes from the sale of the property. In this section, we will discuss how CGT works in Australia and what taxes are involved when selling a property.

Capital Gains Tax in Australia

In Australia, CGT is calculated on the difference between the purchase price of the property and the sale price. The tax is paid on the capital gain, which is the profit made from the sale of the property. The capital gain is added to the seller’s income for the year, and then taxed at their marginal tax rate.

However, there are some exemptions and discounts available to reduce the amount of CGT that the seller needs to pay. For example, if the property was the seller’s main residence for the entire time they owned it, they may be eligible for the main residence exemption. This exemption allows the seller to disregard the capital gain made on the property from their taxable income.

Tax When Selling Property

When selling a property, there are other taxes that the seller may need to pay in addition to CGT. These taxes include:

  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): If the seller is registered for GST and the property is considered to be a taxable supply, then they may need to pay GST on the sale price of the property.
  • Land Tax: Depending on the state or territory where the property is located, the seller may need to pay land tax on the property.
  • Council Rates: The seller will need to pay council rates up to the date of settlement.

It is important for sellers to understand the taxes involved when selling a property and to factor these costs into their budget. They may also want to seek advice from a tax professional to ensure they are meeting their tax obligations and taking advantage of any exemptions or discounts available to them.

In summary, when selling a property in Australia, the seller may need to pay CGT as well as other taxes such as GST, land tax, and council rates. However, there are exemptions and discounts available to reduce the amount of CGT that needs to be paid. It is important for sellers to understand these taxes and seek advice from a tax professional if necessary.

Avoiding Capital Gains Tax

capital gains on selling house

When selling a house, one of the biggest concerns for homeowners is the potential capital gains tax they may have to pay. However, there are ways to avoid capital gains tax. This section will explore two methods for avoiding capital gains tax: exemptions and reductions, and selling your main residence.

Exemptions and Reductions

Homeowners may be exempt from capital gains tax if they meet certain criteria. The Section 121 exclusion allows homeowners to exclude up to $250,000 of capital gains on real estate if they are single, and up to $500,000 if they are married and filing jointly.

To qualify for the exclusion, homeowners must have owned and used the property as their main residence for at least two of the five years leading up to the sale.

Another way to reduce capital gains tax is through deductions. Home improvements made to the property can be deducted from the sale price, reducing the amount of capital gains. Homeowners should keep receipts and records of all improvements made to the property, as well as any costs associated with selling the property, such as real estate agent fees and legal fees.

Selling Your Main Residence

Selling your main residence can also help avoid paying capital gains tax. Homeowners who sell their main residence and use the proceeds to purchase another main residence within a certain timeframe may be able to defer paying capital gains tax.

This is known as a like-kind exchange or a 1031 exchange. However, there are strict rules and requirements that must be met in order to qualify for this exchange.

It is important for homeowners to consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to determine the best course of action for avoiding or reducing capital gains tax when selling their house. By taking advantage of exemptions and reductions, and understanding the rules and requirements for selling their main residence, homeowners can potentially save thousands of dollars in capital gains tax.

Capital Gains and Your Tax Return

When you sell your primary residence, any profit you make from the sale is considered a capital gain. This means that you may be required to pay capital gains tax on the profit you earned from the sale of your home. However, there are some circumstances where you may be exempt from paying capital gains tax.

Reporting Capital Gains

When you sell your home, you will need to report the sale on your income tax return. This means that you will need to calculate the capital gain or loss that you made from the sale of your home. To calculate your capital gain, you will need to subtract the cost of selling your home from the amount you received from the sale.

If you made a profit from the sale of your home, you will need to report this as a capital gain on your income tax return. If you made a loss, you may be able to use this to offset other capital gains you have made during the year.

Capital Gains and Income Tax

When you sell your home, you may also be required to pay income tax on any capital gains you made from the sale. The amount of income tax you will need to pay will depend on your income tax bracket and the amount of capital gains you made from the sale.

If you are required to pay income tax on your capital gains, you will need to include this on your income tax return. This means that you will need to calculate the amount of income tax you owe on your capital gains and include this on your income tax return.

Overall, it is important to understand the tax implications of selling your home. If you are required to pay capital gains tax or income tax on your capital gains, you will need to include this on your income tax return. However, if you are exempt from paying capital gains tax, you may not need to report the sale of your home on your income tax return.

Selling Investment Properties

capital gains on selling house

Selling an investment property can be a complex process, especially when it comes to capital gains tax. In this section, we’ll cover some important considerations when selling investment properties.

Selling Your Rental Property

If you’re selling a rental property, you’ll need to consider the tax implications of the sale. In Australia, capital gains tax applies to the sale of rental properties, and the amount of tax you’ll need to pay will depend on a number of factors, including how long you’ve owned the property and your overall income.

One way to reduce your capital gains tax liability when selling a rental property is to hold onto the property for at least 12 months before selling it. This is because properties held for longer than 12 months are eligible for a 50% discount on capital gains tax.

Another way to reduce your capital gains tax liability is to offset any losses you’ve incurred on other investments against the gains you’ve made on the sale of your rental property. This is known as “negative gearing” and can be an effective strategy for reducing your tax bill.

Selling Property Owned for At Least 12 Months

If you’re selling a property that you’ve owned for at least 12 months, you may be eligible for a 50% discount on capital gains tax. This means that only half of the profit you make on the sale of the property will be subject to tax. This is one of many factors to consider when figuring out how much it costs to sell a home.

It’s important to note that the 12-month ownership period starts from the date you acquired the property, not from the date you moved in or started renting it out. If you’re unsure about how long you’ve owned a property, it’s a good idea to check your purchase contract or speak to your conveyancer or solicitor.

When selling a property, it’s also important to keep accurate records of any expenses you’ve incurred, such as legal fees, real estate agent commissions, and advertising costs. These expenses can be used to reduce your capital gains tax liability.

In summary, when selling investment properties, it’s important to consider the tax implications of the sale and to take steps to reduce your capital gains tax liability where possible. Holding onto the property for at least 12 months and offsetting losses from other investments can be effective strategies for reducing your tax bill.


In conclusion, selling a house can be a complex process with many factors to consider. One of the most important considerations is the potential for capital gains and the associated capital gains tax. Homeowners should be aware of the tax laws surrounding capital gains and should plan accordingly to minimize their tax liability.

It is essential to have a solid understanding of how to sell a house and to plan accordingly. By familiarizing yourself with the process and taking the necessary steps, you can increase your chances of a successful sale and a smooth transaction.

For those who are selling an investment property, it is especially important to understand the capital gains tax implications. Investment properties are subject to different tax rules than primary residences, and the tax rate can be higher. Homeowners who are selling an investment property should consult with a tax professional to ensure they are in compliance with all tax laws.

It is also important to note that the capital gains tax exemption for primary residences is a valuable benefit that can help homeowners save money. Homeowners who are eligible for the exemption should take advantage of it to minimize their tax liability.

Overall, understanding the tax implications of selling a house is crucial for homeowners. By planning ahead and seeking professional advice when necessary, homeowners can minimize their tax liability and ensure a smooth and successful sale.

Capital Gains on Selling House: Things to Remember

What is capital gains tax?

Capital gains tax is a tax imposed on the profits (capital gains) made from selling certain assets, including houses or investment properties. The tax is calculated based on the gain made from the sale.

Do I need to pay capital gains tax when selling my house?

Yes, you may need to pay capital gains tax when selling your house, depending on various factors such as the purpose of the property, the duration of ownership, and specific tax laws in your country.

How do I calculate capital gains tax?

The calculation of capital gains tax varies by country and can be complex. It generally involves determining the cost basis of the property, deducting any allowable expenses or losses, and applying the applicable tax rate to the gain. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or accountant to accurately calculate your capital gains tax.

Are there any ways to avoid capital gains tax?

There are certain strategies you can utilize to minimize or potentially avoid capital gains tax. For example, in some countries, if the property is considered your main residence, you may be eligible for a capital gains tax exemption. It is recommended to seek advice from a tax professional to explore these options.

What is the tax rate for capital gains?

The tax rate for capital gains depends on your income level and the tax laws in your country. In some cases, capital gains may be subject to a separate tax rate than your regular income tax rate.

How does selling an investment property impact capital gains tax?

Selling an investment property can trigger capital gains tax. The gain or loss from the sale of an investment property is calculated similarly to any other property, considering factors such as the purchase price, selling price, and any associated expenses.

Do I need to report capital gains on my tax return?

Yes, in most cases, you are required to report capital gains on your tax return. This includes gains from the sale of a house or investment property.

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