
Buying a House Near Power Lines in Australia

August 4, 2023
buying a house near power lines australia

Key takeaways:

  • Proximity to power lines is a significant factor to consider when buying a house due to potential health concerns, aesthetic considerations, and possible effects on resale value.
  • While power lines do emit electromagnetic fields, the health risks associated with these fields are still under research, and no definitive link has been found to date.
  • Rumours about the dangers of living near power lines often exaggerate the risks. Do your research and consult with professionals to understand the facts.

Purchasing a house is a significant decision, and when that house is near power lines, there’s a whole new level of considerations to bear in mind. This is especially true when buying a house near power lines in Australia, where local regulations and environmental factors come into play.

In this article, we delve into the factors you should think about when buying a house near power lines and discuss potential concerns related to living in close proximity to these high voltage structures.

What Does It Mean To Buy a House Near Power Lines?

When we refer to buying a house near power lines, we are talking about properties that are in close proximity to power lines.

These might be high voltage transmission lines, local powerlines, or other forms of electrical lines. Understanding the proximity of these lines to your potential home is essential as it can influence various aspects, from aesthetics to potential health concerns.

Furthermore, when purchasing such a property, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of easements and boundaries, which can significantly affect your use of the property.

Living near power lines does come with a few concerns, often revolving around the electromagnetic fields (EMF) these lines emit.

The hum or buzz you might hear near power lines is an audible manifestation of these fields. There’s ongoing debate about the effects of long-term exposure to these fields, with studies focusing on their possible links to health problems.

How Close is Too Close to Power Lines?

buying a house near power lines australia

There’s no definitive answer to the question of how close is too close when it comes to power lines. However, it’s commonly agreed that the electromagnetic radiation levels decrease with distance.

This is often expressed as an inverse square of the distance from the source. In other words, moving twice as far away from the source of radiation could reduce your exposure to it by a factor of four.

Still, it’s always a good idea to ensure a safe distance, and some experts recommend being at least 200m away from high voltage power lines.

Does Living Near Power Lines Affect Resale Value?

Purchasing a house near power lines could affect your resale value. Houses near power lines might be harder to sell due to associated rumors and concerns, which can sometimes lead to these properties being priced lower than similar ones in power-line free areas.

Additionally, the presence of power lines might not be aesthetically pleasing to some potential buyers, further impacting the property’s value.

Are There Health Risks Associated With Living Near Power Lines?

One of the biggest concerns buyers have about purchasing a house near power lines is potential health risks. Over the years, a number of studies have investigated the relationship between long-term health and living near high voltage power lines, with a particular focus on electromagnetic fields.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are areas of energy associated with electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting.

EMFs are classified into two types: low frequency (from sources like power lines and electrical appliances) and high frequency (from sources like microwaves and mobile phones).

While the majority of these studies have not found conclusive evidence to suggest that living near power lines cause health problems, it is important to note that the topic is still a subject of ongoing research.

Some studies have suggested a potential link between high-level exposure to EMFs and certain types of cancers, though these findings have often been disputed and require further research for confirmation.

Rumours and Reality: Clearing Misconceptions About Power Lines

buying a house near power lines australia

In many neighbourhoods, there’s often a buzz – not just the hum from the power lines, but a buzz of rumours, and misconceptions. Some of these rumours may include the belief that living near power lines causes cancer or other health concerns.

However, according to most current scientific studies and organisations such as the World Health Organization, there is not enough evidence to confirm these claims.

Another common rumour is that living near power lines results in significant electromagnetic radiation exposure.

While power lines do emit EMFs, the levels generally fall within the safe limits set by international standards, especially when you’re at a distance. In most homes, the EMFs from domestic appliances exceed those from high voltage power lines outside.

Making Your Decision: Buying a House Near Power Lines

Ultimately, the decision to buy a house near power lines is a personal one that requires careful consideration of various factors. On one hand, such properties often come with a lower price tag. On the other, there might be aesthetic considerations and potential resale value to consider.

It’s always a good idea to visit the house multiple times at different parts of the day. Check whether the presence of the power lines bothers you – are they too visible? Is the noise level tolerable? If you have health concerns, consult with a health professional or an environmental scientist to help guide your decision.

It’s also worth considering whether the home otherwise meets your needs in terms of location, size, layout, and price. You may find that the benefits outweigh the potential downsides.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How far can a building be from a powerline NSW?

The minimum safe distance from a power line in NSW depends on the voltage of the line. For lines up to and including 132,000 volts, the minimum safe distance is 3 meters.

For lines from 132,000 to 330,000 volts, the minimum safe distance is 6 meters. For lines over 330,000 volts, the minimum safe distance is 8 meters.

What is the safe distance from electrical lines?

The safe distance from electrical lines depends on the voltage of the line. As a general rule of thumb, you should stay at least 10 feet away from any overhead power line, and more than 10 feet away if the voltage to ground is over 50 kilovolts (50,000 volts).

What is the safe distance from 33kv power lines?

The safe distance from 33kv power lines is 6 meters. This is the minimum distance that you should stay away from these lines to avoid the risk of electric shock.

What is the maximum distance for a power line?

The maximum distance for a power line depends on the voltage of the line and the terrain. For example, a 132,000 volt line can be up to 100 kilometers long, while a 33kv line can be up to 50 kilometers long.

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