
Which Appliances Do You Leave Behind When Selling Your Home

October 7, 2022

Photo by Curtis Adams on Pexels

You might have realised that it’s time to sell your home. And the process is straightforward enough—It goes without saying that you’ll load up the moving truck with your family photos, decor, and furniture when you sell your house, but what about the appliances? The stove and refrigerator may be useful at your new place, so why not bring them along? 

Everything that isn’t nailed down to the house might be considered “walkaway” items for the seller. However, be wary of alienating prospective buyers and adding stress to the moving process by excluding key items from the sale of the property.

You should think about what’s considered “typical” in your market and how your appliances can affect your home’s marketability while deciding whether or not to keep them. We’ll break down which important appliances you should leave in the property when selling.

Nothing should be left behind without notice

It’s easy for things to feel at home in a certain room or area after spending a significant amount of time there, but in reality, they only really belong to you. Of course, items such as your framed family portraits should have a spot in your boxes and suitcases, but what about other things? 

Think of the fabric cubbies that fit perfectly on the shelf in the laundry room, the toilet paper holder that stands on end in the downstairs bathroom, and the string of lights you strung up in the backyard a couple of summers ago. 

Make sure to discard these items if you haven’t been told otherwise by the purchasers. The seller should clear the premises of all trash and their own belongings. Some jurisdictions may even require this of you. You should talk to your realtor if you aren’t sure if something is a permanent part of the property or if it can be discarded.

Photo by Arun Prakash on Unsplash

Should it stay or should it go?

If you want to receive the most money for your house, you should definitely replace your outdated appliances. But what if, by switching out something as central as the stove, the whole home suddenly seems off-kilter? In that case, the best thing to do might be to put off the listing so you can focus on fixing up the house.

Appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines should be replaced every ten years. In order to determine the expected lifespan, you need to examine the serial number. If it’s ancient, throw it away. If you’ve noticed some signs of wear and tear while you were using the appliance, you shouldn’t keep it in the house. Malfunctions are an early warning sign of an appliance’s impending demise after prolonged use. 

It could be time to fix or replace them now. If the expense of fixing the appliance is going to be more than half of its value, you may want to consider replacing it instead. Older appliances are quite power-hungry and may significantly impact utility bills. Get energy-efficient equipment if you’re worried about how to save money on your energy bills. Naturally, this may also be a selling factor for your home.

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

In most cases, the kitchen appliances will stay

The kitchen appliances almost always remain in the house, whereas the laundry appliances are fickle.

Most of the time, the price of a home includes all of the kitchen appliances, such as the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, and microwave. Since it is more practical for buyers and sellers to keep these items in place rather than transport them, this is probably the current norm.

However, whether the washing machines and dryers stay is entirely up to you as a seller. Prospective buyers are less interested in these items than they are in the kitchen’s equipment. The sellers should talk to their real estate agent about whether or not to leave the washer and dryer behind. The agent can tell them what is typical in their area and how interested potential buyers are in having the appliances.

The buyer may insist on keeping the washer and dryer if that’s the norm in your area. However, if numerous buyers have shown interest in your house, you can probably expect them to stick with the purchase agreement even if you decide to keep your washers and dryers.

Built-in items come with the house

When a house is sold, any permanent fixtures, as well as any structures that are connected to the house, are considered to be part of the property. If your home includes built-in bookcases, for instance, you should leave them for the next owner. The same goes for toilets, sinks, kitchen cabinets, fireplaces, and more. 

Carpets and flooring should be left in place, as should any security systems or alarms, such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. 


We hope that our guide has helped you decide what to leave behind when you sell your property. To sum up, kitchen appliances and fixtures almost always come with the house, while whether laundry appliances will stay is up to you. Your personal belongings should always be removed prior to selling.

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