
7 Tips To Make Your Wooden Home Last Forever 

August 24, 2022
7 Tips To Make Your Wooden Home Last Forever 

There are various reasons why some people go for a wooden home instead of modern houses made of steel or cement. 

You can’t question the classic and elegant aesthetics that a wooden home exudes. They’re beautiful and environmentally friendly which makes them a popular house design all through the years.  

Contrary to the opinion of many ill-informed individuals, wood actually lasts a long time. When treated and maintained right, they can stand the test of time – a number of wooden monuments and structures worldwide are there to prove such claims. 

Despite harsh and changing weather and other external conditions, a wooden house can actually last beyond a lifetime. Here are some tips you can apply to prolong the lifespan of your wooden home: 

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1. Keep Pests Away  

One of the common risks for wooden homeowners is the infiltration of wood-destroying insects. There’s nothing more dreaded than these household pests. In fact, there have been so many houses that experienced severely damaged structures due to carpenter ants and termites. Fortunately, there are sure-fire ways to safeguard your home from these small but terrible menaces.  

If you’re having doubts and unsure whether there’s a hidden pest infestation in your home or not, it’s best to conduct a termite identification process as early as possible. These pests can multiply quickly and it could be too late to save your home if you don’t act swiftly. After all, it can be uncanny how these pests can silently attack wood found in your rafters, windowsills, beams, floors, and even furniture.  

In the long run, pests will encroach on your property, decreasing property value, and even affecting the occupant’s health and safety. Therefore, it’s wise to seek professionals’ help early. Otherwise, you need to find the proper pest treatment effective for them. Consider using pesticides, insect repellents, and wood stains that protect the wood from pests.   

2. Protect The House From Sun Damage  

7 Tips To Make Your Wooden Home Last Forever 

One way to lengthen your wooden structure is to ensure it’s protected from sun damage. During hot summer days, wood can be discoloured and shrink in size. Wooden walls become too rigid and can easily break. Thus, you need to implement ways to protect your log home from sun damage.  

There are ways to achieve this. First, sanding wooden surfaces is best during construction. But if you’re executing maintenance and repairs, you can sand the old surfaces to remove the extra layers. Next, you should apply paint or stains that come with ultraviolet (UV) rays protection. You also have the option to apply varnish since it’s made of resin and solvent which can act as the protective layer of wood. 

3. Apply Wax On Wooden Surfaces  

Another way to make your log home last a lifetime is to apply paste wax. Wood can experience splitting over time; waxes prevent this from happening. This is the best solution for your wooden furniture, such as dining tables, seats, floors, counters, and cabinets. While you can do-it-yourself (DIY) this task, it’d be best to seek help from carpenters or wood maintenance experts instead. 

When applying the wax, follow the wood grain using steel wool. The wax can easily penetrate the wood this way and it’ll act as the protective layer of your wooden furniture and home features. Wipe the surface with a dry cloth after letting the wood dry for a few minutes. You can regularly perform this task to ensure the condition of your home furniture.   

4. Repaint Or Apply Stains After Some Time  

The raw materials in your home need to be sealed, so choose your paint or stain carefully. If all structures are made of wood, you need to find the most suitable paint or stain to go for. One aspect to consider is your geographical location. If you live in a city where it’s frequently raining or sunny all year long, choose the best stain or paint that withstands these temperatures.  

As you design your home, consider what kind of weather you’ll be subjected to regularly. It’s essential to use a stain that offers waterproof or sun damage protection. Apart from stains, paint is necessary to strengthen the condition of the wood. Aside from refreshing your home’s face value, paint is crucial for keeping wooden elements dry as it combats moisture and mold growth too. 

Sealing the grains of the wood prevents water from seeping in and damaging it. The good thing about paints and stains application is that you can perform them yearly and they don’t have to cost a lot. Doing so will ensure that the wooden features of your home are sealed against water, sun damage, and mould growth.   

5. Schedule Wood Maintenance  

7 Tips To Make Your Wooden Home Last Forever 

Some people expect wooden homes to require more care and attention than other homes. But the truth is all homes need regular maintenance. Perhaps the difference is regarding the maintenance procedures that’ll be implemented. You should have a pest manifestation inspection and mould growth for your log home.  

If you find any gaps in window or door seals, be sure to re-caulk them as soon as possible. Look closely at window and door seals to ensure water isn’t getting in. Regular maintenance is necessary to preserve the natural beauty of your sustainable home. This step is necessary so you can live in your wooden home for many years to come.  

6. Use Water Sealants  

If you don’t want to cover the organic appearance and surfaces of wood and its grains, one great option is to go for water sealants or varnish for protection. It’s great that water sealants provide moisture protection but also speed up the drying process compared to paint or stains. Go for high-quality waterproof wood sealants that you can purchase in hardware shops near you. 

7. Install Caulking In Different Areas  

7 Tips To Make Your Wooden Home Last Forever 

While sealants, paint, and stain ensure that the wood quality remains solid and non-porous, another way to keep your wooden home strong is to look for gaps and holes. This can be done through the use of a caulking compound. This is particularly important when the rainy season starts, so ensure to perform caulking during drier months.  

When it’s dry out, your caulking compound shrinks and cracks, allowing water to seep through once the rain comes. This is the reason why caulking should be on your maintenance list. Make it a routine to reapply caulk to your home every now and then. 


It’s truly a dream come true to own a wooden home. Yet like any other home, it must be maintained regularly to remain healthy and beautiful. You need to make an effort to retain its value, so the future generations of your family can continue living in it. And if you decide on renting it out instead, performing the tips above can increase its rental value.

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