
16 Plumbing Inspection Checklist Points For Moving Into a New Home

October 4, 2023
Plumbing Inspection Checklist

When you’re all set to move into a new place, here’s a friendly piece of advice: consider bringing in the plumbing pros for a thorough check-up. It’s a savvy and forward-thinking move.

Now, let’s talk about what a plumbing inspection should look like from your perspective as a savvy homeowner.

1. Check for Leaks

Give those pipes, joints, and connections a good once-over. Look out for any sneaky leaks, you know, the kind that leaves puddles, damp spots, molding, or mysterious water stains.

And don’t forget to check around the base of your trusty toilets, sinks, and appliances. It’s like playing detective but for plumbing! 

Found any gathering of water or weird discoloration? You might need emergency plumbing, especially if these signs have remained undetected for a long time.

2. Inspect the Water Heater

Take a good look at that water heater of yours. See any signs of rust, corrosion, or leaks? These are red flags and often mean that you need to get your hot water system checked by a reputed plumbing service.

Also, give the temperature and pressure relief valve a little test run. Make sure it’s doing its job and not dribbling water. Lastly, have the professional plumbers peek at the thermostat settings. You want to ensure it’s dialed in just right, not too hot, not too cold.

3. Test Faucets and Fixtures

Plumbing Inspection Checklist

Go ahead and play with the faucets and fixtures like you’re a kid in a water park. Turn them on and off, and listen carefully for any weird sounds – plumbing should be more like a serene babbling brook, not a noisy water cannon!

Then, move on to the sink, shower, and bathtub drains. Give them a thorough inspection. Are they draining like speedy little whirlpools, or are they taking their sweet time? 

Nobody likes slow draining, and it can also cause molding and damp spots. It can also mean that there is a clog in the plumbing. If you do suspect that there is a block somewhere, get it inspected and fixed by a professional.

4. Assess Toilet Functionality

Let’s talk toilets for a second. You want them to flush smoothly, no endless running water soundtracks, please! And while you’re down there, give the base of those porcelain thrones a once-over. Are there sneaky leaks or puddles hanging around? Check that wax ring seal too; it’s like the secret agent of toilet seals, keeping things watertight.

5. Inspect the Main Sewer Line

Time to get a bit high-tech! It’s like plumbing CSI. You should call in a plumbing service for a sewer line camera inspection.

During the inspection, they’ll send a tiny camera down there to scope out any blockages, pesky tree roots trying to crash the party or any other funky stuff that might be clogging up your main sewer line.

6. Examine the Water Pressure

Time for a little water pressure check, my friend. You know how sometimes the water in your shower feels like a gentle rainforest drizzle, and other times it’s like an attack hose at full blast?

Well, we want to make sure it’s just right. Aim for that sweet spot between 40 and 80 psi (that’s pounds per square inch).

7. Evaluate the Sump Pump

The sump pump is your trusty defender against basement floods. It’s like your home’s secret superhero.

Here’s the deal: don’t forget to give it a little workout. Test it out to make sure it’s all systems go. If you notice things like excessive vibration or sounds, rust, and other irregularities, it can mean that the sump pump needs fixing or replacement.

8. Review the Water Filtration System

Plumbing Inspection Checklist

Let’s chat about water quality, shall we? If your new crib comes with a water filtration or softening system, it’s like having a personal water butler.

But here’s the thing: it needs a little TLC too. Get it inspected and see how it’s doing. Maybe it needs a fresh set of filters or a sprinkle of salt in the water softener.

9. Inspect Water Quality

Here’s a smart move to consider: ask for a water quality test. Think of it as giving your new home’s water supply a little health check-up.

We’re talking about testing for things like lead, iron, and pesky bacteria. You could look at it as making sure your drinking water is as clean and fresh as a mountain stream.

10. Check for Proper Ventilation

Let’s not forget about the air, shall we? Take a peek at the ventilation system, especially in those steamy bathrooms.

We want things to be breezy in there, not a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Good airflow is literally like a breath of fresh air for your home.

11. Evaluate Outdoor Plumbing

Time to step outside for a bit! Check out those outdoor faucets, hoses, and irrigation systems. Look for any sneaky leaks or signs of wear and tear.

We want everything in tip-top shape for your outdoor watering needs. You need to give your garden a little plumbing love!

12. Assess Gas Lines (if applicable)

Now, if your new place runs on natural gas, safety is the name of the game. It’s like having a pro come over for a safety chat. Get a professional to inspect those gas lines and connections.

We want to make sure everything’s leak-free and cozy in there, not corroded or iffy. You have to give priority to safety first, always!

13. Check for Water Damage Signs:

Time for a little detective work! Check out the walls, ceilings, and floors. 

Keep an eye out for any hints of water damage. You know, like those telltale water stains or swollen spots. They could be like breadcrumbs, guiding you to past or present plumbing issues. It will be fun solving a mystery in your new home!

14. Review Plumbing Documentation

Plumbing Inspection Checklist

Hey, it’s perfectly okay to be a bit nosy when it comes to your new home’s plumbing history. Ask for the paperwork! Request any records of recent plumbing repairs, replacements, or maintenance.

Reviewing plumbing documentation is like getting the car’s service history before you buy it; It helps you know what you’re getting into.

15. Ask About Emergency Shut-off Valves

Time to play a game of “know your house”! Take a little tour and get to know where the emergency shut-off valves hang out. They’re like the superheroes of your plumbing system.

Find the one for the main water supply and get cozy with the individual fixture shut-off valves too. It will really pay off knowing where the exits are in case of an emergency, only this time, it is for your home’s water supply.

16. Discuss Future Maintenance

Don’t be shy to chat with your plumbing service peeps! They’re like your home’s health advisors. Ask them for some tips on how to keep things running smoothly.

Get the lowdown on what maintenance your plumbing might need down the road, and hey, if there are any cool upgrades or repairs to consider, they’ve got the scoop.

Tips to Pick the Right Plumber

Here are five brief tips to help you choose the right plumber.

Check Credentials 

First things first, let’s talk about qualifications. You want to make sure your plumber is the real deal, right? So, check if they’ve got the official stamp of approval – that means being licensed, insured, and certified.

Read Reviews

Let’s talk about word of mouth in the digital age! It’s a bit like chatting with friends. So, go ahead and check out what folks are saying online.

Look for customer reviews and ratings; you know, those stars and comments? They’ll spill the beans on a plumber’s reliability and how good they are at their plumbing magic.

Ask for Quotes 

When it comes to getting the best bang for your buck, here’s a nifty trick: don’t settle for just one quote.

Ask a couple of plumbers to give you their price tag. Think of it as shopping around for the coolest gadget – you want to know what’s out there, right?

This way, you’ll not only see the dollars and cents but also what each plumber brings to the table. It’s like comparing menu options at your favorite restaurant, but instead of food, you’re picking the plumbing services that fit your taste and budget.

Inquire About Guarantees 

Here’s a neat little detail to look out for – ask your plumber if they come with a warranty or guarantee for their work. This way, you will be getting a safety net for your plumbing project.

A trustworthy plumber should be ready to back up their service and fix any glitches that pop up after the job’s done. It’s all about that peace of mind.

Seek Recommendations 

Time to tap into the grapevine! Don’t be shy to reach out to your inner circle: friends, family, or even the folks next door. They’re like your personal treasure map when it comes to finding a top-notch plumber. Ask them for recommendations, and you might just unearth a gem.

Personal referrals are like golden tickets to plumbing paradise. They vouch for someone who’s been there, done that, and left a trail of happy customers. This way, you will have your own insider info for a reliable plumbing pro!

Wrapping Up

By bringing in the plumbing pros for a thorough once-over for a pre-purchase inspection before you buy your new digs, you’re setting yourself up for smooth sailing.

They’ll spot any hiccups before they become major headaches, making sure the plumbing is A-OK. That way, you can kick back, relax, and enjoy your new space without a worry in the world. Peace of mind? It is guaranteed!

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