
Showcase all your listings online for free. No listing fees, ever.

It’s free to list on Soho because we believe there shouldn’t be any barriers for people searching for their dream homes.


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Property Agents

Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM MyDesktop
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM AgentBox
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM AgentPoint
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM LockeOn
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM iDashboard
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM Subtle Difference
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM MantisProperty
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM C21-esales
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM EagleSoftware
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM ReNet
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM Aro Software
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM VaultRE
Soho integrates with Real Estate CRM Zenu
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One click to connect your CRM and receive enquries

Soho integrates with all the major CRM tools so you can leverage your existing data and bring all your properties onto Soho easily.

Our Pro️pertyMatch™ AI instantly matches your properties to Buyers and Renters

Our algorithm matches our buyers and renters to your properties as soon as you list your properties.

Get seen in 1 Million+ Buyer and Renter searches every month

Receive qualified leads and enquiries from our network of buyers and renters for free!

Make your brand and listings discoverable with your free Agent Soho Profile

Showcase your brand, your listings, agent performance and specialised areas all on one page.

Easily swipe and shortlist your matches on your mobile

Our PropertyMatch™ AI will do the work for you and alert you to matches from over 150,000+ properties. Easily swipe and shortlist your matches on our mobile app