SoldKepnock QLD 4670House89 Elliott Heads Road
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Mark Gelsomino
+ 61 0427746679
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SOLD on Oct 2021

89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock, QLD, 4670, Australia

718 m²Land size
Map of the surrounding area

About this Property

This home will immediately welcome you as you enter its spacious interior. No longer will you be looking for space for friends or family to visit.

This large brick home will provide you;

- A-framed timber raked ceilings creates a sophisticated ambiance.
- A huge kitchen area with ample bench space, storage and electric oven and stove.
- This is complete with an exposed brick island bench.
- The open plan living dining area, off the kitchen, sits on beautiful floating timber floors and is well ventilated with fans, air-conditioning and a large window overlooking the pool area.
- Walking through an engineered brick archway you'll arrive in the air-conditioned second living area with earthy exposed brick walls and fire place too.
- The air-conditioned main bedroom is carpeted with an extra large built-in wardrobe with 3 sliding mirrored doors and secured screened access to the back yard.
- 4 similar air-conditioned and carpeted rooms all with built-in wardrobes and fans.
- Large paved outdoor entertaining area featuring a pool.
- Backyard running the length of the house with a fenced garden area.
- Carport with covered access into the house.
- Expected rental return is $420-$430 per week.

If you're looking for a sturdy and spacious family home or a strong investment to add to your portfolio then this beauty is for you!

Call the team at PRD Bargara today to enquire, Mark 0427 746 679 or Kynan 0478 490 655.

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Mark Gelsomino

PRD Bundaberg
+ 61 0427746679
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More Details on 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock QLD

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock have?


89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock is a 5 bedroom , 2 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock?


The agency who listed 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock is PRD Bundaberg - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock have?


89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock is a 2 car spot home.

How much is 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock?


The price of 89 Elliott Heads Road, Kepnock is $410,000 - contact the agents to find out more.