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Terry Chen
+ 61 0479075962
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For sale


Price From $750K

Goodna, QLD, 4300, Australia

431 m²Land size
Map of the surrounding area
Nearest stations
1.8KM (23 mins)

About this Property

The property is located at Goodna, uniquely surrounded by three of the fastest growing suburbs in the booking western corridor including Springfield, Redbank Plains and Bellbird Park.

It is great opportunity for First Home Buyers!

Fixed Turnkey Price: $779,400 - 860,400
Lot area: 363 - 460m2
Building area: 170 - 195m2
Floor plan: Traditional or Co-Living

. Fixed site costs
. 2590mm high ceilings to ground floor
. 20mm reconstituted stone to kitchen benchtops
. Quality stainless steel kitchen appliances, including dishwasher
. Reverse cycle air-conditioning in living and master bedroom
. Ceiling fans and LED lighting throughout Floor coverings throughout
. Fully landscaped including exposed aggregate driveway, garden and fences

1. Land titled is expected around July 2025.
2. To purchase the packages, land contract and building contract will be separately
3. $1,000 initial deposit is requested to purchase a lot.
4. 15 days finance days if needed or unconditional offer to buy a lot in the contract.
5. Land settlement will be usually 2 weeks after the land titled date.

. Goodna Train Station - 2.4km (5min)
. Redbank Train Station - 4.7km (8min)
. Bus Stop - 82m (1min walk)

. Woolworths located within Goodna Market Place - 1.6km ( 3min)
. Redbank Plains Shopping Centre (including 67 tenancies) - 3.6km (5min)
. Orion Shopping Centre - 9.0km (13min)

Schools/tafe & universities
. University of Southern Qld Springfield Campus - 9.8 km (13min)
. TAFE - 9.9km (14 min)
. Goodna State School - 1.7km (3min)
. Goodna Community Child Care Centre - 2.0km (4min)
. Goodna Early Learning Centre - 1.8km (4min)
. Kruger State School - 2.0km (3min)
. Camira State School - 3.5km (7min)
. Westside Christian College Primary & Secondary - 1.5km (3min)
. St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School - 2.0km (4min)
. Redbank State School - 5.8km (9min)
. Bellbird Park State School - 3.2km (4min)
. Redbank Plains State School - 5.9km (9min)
. Redbank Plains State High School - 4.8km (8min)
. Bellbird Park State Secondary College - 3.2km (5min)

Disclaimer: Photos are indicative only. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable however we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided and interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

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Terry Chen

Joy Realty
+ 61 0479075962
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More Details on , Goodna QLD

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does , Goodna have?


, Goodna is a 4 bedroom , 2 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed , Goodna?


The agency who listed , Goodna is Joy Realty - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does , Goodna have?


, Goodna is a 2 car spot home.

How much is , Goodna?


The price of , Goodna is Price From $750K - contact the agents to find out more.