SaleShearwater TAS 7307House9 St Georges Crescent
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Avatar of M. Click to visit the profile.
Michael Ziegler
+ 61 0409 764 219
Avatar of T. Click to visit the profile.
Tyla Pyke
+ 61 0439 228 888
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For sale



9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater, TAS, 7307, Australia

1118 m²Land size
Map of the surrounding area

About this Property

On arrival at this property you can feel that the whole place is quality. A vast four-bedroom home with three bathrooms, multiple living areas, huge entertainment area, an internal access oversized double garage and a shed that caters for just about any vehicle or toy you could want. Situated in a quiet crescent in the popular seaside town of Shearwater, a two minute stroll sees you at the pristine waterfront.

Here is a list of features…
Ducted heating system
Floor heating in en-suite
Double Glazed Windows
Large 8m x 10m Shed with extra high clearance roller doors
Security system throughout the house and shed
Oversized Double Internal Access Garage
Quality security screens on all outside doors
Walk in wardrobes in three bedrooms
Four toilets
Ample storage areas throughout
Quality rendered brick finish
Professional landscaping
Large separate entertainment area with kitchenette and extractor fans
Quality blinds throughout (Electric in living area and Entertainment area)
Incorporated sound system
Butlers Pantry

*The information contained herein has been supplied to us by sources which are considered reliable and we have no reason to doubt its accuracy. However, all interested parties should make their own enquiries to verify this information to be correct. All measurements are approximate and are for illustrative purposes only.

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Avatar of M. Click to visit the profile.

Michael Ziegler

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+ 61 0409 764 219
Avatar of T. Click to visit the profile.

Tyla Pyke

+ 61 0439 228 888
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More Details on 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater TAS

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater have?


9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater is a 4 bedroom , 3 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater?


The agency who listed 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater is LJ Hooker - DEVONPORT - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater have?


9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater is a 6 car spot home.

How much is 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater?


The price of 9 St Georges Crescent, Shearwater is $1,250,000 - contact the agents to find out more.