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Kelly Flanagan
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For sale



45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head, NSW, 2440, Australia

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About this Property

This parklike 7.9 hectare (19.5 acre) block (with a commenced Council Approval for 2 dwellings, shed, bore, water license and aquaculture business), is hitting the market, for the very first time, with a second Council Approval for Subdivision into 2 blocks.

This has been Council Approved to be subdivided into two blocks: 3.986Ha and 4Ha. The boundary fences and driveways are already done. Indeed, each block has already been given their new street numbers from Council.

All that needs completing for the subdivision is the physical connection of power into each block, the final survey (linen) plan completed and the registration of the new Lots with the NSW Land Registry Services. The easement for underground power supply to both Lots, has been approved by Essential Energy.

Therefore the subdivision development has 'commenced' (within the 5year deadline) and so you can complete it whenever you like, there's no rush.

"The choice is yours which way you go: don't complete it now and enjoy it all to yourself, complete it and register the two new Lot numbers and sell one or both off - knowing that if you keep the current 8Ha all for yourself now, you will always have the option to complete the subdivision later. What a great investment (and lifestyle choice)."

Buy it for yourself, your Superannuation Fund, buy it with a friend or family member or by it as an investment/development/business venture.

RU4 Zoning allows secondary homes (subject to normal Council regulations) – so there is potential of 4 dwellings all near each other, wow! This could make it a family affair or a great way to get your investment property portfolio pumping – you could set up a holiday retreat

- Currently 7.9ha (19.5 Acres) with two different Council Approvals (options) in place
- Approval 1: As is (8Ha) with a 'commenced' Council Approval for 2 dwellings, shed, bore, irrigation license
- Approval 2: as a two block subdivision ( a 3.986Ha. block and a 4 Ha block)
- The 3.986Ha building block is fenced and the driveway access done
- The 4Ha building block is fenced and driveway access done plus, it has a small dam and a license 19megalitre bore license and a bore already drilled
- 90% cleared, flood-free land with perfect drainage and aspect
- 10km to Crescent Head surf, tar road

Crescent Head 'is' the new Byron Bay – you get the beaches, the good vibe, clean beautiful landscape without the crazy amount of people. Top 10 Australian surf break.

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Kelly Flanagan

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Kelly Flanagan Real Estate
+ 427547925
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More Details on 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head NSW

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head have?


45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head is a studio rural

Who is the agency that listed 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head?


The agency who listed 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head is Kelly Flanagan Real Estate - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head have?


There were no car spots found on the listing for 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head.

How much is 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head?


The price of 45 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head is $1,350,000 - contact the agents to find out more.