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David Washington
+ 61 0403 167 459
Cassandra Washington
+ 61 0403 167 458
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For sale



16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para, SA, 5115, Australia

Map of the surrounding area
Nearest stations
Munno Para
329M (4 mins)
1.8KM (22 mins)

About this Property

This modern two-level townhouse was built in 2016 and is in the ever-popular Munno Para. Conveniently located close to local shopping facilities, schools, child care and the beautiful parks in the local area. This property is a must to view from downsizers, new families or even investors looking for a wonderful addition to their portfolio.

2 Bedrooms on the 2nd level both with split system heating and cooling
Main Bathroom on the 2nd level
Modern kitchen with dishwasher, Gas cook top, filtered water and ample cupboard space
Open plan living and dining with split system heating and cooling and roller shutters
2nd toilet/powder room downstairs
Laundry with access outside
Quality fittings & fixtures and high ceilings
Understairs storage and linen cupboard upstairs
Garage with automatic panel tilt door
Outdoor courtyards and paved pergola

If you're considering a property to live in or as an investment opportunity, there are a lot of facilities nearby Including Public transport and you are only minutes to the local shops. There are several established reserves in the local area, perfect for your daily exercise and recreation, plus many sporting communities for the whole family. Please call for more information.

RLA 300 185
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David Washington

eXp Australia
+ 61 0403 167 459

Cassandra Washington

eXp Australia
+ 61 0403 167 458
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More Details on 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para SA

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para have?


16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para is a 2 bedroom , 1 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para?


The agency who listed 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para is eXp Australia - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para have?


16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para is a 1 car spot home.

How much is 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para?


The price of 16 Mc Adam Street, Munno Para is $485,000 - contact the agents to find out more.