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Murray Kennedy
+ 61 0410 000 620
Tamara Laui
+ 61 0450588853
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For sale


$790,000 - $840,000

10 Regal Place, Bomaderry, NSW, 2541, Australia

861.3 m²Land size
Map of the surrounding area

Property Features

  • Ensuite
  • Open Fire Place
  • Split System Air Con

About this Property

What a fantastic opportunity to secure a perfect first home or investment property in arguably Bomaderry's finest address!!

Regal Place is a sophisticated and superbly maintained position and is set on 867m approx with easy access to all amenities and offering tranquility, peace and quiet.

A surprisingly large family home, although 3 bedrooms in total, the living spaces are vast and includes a formal lounge room, a separate meals area off the kitchen, plus a separate rumpus room.

There is potential here to add a 4th bedroom, and the backyard is a great size allowing plenty of room for the kids and pets to play.

The home is complete with a double lock up garage and wrap around pergola.

10 Regal Place is a real must see for those seeking a spacious home in a perfect position.

To find out more call Murray on 0410000620 or to arrange your inspection today.

The property is currently leased to fantastic tenants who may wish to stay if an investor is found.

However the property is available for both move in or for investment.

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Murray Kennedy

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Murray Kennedy Real Estate
+ 61 0410 000 620

Tamara Laui

Murray Kennedy Real Estate
+ 61 0450588853
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More Details on 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry NSW

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry have?


10 Regal Place, Bomaderry is a 3 bedroom , 2 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry?


The agency who listed 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry is Murray Kennedy Real Estate - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry have?


10 Regal Place, Bomaderry is a 2 car spot home.

How much is 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry?


The price of 10 Regal Place, Bomaderry is $790,000 - $840,000 - contact the agents to find out more.