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For rent


$780 Per Week

8 Haven Street, Harrison, ACT, 2914, Australia

Map of the surrounding area

About this Property

Upon taking your first step into this home, you will feel right at home with the large and welcoming open planned entrance and living spaces that are all fully tiled and immaculately finished with a new and modern feel, equipped with the modern appliances perfect for family cooking experiences!

This home is situated in the suburb of Harrison that is walking or even riding distance to nearby Schools, Early Learning Centres and Local Shopping and Cafe's!

This home is open-plan living at its absolute finest, with the addition of a second living area or rumpus room upstairs that can be used as a child's or even a parent's retreat!

Some of the newly appointed features of this family home include:
- Tiled family room with access to the back yard!
- Quality kitchen with Stone bench tops and stainless-steel appliances.
- Gas cooktop
- Dishwasher
- Guest powder room with additional shower!
- Laundry with AMPLE cupboard space
- Double Car Garage with internal and remote access
- Low maintenance, fully fenced yard with undercover entertaining areas and play spaces.
- Ducted heating and cooling throughout the property.
- Balcony from master bedroom overlooking the quiet street.

Pets will be considered upon application.

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More Details on 8 Haven Street, Harrison ACT

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 8 Haven Street, Harrison have?


8 Haven Street, Harrison is a 4 bedroom , 2 bathroom house.

Who is the agency that listed 8 Haven Street, Harrison?


The agency who listed 8 Haven Street, Harrison is LJ Hooker - Manuka - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 8 Haven Street, Harrison have?


8 Haven Street, Harrison is a 2 car spot home.

How much is 8 Haven Street, Harrison?


The price of 8 Haven Street, Harrison is $780 per week - contact the agents to find out more.