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Kirsten Paech
+ 61 0451 295 818
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For rent


$550 pw

607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia

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Nearest stations
1.1KM (14 mins)

About this Property

**********Pictures for reference purpose only**********

Imagine being able to immerse and soak up this city atmosphere at your choosing. To have the ability to revel in its many cafes, restaurants, boutique shops and hidden treasures at your leisure. Our apartments are the epitome of city living, and we offer the style and comfort that youd expect from living in Adelaide.

Perfectly positioned within close vicinity to the Victoria Square tram line and other public transport links that provide easy access around the CBD and beyond. Enjoy the abundance of cafes, restaurants and main CBD attractions such as the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide Oval, Adelaide Central Market, Adelaide Zoo, Art Gallery, Museum and Casino. This new apartment is the perfect way for you to sample the vibrant city lifestyle Adelaide has to offer.

A lovely free-flowing floorplan sees an ideal open plan living, kitchen and dining space met to incorporate a spacious terrace; the perfect spot for entertaining with a view of the surrounds.

Windows and the wonderful terrace space provide excellent views of the surrounding city; the perfect place to enjoy a morning coffee, relax and take in fresh air.

- Close to universities and reputable colleges
- Close to Chinatown, Victoria Square, City South & Various Entertainment Area
- Property included washing machine, dryer & Fridge
- Great Adelaide Hills view

Partially Furnished

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* Please complete the online application through 2Apply (Powered by InspectRealEstate) by clicking on "Request Inspection" or "Get in Touch". Both buttons will send an email with the link to submit your application. *

* Please note applications will not be processed until the property has been viewed in person. *
Please call Kirsten Paech 0451 295 818 for further information

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Kirsten Paech

Belle Property Adelaide City
+ 61 0451 295 818
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More Details on 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide SA

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide have?


607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide is a 1 bedroom , 1 bathroom apartment.

Who is the agency that listed 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide?


The agency who listed 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide is Belle Property Adelaide City - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide have?


There were no car spots found on the listing for 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide.

How much is 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide?


The price of 607/29 Angas Street, Adelaide is $550 per week - contact the agents to find out more.