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Tania Hastie
+ 61 0499 950 240
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R&W Figtree Administration
+ 61 0242230600
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For rent


$390 per week

4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville, NSW, 2500, Australia

Map of the surrounding area
Nearest stations
North Wollongong
628M (8 mins)
1.6KM (19 mins)

About this Property

Located in the sought after suburb of Gwynneville with access to the Village shops and Cafe's. Only a couple of minutes away from Wollongong CBD, The Botanic Gardens, schools and public transport.

The good size one bedroom unit is located on the ground floor of this well presented and well maintained complex.
Other features include:

- Tiled flooring for easy upkeep
- The bedroom contains a built in wardrobe
- Modern and practical kitchen with plenty of cupboard space
- Internal laundry
- Your own off street parking space


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Tania Hastie

Richardson and Wrench Figtree
+ 61 0499 950 240
Avatar of R. Click to visit the profile.

R&W Figtree Administration

Richardson and Wrench Figtree
+ 61 0242230600
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More Details on 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville NSW

How many bedrooms and bathrooms does 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville have?


4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville is a 1 bedroom , 1 bathroom apartment.

Who is the agency that listed 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville?


The agency who listed 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville is Richardson and Wrench Figtree - you can contact the agents here.

How many car spots does 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville have?


4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville is a 1 car spot home.

How much is 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville?


The price of 4/15 Hillview Avenue, Gwynneville is $390 per week - contact the agents to find out more.