
Proptech Carpool with Josh Saliba – Dedication in the real estate industry

Josh Saliba may just be one of the most hardworking real estate professional we’ve met. Josh has amazing work ethics and self discipline. He wakes up earlier than Dwayne Johnson at 2:50AM each day. “The best advice is to outwork everyone. The worst advice is to sleep when you’re dead” You’ll never guess what he […]

Proptech Carpool with James Hayashi – Overcoming fear

Catch our very first Carpool Proptech video featuring James Hayashi. James is a familiar face in the real estate industry in Australia. He started out as sales agent but he found his calling as an auctioneer. Today, James is the Head Auctioneer for Phillips Pantzer Donnelley Real Estate. The more people you connect with, the […]