
Parental Guarantee for Rent: What You Need to Know

May 21, 2024
Parental Guarantee for Rent: What You Need to Know

Key takeaways:

  • Parental guarantees provide financial security to landlords, ensuring timely rent payments.
  • Involves a parent or guardian co-signing the lease, becoming legally responsible if the tenant cannot pay.
  • Benefits renters with limited financial history by increasing access to better properties.
  • To set up, discuss with guarantor, prepare documents, and submit a signed guarantee form to the landlord.

Finding a rental property can be tough, especially for first-time renters or those with a limited rental history. That’s where a parental guarantee for rent comes in.

A parental guarantee can help you secure a rental property by having a parent or guardian co-sign your lease, promising to cover the rent if you can’t.

In this article, we’ll explain what a parental guarantee is, how it works, and why it might be the key to getting the rental property you want.

Whether you’re a new renter or a parent wanting to help your child, understanding the ins and outs of a parental guarantee can make the rental process smoother and more secure.

What is a Parental Guarantee?

A parental guarantee is an agreement where a parent or guardian or guarantor agrees to pay the rent if the tenant is unable to do so.

This arrangement can be a lifesaver for renters who have little or no rental history, low income, or are new to the rental market.

Here’s how it works:

  • Co-Signing the Lease: The parent or guardian co-signs the lease, effectively becoming a guarantor. This means they legally commit to paying the rent if the tenant fails to do so.
  • Providing Assurance to Landlords: For landlords, a parental guarantee provides extra security. It reduces the risk of unpaid rent and gives them confidence that the rent will be paid on time.
  • Helping Renters Secure a Property: For renters, especially students or young adults, a parental guarantee can make the difference between getting approved for a rental property or not.

Example of a Parental Guarantee

Let’s assume you want to rent a property, and the monthly rent is $1,500. However, you have a limited rental history and low income. Your parents agree to act as guarantors to help you secure the property.

This agreement assures the landlord that if you can’t pay the rent, your parents will cover it, making it easier for you to secure the rental property.

Benefits of a Parental Guarantee

For Renters:

  • Easier Approval: A parental guarantee can help renters with no rental history or lower income get approved for a rental property.
  • Better Rental Options: With a guarantee, renters may have access to find better rental properties or more competitive rental markets.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that a parent or guardian can step in if needed provides peace of mind.

For Landlords:

  • Reduced Risk: Landlords face less risk of unpaid rent, making them more willing to rent to individuals with less rental history or lower income.
  • Stable Income: Guaranteed rent payments mean more stable and predictable income.
  • Tenant Support: Landlords can be more confident that the tenant has a support system in place to ensure rent is paid.

How to Set Up a Parental Guarantee

Setting up a parental guarantee involves a few steps. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Discuss with the Parent or Guardian:
    • Ensure they are willing and able to take on this responsibility.
  2. Prepare the Necessary Documents:
    • These typically include proof of income, identification, and possibly a credit check for the guarantor.
  3. Sign the Parental Guarantee Form:
    • Both the tenant and the guarantor need to sign the parental guarantee form. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the guarantee.
  4. Submit to the Landlord or Property Manager:
    • The signed form and any required documents are submitted to the landlord or property manager for approval.

Setting up a rent guarantor can be done in a couple of ways. Here are the two main options:

  1. Add the Guarantor as a ‘Tenant’ on the Lease
  2. Create a Rent Guarantor Letter and Attach It to the Lease

To help you decide which option is better for your situation, let’s examine each perspective with a comparative table.

Comparative Table of Rent Guarantor Options

AspectOption 1: Guarantor as TenantOption 2: Rent Guarantor Letter
DescriptionThe guarantor is added as a tenant on the lease agreement, noted as a non-living occupant but responsible for all tenant obligations.A separate agreement attached to the lease, where the guarantor promises to pay the rent if the tenant cannot.
Legal ResponsibilityThe guarantor is legally responsible for rent payments and property upkeep, similar to the primary tenant.The guarantor is only responsible for rent payments if the tenant fails to pay, with no obligation for property upkeep.
Security for LandlordHigh – Provides a clear legal path to recoup unpaid rent from the guarantor since they are on the lease agreement as a tenant.Moderate – Less clear legal path to recoup unpaid rent, except in certain areas like Victoria where specific conditions apply.
Involvement in TenancyHigh – The guarantor is involved in all aspects of the tenancy, including legal and maintenance responsibilities.Low – The guarantor’s involvement is limited to financial support, with no direct involvement in the daily management of the tenancy.
Tenant’s PreferenceLow – Tenants may feel overly monitored by the guarantor and may prefer less involvement from them in their daily living arrangements.High – Tenants prefer this option as it provides the necessary support without the guarantor being involved in everyday tenancy issues.
Guarantor’s PreferenceLow – Guarantors may not want the additional legal responsibilities and prefer not to be deeply involved in the tenant’s living situation.High – Guarantors can provide support without being heavily involved in the tenant’s affairs, reducing their legal and maintenance responsibilities.
Ease of SetupModerate – Requires adding the guarantor to the lease agreement and ensuring all legal obligations are clearly outlined.High – Involves creating a separate guarantor letter and attaching it to the lease, typically simpler to formalize.
Impact on Tenant’s IndependenceHigh – May reduce the tenant’s sense of independence as the guarantor is a co-tenant with full visibility of the tenancy.Low – Maintains the tenant’s independence as the guarantor is not directly involved in the tenancy beyond financial support.
Suitability for Long-Term TenancyHigh – Suitable for long-term tenancy as it provides continuous legal assurance to the landlord.Moderate – Suitable for shorter terms or when legal assurance is less critical, with potential limitations in enforceability.
Typical Use CasesHigh-risk tenants, such as those with no rental history or unstable income, where landlords require maximum security.Situations where the tenant has moderate risk, such as young adults or students, needing parental support without full co-tenancy.
Legal ConsiderationsMust ensure compliance with tenancy laws and clearly outline the guarantor’s responsibilities to avoid disputes.Needs to be drafted carefully to be legally binding and enforceable, considering the jurisdiction’s specific legal requirements.

Example Scenarios

Option 1: Add the Guarantor as a ‘Tenant’ on the Lease

In this scenario, the guarantor becomes a tenant on the lease agreement. They are responsible for all tenant obligations, providing strong security for the landlord but possibly too much involvement for both the tenant and the guarantor.

Option 2: Create a Rent Guarantor Letter and Attach It to the Lease

This separate agreement states that the guarantor will pay the rent if the tenant does not. It offers less legal security for the landlord but is preferred by both the tenant and the guarantor due to lower involvement.

Example of a Parental Guarantee Form

To help you understand what a parental guarantee form looks like, here’s an example of the key elements included:

Guarantor InformationName, Address, Contact Information
Tenant InformationName, Address, Rental Property Details
Guarantee TermsDuration, Responsibilities, Conditions
SignaturesTenant, Guarantor, Witness/Notary Public

By following these steps, you can set up a parental guarantee that provides security for both the renter and the landlord.

Also, you can choose from Parental Guarantee Form templates that are available online.

For detailed guidance on establishing a rent guarantor agreement, consider reviewing this resource on rent guarantor setups.

Common Questions and Concerns About Parental Guarantee for Rent

Understanding the details of a parental guarantee can help both renters and guarantors feel more confident about this arrangement. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Q1: What is the main purpose of a parental guarantee?

The main purpose is to provide additional security for landlords by ensuring that rent will be paid if the tenant is unable to do so. It helps renters, especially those with limited rental history or lower income, secure a rental property.

Q2: Who can be a guarantor?

Typically, a parent or guardian acts as the guarantor, but any family member or close relative with a stable financial situation can also take on this role.

Q3: What are the responsibilities of a guarantor?

A guarantor is responsible for covering the rent if the tenant fails to pay. This includes any missed payments and potentially other related costs like damages, depending on the agreement.

Q4: How long does a parental guarantee last?

The duration of the guarantee is usually specified in the rental agreement. It can last for the entire lease period or a specified term agreed upon by all parties.

Q5: Can a guarantor withdraw their guarantee?

Generally, a guarantor cannot withdraw their guarantee once the lease agreement is signed unless all parties agree to modify the terms or find a replacement guarantor.

Q6: What if the guarantor is unable to pay?

If the guarantor is unable to pay, the landlord may take legal action to recover the owed rent. It’s important for guarantors to fully understand their financial obligations before signing.

Q7: Is a parental guarantee the same as a rental bond?

No, a rental bond is a security deposit paid at the start of the tenancy, while a parental guarantee is a commitment from a third party to cover unpaid rent if necessary.

Q8: How can I protect myself as a guarantor?

To protect yourself, make sure to understand the terms of the agreement thoroughly, set clear conditions with the tenant (your child or relative), keep communication open with both the tenant and the landlord, and consider seeking legal advice before signing the agreement.

Q9: Do all landlords accept parental guarantees?

Not all landlords require or accept parental guarantees. It depends on their policies and the rental market conditions. Always check with the landlord or property manager.

Q10: How can a parental guarantee be formalized?

The parental guarantee can be formalized through a written agreement that is signed by the guarantor, tenant, and landlord. This document should be clear about the responsibilities and terms.


A parental guarantee can be a valuable tool for both renters and landlords. It helps renters secure a property and provides landlords with added financial security. By understanding how a parental guarantee works, the benefits it offers, and the responsibilities involved, both parties can make informed decisions.

If you’re considering a parental guarantee, make sure to discuss it thoroughly, understand the obligations, and formalize the agreement with all necessary details. This will help ensure a smooth and stress-free rental experience for everyone involved.

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