
How to Rent Out a Property the Easy Way

July 10, 2023
how to rent out a property

Key takeaways:

    • Choose the right rental strategy and prepare your property for rent

    • Conduct market research to determine a competitive rental price

    • Advertise online, screen tenants, ensure legal compliance & secure landlord insurance

Imagine you find yourself pondering the question, “Should I sell my house or rent it out?” After careful consideration, you decide to rent your house. While renting out a property in Australia may initially appear challenging, fear not. with the right knowledge and guidance on how to rent out a property, it can be a smooth and profitable experience.

You do have to think about rental property expenses and how long the home has to be owner occupied before renting it out, but we’ll help you along the way.

From choosing the right rental strategy to selecting the best tenants and managing your rental, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process, helping you make informed decisions every step of the way.

Choosing the Right Rental Strategy

When it comes to managing a rental property, there are two primary options to choose from: self-management or enlisting the services of a professional property manager. The decision ultimately depends on your personal preferences, time availability, and familiarity with rental regulations.

Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Self-management allows for greater autonomy and potential cost savings, but requires significant investment in time and knowledge of rental laws. On the other hand, hiring a property manager offers convenience and specialized knowledge, but comes with associated fees and less direct oversight.

By considering the crucial factors and understanding the things to know before renting out your home, you can weigh the pros and cons of each option effectively. This evaluation will ultimately help you determine the best strategy for your unique situation, ensuring a successful and profitable rental experience.

Self-Management Advantages and Disadvantages

Self-management provides more control and potential cost savings compared to hiring a real estate agent, making it an attractive option for property owners who want to rent out a property without an agent. However it necessitates an investment of time, effort, and familiarity with rental laws and regulations.

It can be time-consuming and labor-intensive for property owners who choose to manage their property privately, as it involves setting a rental rate, advertising the property, staying abreast of any relevant legislative changes, managing paperwork, and arranging inspections.

Additionally, it is essential for a self-managing landlord to be aware of and comply with the relevant governing bodies, building safety, strata, and short-term accommodation laws to ensure a successful property investment.

Property Management Benefits and Drawbacks

Hiring a local property manager provides convenience and specialized knowledge, however, it also entails additional costs and a reduced level of direct control over the property. Engaging a property manager can be a cost-effective measure for landlords, as it can save them both time and money, as well as provide them with knowledge of the local rental market.

However, employing a property manager can incur additional costs, as their fee typically ranges from 8 to 12% of the total weekly rent, plus a letting fee for finding a tenant.

Despite the costs, the benefits of working with an experienced property manager can outweigh the drawbacks, especially for landlords who are new to property investing or have limited time to dedicate to managing their properties.

Preparing Your Property for Rent

how to rent out a property

Before you rent out your property, it is vital to address any maintenance issues, clean the property, and present it in an appealing manner to attract quality tenants. A well-maintained and clean property can command a higher rent, while also reducing the risk of potential disputes with tenants on the rental market.

Maintenance and repairs are essential to ensure the property is safe and functional for tenants. Additionally, professional cleaning services or renovations may be necessary to ensure the property meets the necessary standards. Enhancing the property or incorporating additional components, like applying new paint on the walls, replacing window fixtures, and updating appliances, can also contribute to its appeal.

Keep in mind that costs associated with renting out a property, such as maintenance costs, capital gains tax, insurance, and property management fees, should also be taken into consideration.

Maintenance and Repairs

It is essential to guarantee that the property is secure to inhabit before leasing it out. Addressing common maintenance issues, such as broken fixtures and exterior problems, ensures the property is in good condition for your tenants. Should any items be damaged in the property, arrangements should be made to repair or replace them accordingly.

A well-maintained property not only attracts high-quality tenants, but also maintains a positive relationship between the landlord and tenant, increasing the likelihood of a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

Cleaning and Presentation

Cleaning and presentation are crucial aspects of preparing your property for rent, as they can significantly influence a potential tenant’s decision to choose your property. A deep clean of the property should encompass ensuring the home is sparkling clean and tidy, both internally and externally. Decluttering and adding finishing touches, such as fresh paint or new appliances, can enhance the property’s appeal and make it more attractive to prospective tenants.

High-quality photos that accurately reflect the property’s condition can also help showcase its potential and attract more interest from potential renters.

Determining the Rental Price

how to rent out a property

Setting the right rental price for your property is crucial to ensure it doesn’t remain vacant for extended periods and generates a steady rental income. Determining the rental price requires market research and considering factors such as location and amenities. Researching local market trends and comparable leases can help you assess an appropriate rental price for your property.

A rental appraisal can be acquired from a knowledgeable property manager in the area who can provide valuable information about rental properties. It is also essential to consider the features of your property that may make it appealing to potential tenants, such as proximity to public transport, schools, and shopping centers.

Ultimately, establishing a suitable rental price will help prevent the property from remaining unoccupied for extended periods and allow you to secure consistent rental income.

Market Research

To conduct successful market research for a rental property, it is essential to assess rental market trends, understand vacancy rates, competition, and know how to work out rental yield. Online resources such as can provide valuable insights into rental prices in your area.

Analyzing rental prices and amenities of similar properties in the vicinity, as well as the occupancy rates of local properties, will help you determine a competitive rental price. By thoroughly researching the local market, you can set a rental price that is both fair and attractive to potential tenants.

Location and Amenities

Location and amenities play a significant role in determining the rental price of your property. Properties in desirable areas and with sought-after features typically command higher rents. When assessing the demand for the location and the amenities provided, conduct research on the local market and analyze any trends in rental prices.

Additionally, consider the features of your property, such as proximity to public transport, parks, schools, and shopping centers, which may make it more appealing to potential tenants. By taking location and amenities into account, you can set a rental price that accurately reflects the value of your property and attracts the right tenants.

Marketing Your Property

how to rent out a property

Effectively marketing your property is crucial to attract potential tenants and secure a rental agreement quickly. Marketing your property involves online advertising and open house inspections, which allow prospective tenants to view the property in person and help create a competitive environment.

Online advertising is an essential component of marketing your property, as it increases visibility and reaches a larger audience. Listing your property on popular rental websites, such as, and using high-quality photos and descriptions will showcase its features and attract more interest from potential renters.

Open house inspections, on the other hand, provide an opportunity for potential tenants to view the property in person and ask any questions they may have. Properly preparing for inspections by cleaning and presenting the property in an appealing manner can make a significant difference in securing a tenant quickly.

Online Advertising

Listing your property on reputable rental websites, such as our website, is a crucial aspect of online advertising. Our platform provides an effective avenue for reaching a wide audience of potential renters. Utilizing high-quality photos and captivating descriptions that highlight the property’s unique features will help showcase its potential and attract more interest.

At, we take it a step further. Our website leverages advanced AI technology to connect your property with the perfect buyers or renters. Through intelligent algorithms, our platform matches your property’s attributes with the preferences of potential tenants, ensuring that your listing reaches the right audience.

This targeted approach enhances the visibility of your property and increases the likelihood of finding the ideal tenants quickly and efficiently. Embracing AI-driven technology on our website takes your online advertising to the next level, maximizing your chances of success in the competitive rental market.

Open House Inspections

Open house inspections are an excellent opportunity for potential tenants to view the property in person, ask questions, and get a feel for the space. To ensure a successful open house inspection, thoroughly clean the property, secure it, provide informative brochures, and be prepared to answer any questions from potential tenants.

During the inspection, maintain a friendly and professional manner, respond to inquiries, and provide a tour of the property. Following the inspection, reach out to prospective tenants, supply them with any additional information required, and ensure that all applications are documented.

Open house inspections create a competitive environment, which can help you secure a tenant quickly and efficiently.

Tenant Screening and Selection

how to rent out a property

Tenant screening and selection are crucial aspects of the rental process, as they help you find the best possible tenant for your property. This involves reviewing applications and conducting background checks to ensure the applicant is reliable and a good fit for your property. By carefully selecting tenants, you can minimize the risk of rental payment issues and property damages, ensuring a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

The application review process includes assessing the applicant’s rental history, employment status, and financial stability. Background checks involve verifying the applicant’s rental and employment history, checking references, and searching tenancy databases for any red flags. By thoroughly screening and selecting tenants, you can minimize potential issues and ensure a successful tenancy for both parties.

Application Review

Assessing an applicant’s rental history is an essential part of the application review process, as it provides insight into the applicant’s reliability and rental behavior. This includes obtaining references from prior landlords, verifying the applicant’s rental history, and confirming that the applicant has not been evicted in the past.

Assessing the applicant’s employment status is also important, as it helps ensure they have a consistent source of income to cover the rent. Finally, evaluating the financial security of the applicant involves reviewing their credit score, validating their bank statements, and confirming that they have adequate funds to cover the rent.

Background Checks

Background checks are a crucial part of the tenant screening process, as they help ensure the applicant is reliable and a good fit for your property. Verifying the applicant’s rental and employment history provides insight into their rental behavior and financial stability. Checking references, such as those from previous landlords, employers, and colleagues, can provide additional information about the applicant’s reliability and trustworthiness.

Additionally, searching tenancy databases, such as the National Tenancy Database, can reveal any red flags that may impact the applicant’s suitability as a tenant. By conducting thorough background checks, you can minimize potential issues and ensure a successful tenancy.

Rental Agreements and Bonds

how to rent out a property

Rental agreements and bonds are essential components of the rental process, ensuring both parties are protected and aware of their rights and responsibilities. A residential tenancy agreement is a legally-binding document that outlines the rental terms and conditions for both parties, including rent amount, lease duration, and tenant and landlord obligations.

A rental bond serves as a security measure for the landlord in the event of property damage or unpaid rent and encourages tenants to adhere to the tenancy agreement.

When drafting a residential tenancy agreement, it is important to include information such as the rental amount, payment due date, length of the tenancy, and any applicable regulations the tenant must adhere to. A rental bond, on the other hand, is a security deposit held by a state authority to cover any unpaid rent or property damage caused by the tenant.

Both the tenancy agreement and the rental bond are crucial in providing legal protection for both parties, ensuring a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

Residential Tenancy Agreement

A residential tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and tenant that outlines the conditions of the rental arrangement, including the rent amount, lease duration, and tenant and landlord obligations. The rent amount will be contingent upon the market rate for the area and the condition of the property. The lease duration is usually 6 or 12 months, but can be discussed and agreed upon between the tenant and landlord.

The tenant is obligated to pay rent on time, abide by the terms of the agreement, and maintain the property in a satisfactory condition. The landlord must provide a secure and habitable property, fulfill required repairs, and respect the tenant’s privacy.

Rental Bond

A rental bond is a sum of money provided by the tenant to the landlord or property manager at the commencement of the lease and is retained throughout the tenancy period. The bond serves as a security measure for the landlord in the event of property damage or unpaid rent.

In Australia, the maximum amount of rental bond permissible is generally four weeks’ rent, unless the weekly rent is more than $900 or if the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has set a higher maximum bond for the rental property.

The bond paid at the commencement of tenancy should be refunded completely as long as the tenant does not owe any money to the landlord and property is not damaged. No liabilities or damage to the property means no deductions from deposit refunded.

Managing Your Rental Property

Managing your rental property involves various tasks, such as rent collection, maintenance and repairs, and ensuring legal compliance. By staying on top of these responsibilities, you can ensure a successful and long-lasting tenancy for both you and your tenant.

Rent collection requires setting up a system for receiving payments and addressing any late or missed payments promptly. Maintenance and repairs involve addressing any issues that arise during the tenancy and conducting regular inspections to ensure the property remains in good condition.

Legal compliance requires staying up-to-date with rental laws and regulations, including lease agreements, rental bonds, and tenant rights and responsibilities.

By effectively managing your rental property, you can minimize potential issues and ensure a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

Rent Collection

Setting up a system for receiving rental payments is crucial for maintaining a consistent cash flow and ensuring a successful tenancy. Establishing criteria for rent collection, such as being explicit about the due date, late fees, and payment methods accepted, can help to streamline the process and minimize potential issues.

Establishing a consistent rent collection policy requires setting clear expectations, maintaining regular communication with tenants, and documenting all interactions. By setting up a reliable rent collection system, you can ensure timely payments and address any late or missed payments promptly, ensuring a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

Maintenance and Repairs

Addressing maintenance and repairs during the tenancy is essential for ensuring the property remains in good condition and minimizing potential disputes with tenants. As a landlord, it is your responsibility to ensure the rental property is kept in a reasonable state of repair, taking into account the age of the property.

The tenant is responsible for minor repairs and maintenance, such as replacing light bulbs and unclogging drains. Conducting regular inspections helps to identify any issues that may arise during the tenancy and allows you to address them in a timely manner, ensuring a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

Legal Compliance

how to rent out a property

Ensuring legal compliance is a crucial aspect of managing a rental property. This involves staying up-to-date with rental laws and regulations, including lease agreements, rental bonds, and tenant rights and responsibilities. As a landlord, you must guarantee the property is safe, secure, adequately clean, and suitable for habitation.

Providing the required rental documents, such as the residential tenancy agreement, the entry condition report, and the bond lodgement, prior to the commencement of the tenancy is also essential. By ensuring legal compliance, you can minimize potential issues and protect both you and your tenant’s rights and interests during the tenancy.

Landlord Insurance

Landlord insurance offers financial protection for landlords, providing coverage for various risks associated with leasing out a property. It covers rental loss, rent default, property damage, legal fees, and public liability associated with renting out a property.

Having landlord insurance in place can provide peace of mind and protect your investment in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Different types of coverage are included in landlord insurance, such as rental loss, rent default, property damage, legal fees, and public liability. When selecting a landlord insurance policy, it is important to research various options and consider factors such as coverage limits, deductibles, and policy exclusions.

By choosing the right policy, you can ensure your property is protected and minimize any potential financial risks associated with renting out your property.

Types of Coverage

Landlord insurance typically includes various types of coverage to protect your investment and minimize potential risks. Coverage for rental loss encompasses the loss of rental income resulting from a tenant’s failure to pay or damage to the property. Rent default entails the tenant’s non-payment of rent.

Property damage insurance covers damage to the property caused by the tenant, legal fees insurance covers legal costs associated with disputes between the landlord and tenant, and public liability insurance covers the landlord’s legal liability for injury or damage caused by the tenant.

By understanding the different types of coverage, you can select a landlord insurance policy that best suits your needs and protects your investment.

Choosing the Right Policy

Choosing the right landlord insurance policy involves researching different options and considering factors such as coverage limits, deductibles, and policy exclusions.

Assess the coverage required, taking into account the value and contents of your property, as well as the essential features of an insurance policy, such as loss of rent coverage, damage or theft by tenants, legal liability, and protection against unexpected occurrences such as fire, storm, and vandalism.

By carefully considering these factors and comparing different policies, you can select the most suitable landlord insurance policy for your rental property, ensuring financial protection and peace of mind.

Working with a Property Manager

Working with property managers can help streamline the rental process and ensure your property is well-managed. A property manager can provide expertise in creating listings that draw attention from potential tenants, and can assist in determining the best way to showcase the property.

Their knowledge and experience in the rental market can also prove invaluable in navigating the various aspects of property management, from tenant screening to legal compliance.

To find a quality property manager, research and interview potential candidates, looking for qualities such as communication, organization, local knowledge, and references. Collaborating with your property manager involves maintaining regular communication, providing necessary information and resources, and trusting their expertise to manage your property effectively.

By fostering a strong working relationship with your property manager, you can ensure your property is well-managed, resulting in a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

Finding a Quality Property Manager

Finding a quality property manager involves conducting thorough research and evaluating potential candidates based on their experience, communication skills, organization, local knowledge, and references. Investigate local options, conduct research, and review available references and testimonials to gain a deeper understanding of their service and how they conduct operations.

By taking the time to find the right property manager, you can ensure a smoother rental process and a successful tenancy for both you and your tenant.

Collaborating with Your Property Manager

how to rent out a property

Collaborating with your property manager is essential for a successful tenancy. Maintain regular communication and establish clear expectations, such as rental pricing and property maintenance. Provide your property manager with all necessary information and resources, and trust their expertise to manage your property effectively.

By fostering a strong working relationship with your property manager, you can ensure your property is well-managed, maximizing your rental income and minimizing potential issues.


Renting out a property in Australia can be a rewarding and profitable experience with the right knowledge and guidance.

By carefully considering your rental strategy, preparing your property for rent, determining the rental price, marketing your property, screening and selecting tenants, managing rental agreements and bonds, and working with a property manager, you can ensure a successful and long-lasting tenancy.

With the insights provided in this comprehensive guide, you are now well-equipped to navigate the rental process and make informed decisions to maximize your rental income and protect your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do you have to stay in a house before renting it out in Australia?

In Australia, the duration you need to stay in a house before renting it out can vary depending on factors such as state regulations and specific mortgage agreements. Generally, there is no strict requirement to live in a house for a specific period before renting it out. However, it is important to familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and consult your mortgage lender or insurance company to understand any specific conditions or restrictions that may apply to your situation.

If you would like more detailed information on this topic, we recommend reading our comprehensive article on “Do you have to live in a house for a year before renting It out?” This article will provide you with in-depth insights into the regulations, considerations, and potential requirements related to renting out a property in Australia.

How do I do a private rent in NSW?

Complete an application form, pay a deposit and rent in advance, set a start date, sign the Residential Tenancy Agreement, lodge the bond with Service NSW and fill in a property condition report to do a private rent in NSW.

This process can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right preparation and knowledge, you can make the process of renting a property in NSW a smooth and stress-free experience.

The first step is to complete an application form. This form will ask for your personal details.

What is the average cost of rent in Australia?

On average, weekly rent in Australia is listed at $570 across all dwellings and $594 in capital cities according to a 2023 CoreLogic rental report.

Is it legal to run a business from a residential property Australia?

It is legal to run a business from a residential property in Australia as long as you have registered for an Australian Business Number (ABN) and obtained any required licenses or permits.

Additionally, it’s important to consider any potential impacts on your surrounding residential area that may arise.

What are the responsibilities of a landlord in WA?

As a landlord in WA, you are responsible for providing and maintaining the premises in a reasonable state of repair throughout the tenancy, including taking care of urgent repairs when necessary.

This means that you must ensure that the property is safe and secure, and that any necessary repairs are carried out in a timely manner. You must also ensure that any appliances or fixtures provided with the property are in good working order.

What are the key differences between self-managing a property and hiring a property manager?

Self-managing a property allows more control and the potential for cost savings, but requires time and effort.

Alternatively, hiring a property manager offers convenience and specialized knowledge, but comes with fees and reduced direct oversight.

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