
How to Downsize Your Home

February 18, 2022
downsize your home

They say that less is more, but what exactly is considered ‘less?’ Having to downsize your home can be a daunting task if you don’t know exactly how to approach it.

Whether you are moving, beginning a renovation, or simply in need of a scenery change, it is essential that you approach it the best way possible. Minimise your stress and accomplish your downsizing goals by following these steps.   

The sooner you downsize the better

The downsizing process can take up a lot of time and a lot of effort. If your goal is to downsize your home, it is recommended that you begin your course of action at least 3 months before the deadline. 

You can decide on the one-a-day method where you let go of one item each day until your official deadline. Or you can take on your clutter by category, getting rid of clothes, books, or miscellaneous items that are not of use anymore. Whatever the method, it is important to be methodical with the timeline of your downsizing.  

Clear out one room at a time

downsize your home to an apartment

Downsizing your home is an impressive feat that most would not be able to complete in just one day. Because of this, decluttering or organising becomes more manageable once broken down into smaller projects. 

An example of taking it one room at a time could be focusing on going through old DVDs and video games one day. The next day, your focus can be on the “junk drawer” in your home. After that, you can redirect your energy to your shoe collection and which ones you find most valuable to keep.  

Know your next steps

Before your big move or transition, you must know exactly what you are working with. First, consider the main reasons why you are downsizing. Then, it will be a lot easier to sort through to find what you will use in your new lifestyle. 

Asking yourself these three questions can save a lot of time and energy: 

  • what are your top reasons for downsizing? 
  • What opportunities will downsizing create?
  •  And are there new activities you’d like to explore? 


This step is considered one of the most important, especially for people who are not so keen on organisation.

Setting ground rules for things you need to get rid of will save you from emotional turmoil. Compartmentalising between belongings you’ll keep, donate or sell, trash or recycle, and pass down or memorialise is a sure strategy to save time.  

You can even consider things that you plan on repurposing. Depending on your goals for downsizing, creating categories for specific things makes the process a lot more seamless and orderly. 

If you need a harder push to do so, consider the following questions when deciding between keeping an item versus dumping it:

  • Have you used it in the past six months?
  • Is it sentimental? Does it make you happy?
  • Does it fit in your new lifestyle? 
downsize your bedroom

And remember…

Downsizing your home does not need to be a taxing, stressful task that leaves you in shambles. Your decision to do so stems from a deep desire for change in one capacity or another.  If you take the right steps and organise in the right ways, downsizing will be over before you know it.

If you’re looking for the right home for your downsizing, we can also help you out in that department. Browse our search page to check out some amazing listings available right now. But don’t just stop there, download our app to get the full Soho experience. Just remember to shortlist or swipe left on our listings so we can send you others that better match what you’re looking for.

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