
Home Rental Downsizing in Adelaide

October 11, 2022
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In today’s consumer-centric world, the word “downsizing” may sound like treason. You’re supposed to aim high, rent a house with a swimming pool, and throw outlandish Sunday brunch parties under the grand veranda in your backyard while celebrating how nice it is to have a bigger house than everyone else.

Let’s get real—that lifestyle becomes expensive very quickly. The pool that sounded great when you rented the house, but it never gets used and costs a fortune, and maybe the kids have moved out and you’re left living in a place that takes all day to clean. Today’s article will explore the concept of downsizing and why it might make sense to consider switching rental properties in Adelaide.

Why Should You Downsize?

As the old saying goes, more money means more problems. Bigger homes are great when you’re flush with cash and have a larger family that needs space, but they come at a financial and psychological cost–this is especially true when you consider the time and money it takes to search for a home and factor in the price of building inspections in Adelaide.

A bigger home comes with a bigger electric bill, it can take hours to clean, and paying someone to mow the lawn is more expensive. In today’s work-from-home world, many people find themselves trapped in two rooms of their home—the office and the bedroom.

Working from home for that many hours a day can make you yearn to get outside for a breath of fresh air; sometimes the last place you want to be when not working from home is sitting in that very same place. 

Home Rental Downsizing in Adelaide

Minimalism is becoming a trend around the world. With popular TV and Youtube series showcasing tiny homes and converted van living, people are realising that there’s more to life than the home where you live.

Anyone who has travelled extensively can tell you that the longer you travel, the cheaper and smaller your hotel rooms or rental homes become–why are you sitting in your overpriced hotel while on vacation?

Shouldn’t you be outside enjoying the sights or having a nice day in the park instead? The only thing you really need a home for is sleeping, cooking, and showering—beyond that, the rest of your life is waiting for you outside those four walls. 

Lastly, for those people who enjoy luxury living in exclusive neighbourhoods, why not downsize your four-bedroom house in the suburbs for a two-bedroom cottage in an exclusive neighbourhood for the same cost? You’ll end up saving money on the commute, and living in trendy places doesn’t have to be expensive if you’re willing to downsize your space!

Tips for Downsizing

Home Rental Downsizing in Adelaide

Before you go from renting a four-bedroom house to living in a van, be sure to ask yourself: What is it about my current house that I don’t like? Is the yard too big? Am I tired of climbing to the third floor of my townhouse just to do the laundry?

These are important questions that will determine what your next home should be. After the kids have moved out, you might find you only need two bedrooms instead of three—one for your bedroom and the other for your office or study. The same goes for the kitchen that once needed to feed three kids and now only needs to provide room for cooking pasta for two twice a week. 

Part of the downsizing process is finding things you can live without–we know you really love grandma’s antique grand piano, but if it hasn’t been played in years and is just taking up space, why not sell it off? 

Final Thoughts

Between savings and less time spent cleaning, you’ll find yourself happier and freer to enjoy the things you love to do. Ask friends who’ve downsized and see how it has changed their life for the better—the answers you get may surprise you, and you’ll find that some of those Adelaide property rental myths just might not be true.

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