
Open House Inspection: 7 Tips for Agents

August 23, 2024
Open House Inspection: 7 Tips for Agents

Key takeaways:

  • Preparation is Key: Start planning your open house at least 3 weeks in advance to ensure everything runs smoothly. 🗓️
  • First Impressions Matter: A clean, well-staged property makes a lasting impression on buyers. 🏡
  • Leverage Technology: Use Soho Live Cast to reach more potential buyers through live streaming. 📲

An open house is the best chance for any agent to showcase a property to buyers. A well-run open house can sell a property quickly by creating a lasting first impression.

Here are the top tips to make the most of your open houses including how to use Soho Live Cast to reach more people and engage with buyers.

1. Prepare for Success

Preparation is key to a successful open house. Start planning at least 3 weeks in advance so everything is covered.

  • Set the Date: Choose a date and time that suits you and the owners.
  • Notify Neighbours: Let neighbours know about the open house; they may know someone interested.
  • Make a Checklist: Keep track of tasks like cleaning, staging and marketing.
  • Budget: Allocate funds for tasks like cleaning, minor repairs and promotional materials.

By planning ahead you can control everything. By giving yourself time you can coordinate with the owners, prepare the property and market the event to get more people there.

This way nothing gets missed out on the day of the open house.

2. Property Presentation

A well-presented property is key to making a good first impression at an open house. Cleanliness and staging are important to show the house at its best.

  • Deep Clean: Focus on skirting boards, door handles and windows. These small things make a big difference.
  • Declutter: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a neutral space.
  • Stage Each Room: Use staging to show the functionality and appeal of each room.
  • Curb Appeal: Tidy the yard and refresh the entrance. A clean and staged house allows buyers to see the full potential of the property.

Decluttering helps them see their own belongings in the space, staging enhances the look and makes the house feel lived in. Curb appeal is important too, the exterior is the first thing buyers see when they arrive.

3. Market the Open House

Marketing is what drives traffic to an open house. By using a combination of traditional and digital marketing, you can reach more people and get more attendance.

  • Social Media: Promote the open house on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Engaging posts and targeted ads will get more people there.
  • Email Campaigns: Send out personalized email invites to your contact list, highlighting the best features of the property and all the details of the open house.
  • Signage on the Day: Place clear and visible signs around the neighbourhood to direct people to the property.

Marketing gets your open house to as many buyers as possible. Social media lets you engage with more people, email campaigns gives you a personal touch that gets more interest.

On the day of the open house, signage will bring in people who may not have seen the online promotions and increase attendance.

4. Use Soho Live Cast to reach more renters and buyers

Open House Inspection: 7 Tips for Agents
  • Live Stream the Open House: Stream the inspection live on Facebook and YouTube so those who can’t attend in person can participate.
  • Engage Virtually: Answer questions and highlight features of the property to virtual attendees.
  • Share Recorded Session: After the event share the recorded session with those who missed it to keep the property top of mind.

Soho Live Cast is a game changer for modern real estate agents looking to get more from their open houses. By live streaming the inspection you can attract interest from buyers who can’t attend in person and get more exposure for your property.

Engage with virtual attendees in real time and they will be invested in the process, share the recorded session after the event and interested parties can revisit the property and make a decision.

5. Engage with Visitors during the Open House

Engagement is key during an open house inspection. How you interact with visitors can make or break their perception of the property and whether they’ll make an offer.

A warm and welcoming environment will make potential buyers feel more comfortable and more likely to ask questions.

  • Warm Welcome: Greet each visitor at the door personally. A friendly hello sets the tone for the rest of the visit.
  • Provide Information: Have brochures or flyers available with key facts about the property. This way visitors can read at their own pace.
  • Highlight Features: As you show visitors around the house make sure to point out the best features; modern appliances, big rooms and updated bathrooms.
  • Ask Questions: Encourage visitors to ask questions about the property and the area. This will clarify any concerns and build a connection with the buyer.

By engaging with visitors during the open house you create a more personal experience.

This not only makes visitors feel more valued but you can also answer questions and concerns on the spot which can speed up the decision making process.

6. Capture Visitor Info for Follow Up

Open House Inspection: 7 Tips for Agents

Getting visitor details during the open house is crucial for follow up which can be the key to getting the sale. Knowing who attended lets you follow up afterwards and keep the property top of mind.

  • Sign-In Sheet: Use a sign-in sheet or a digital tool to capture names, contact details and interests.
  • Note Visitor Feedback: Take brief notes on visitor feedback and questions. This will be useful during follow up to tailor your communication to their interests.

Capturing and managing visitor information efficiently means you can stay in touch with interested buyers and continue the conversation after the open house. Follow up is key to converting visitors into buyers.

7. Follow Up after the Open House

The inspection doesn’t stop when visitors leave the property. Follow-up with attendees is a crucial step that can get you to the sale.

A quick and personal follow-up will keep your property top of mind for potential buyers and answer any remaining questions or concerns.

  • Send a Thank You: Send a thank you email or message to each attendee. A simple gesture to keep the relationship positive and the property in their mind.
  • Provide More Info: If any visitors had questions or expressed interest in certain features, provide more information in your follow-up.
  • Invite Further Engagement: Encourage attendees to get in touch with any further questions or to view the property again. This shows you’re willing to accommodate their needs and can move the process forward.

In some cases, you might find that buyers prefer to participate in an online auction after viewing the property in person. It’s worth considering online auction tips for agents to ensure you’re prepared for this scenario.

Follow-up after the open house keeps the conversation open and shows you’re there to help buyers make a decision.

Additionally, keeping your real estate for sale listings updated on Soho ensures that interested buyers have access to the most current options available.

FAQs on Open House Inspection:Tips for Agents

What does open for inspection mean?

An open for inspection is a scheduled event where prospective tenants or buyers can visit a property during a specific time and date to view it. The event is publicly advertised, allowing interested parties to plan ahead and come prepared with questions.

How much notice do you need for a house inspection in NSW?

In New South Wales, tenants must receive 14 days’ written notice before the first house inspection. This is to ensure tenants have adequate time to prepare for the inspection.

How often are house inspections allowed in NSW?

In New South Wales, landlords can conduct house inspections up to four times in a 12-month period. Tenants must be given at least seven days’ written notice before each inspection.

Can a tenant refuse an open house in NSW?

Tenants in NSW cannot unreasonably refuse to agree to days and times for an open house. However, they are not required to agree to more than two showings per week. If disputes arise, the landlord or agent can apply to the Tribunal to set specific days and times for showings.

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