
Cockroaches: Say Goodbye To These Pesky House Guests Once & For All

June 20, 2024
clean home safety cockroaches

Of all the household pests that seek refuge in our homes year-round, cockroaches are amongst the most feared for a few key reasons. These pests have been known to wreak havoc in kitchen and pantry spaces. And when it comes to cockroach treatment, it’s hard to find the right formula because these hardy creatures are reportedly able to survive a nuclear apocalypse and can live for up to a week without a head.

The best way to prevent cockroaches becoming a major problem in your home is to stop their march in the first place, putting in place strategies that will eliminate their food sources and entry points so your family can stay healthy and pest control is not required.

If you’ve never had to tackle a cockroach infestation, this guide will outline what you need to know about these household pests, including the health risks they posit as well as the best methods for preventing them from infesting your home or rental property.

The Cockroach Plague in Australia

Despite our best efforts to eradicate these nasty creatures from our homes and businesses, there are literally millions – if not billions – of cockroaches spread across Australia. In fact, there are over 450 different species of these creatures in Australia alone, including the most common types you are likely to see in your kitchen (specifically German, American, Australian and Asian breeds of cockroach). 

These hardy cockroaches also thrive in hot and humid conditions so the Australian climate is the perfect place for them to feed and breed. Speaking of breeding, the reproductive cycle of cockroaches is another huge problem because they are known for laying large numbers of eggs that are resistant to even the most harsh chemical treatments. It’s strongly advised that both prospective renters and home buyers look out for the tell-tale signs of a cockroach infestation prior to expressing interest on any properties.

Health Hazards of Cockroach Infestations

Alongside being a frightful sight, cockroaches are also believed to be reservoirs for various bacteria, including salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus.

What makes cockroaches particularly insidious is the fact they largely remain invisible to the human eye, hiding in the smallest nooks and crannies and only emerging when the lights are off. And when they come out of hiding, they bring a ravenous appetite with little care for what they feast on. 

It’s important to note too that cockroaches also don’t just eat your food – they vomit and defecate all over it as well. This is part of the reason why cockroaches have been known to spread bacteria more aggressively than other household pests like ants and spiders. And because cockroaches are such hardy creatures, bacteria that have potentially been living inside them for years can be belched up in microscopic levels onto your food and kitchen benches and utensils. This contamination makes them a significant threat to household hygiene and health, and is yet another reason why cockroach infestations are better dealt with sooner rather than later.

So How Can I Stop Cockroaches From Infesting My Home?

Prevention is always better than the cure here, because once large colonies of cockroaches move in they can infiltrate every nook and cranny in your home with millions more eggs in reserve. Stopping them from settling in becomes crucial to prevent a larger scale and more aggressive cockroach infestation.

Cleanliness is the obvious first step, because these are opportunistic creatures that thrive on scraps, crumbs and left over food left on plates and utensils in your kitchen. Without knowing it, you could have hordes of cockroaches contaminating your kitchen benches, dirty dishes and more in the middle of the night. Cleaning up after dinner becomes especially vital because cockroaches on your benches and dishes are an obvious health hazard. And if you’re a renter, ensuring that your rental property is pest-free prior to ending your lease is naturally imperative to securing your full bond. If you’re hoping to address a pest infestation in your rental property before you vacate, this checklist will be able to provide you with some direction.

Food storage is just as important, because leaving things like cereal boxes out overnight could lead to cockroaches pushing their way through and contaminating your food. Sealed Tupperware or other containers are essential for any opened packages.

Don’t forget, cockroaches are not fussy. They are just as happy to feast from your bin as they are from your dinner plate. So ensure the rubbish is taken out every night and bins are properly sealed to stop them becoming an attractive dining option for cockroaches. 

The kitchen is not the only vulnerable point in your home, though. Cockroaches just love wet and humid spaces like your bathroom and laundry so special care needs to be taken there as well. Reduce water availability that could attract cockroaches like puddles on the floor and leaky taps.

Finally, be mindful of any cracks and crevices that may appear in your home, especially if it is an older model. These creatures just love squeezing their way in anyway they can, so having a tube of gap filler on hand is a handy way to block their march. 

Don’t Forget About the Professional Approach

At the end of the day, we live busy lives and there is only so much we can do to stop cockroaches becoming a major problem. Our best tip is that you shouldn’t wait until your property becomes overrun by cockroaches before securing focused cockroach control services. 

Property owners are also advised to book regular inspections from reputable pest control companies throughout the year, especially before the hot and humid months. This proactive approach can detect small problems before they become major infestations. 

Modern pest control includes technologies that can detect cockroaches and their eggs in and around your home without disrupting your life or damaging your property. Having that peace of mind is always worth it.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively reduce the risk of cockroach encounters in your home. Remember, consistency and attention to detail are key in ensuring these unwanted guests stay out for good.

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