
Auction Rules in QLD: Everything You Need to Know

May 30, 2024
auction rules qld

Key takeaways:

  • Auctions in Queensland offer transparency and competitive bidding, enhancing property values.
  • Key rules include licensing for auctioneers and detailed auction day procedures to maintain fairness.
  • Understanding auction processes and preparing accordingly ensures smooth and compliant transactions.

Auctions are a popular method for buying and selling property in Queensland due to their transparency and competitive nature.

However, understanding the specific rules and regulations governing auctions is crucial for buyers and sellers.

This guide will walk you through the essential auction rules in Queensland, ensuring you are well-prepared whether you are bidding or selling.

In NSW? You might want to check out our guide on Auction Rules in NSW instead.

What is a Real Estate Auction?

A real estate auction is a public sale where property is sold to the highest bidder. Auctions are favored for their open competition, which can drive up the sale price, and for the efficiency of the sale process.

They are conducted by licensed auctioneers who ensure that the auction adheres to legal standards.

The Role of the Auctioneer

The Property Occupations Act 2014 (QLD) regulates the activities of auctioneers in Queensland. Auctioneers must hold a specific license, which is distinct from a real estate agent’s license. This license allows them to:

  • Sell or attempt to sell real property by auction.
  • Conduct sales during the auction period.

Appointing an Auctioneer in QLD

To conduct an auction, a property agent must be appointed using a Form 6. This form authorizes the agent or auctioneer to sell the property by public auction or private treaty.

If an external auctioneer is used, a conjunctional agreement must be established.

Auction Day Procedures

On auction day, several legal requirements and procedures must be followed to ensure the auction’s transparency and fairness. Here’s a detailed look at these procedures:

Display and Announcement

Before the auction begins, the auctioneer must ensure their name is prominently displayed at the auction site. They must also announce the conditions of the auction, which include:

  • Auction Process: Outline how the auction will proceed.
  • Deposit Payable: Inform potential bidders of the deposit required under the auction contract terms.
  • Terms of Sale: Explain all pertinent terms of the contract of sale.
  • Material Information: Provide any other information material to potential bidders.

Vendor Bids

While the auctioneer is allowed to accept vendor bids up to the reserve price, they may not accept any bids on behalf of the vendor or their representative(s) once the reserve price has been reached.

This ensures that the bidding process remains fair and competitive once the reserve price is achieved.

Authority to Sign

At the auction, the auctioneer has the authority to sign the contract or a note or memorandum of the contract as the seller’s agent. This authority is usually conferred in the conditions of sale by public auction but is also impliedly given by the fall of the hammer. Specifically:

  • Implied Agency: The auctioneer is considered the agent of both the seller and the buyer and is empowered to execute a contract on their behalf, even if one or both parties refuse to sign at the fall of the hammer.
  • Contract Formation: According to the Property Occupations Act 2014 (Qld), a contract is formed “directly on the fall of the hammer, by outcry; or directly at the end of another similar type of competition for purchase.” This means that the moment the auctioneer declares the property sold, a binding contract is created.

Limitations on Authority

The auctioneer’s authority to sign on behalf of the seller and the buyer is not unlimited in time. This authority extends from the time of the fall of the hammer until the point when it can still be fairly held to be part of the sale. This typically means:

  • Same Day Signing: The auctioneer can sign the contract in their office on the same day as the auction. However, this authority does not extend into the days or weeks following the auction.
  • Immediate Effect: The signing should occur promptly to ensure the validity of the sale process and prevent any disputes.

Compliance with the Law

Ensuring compliance with these procedures is crucial for the legality and integrity of the auction process. Auctioneers and property agents must adhere to the regulations set forth by the Property Occupations Act 2014 (Qld) to protect the interests of both sellers and buyers and to maintain trust in the auction system.

By following these detailed auction day procedures, auctioneers in Queensland can conduct fair and transparent auctions, providing a reliable method for selling and buying property.

Auction Period

The auction period refers to the time frame from the signing of Form 6 until the auction concludes. During this period, the auctioneer can sell the property through negotiations but does not have the same authority to sign the contract on behalf of the parties as they do on auction day.

Legal Requirements and Conditions

Before the Auction:

  • Ensure the auction date is specified in writing in the Form 6.
  • Clearly display and announce the conditions of the auction.

During the Auction:

  • The auctioneer can make vendor bids but must stop once the reserve price is met.
  • The auctioneer’s authority to sign the contract is activated at the fall of the hammer.

After the Auction:

  • The contract must be signed by the auctioneer on the same day to maintain validity.

Key Auction Terms

  • Reserve Price: The minimum price the seller is willing to accept for the property. The auctioneer can make bids on behalf of the seller up to this price.
  • Fall of the Hammer: The moment the auctioneer declares the property sold, making the sale legally binding.
  • Vendor Bid: A bid made by or on behalf of the seller to help reach the reserve price.

Important Tips for Buyers

  1. Research: Understand the property and its value before attending the auction.
  2. Finances: Ensure your finances are in order, as winning a bid at auction is a legally binding commitment.
  3. Conditions of Sale: Familiarize yourself with the auction conditions and terms of sale.

Important Tips for Sellers

  1. Choosing an Auctioneer: Select a licensed and experienced auctioneer.
  2. Setting a Reserve Price: Set a realistic reserve price in consultation with your auctioneer.
  3. Marketing: Promote the auction widely to attract the maximum number of potential buyers.

Check out Soho’s guide on Auction Day Tips for Sellers to help you prepare for the big event!

FAQs on Auction Rules in Queensland

What are the conditions for auction in Queensland?

In Queensland, auctions require the auctioneer to have a current and valid licence, which is the only type recognized for auctioning real estate.

How to register for an auction in QLD?

To register for an auction in Queensland, you need to provide your name, address, and photo ID (like a driver’s license or passport) to the auctioneer. You’ll then receive a bidder number and be added to the Bidders Register.

How do you bid on behalf of someone at auction in Qld?

To bid on behalf of someone else in Queensland, complete and submit the “Authority to Bid and Sign Contract at Auction Form” to the Public Trustee prior to the auction.

What is the auction process?

The auction process typically starts with the auctioneer announcing prices, followed by participants calling out their bids. The auction ends when no higher bids are made, and the highest final bid is accepted by the auctioneer.


Understanding the rules and procedures governing auctions in Queensland is essential for both buyers and sellers.

By adhering to these regulations, participants can ensure a fair, transparent, and legally compliant auction process. For more detailed information and updates, consult the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) website.

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