
Brisbane Housing Crisis – Solutions to the Growing Problem

August 18, 2023

Key takeaways:

    • Brisbane’s housing crisis is characterized by an affordable housing shortage, the impact on low-income households and reliance on the private rental market.

    • The State Government and Brisbane City Council are taking measures to combat this, such as investing in social & affordable housing, introducing rental reforms and providing support for construction industry.

    • Innovative solutions such as modular housing, community land trusts & incentivizing development have been proposed to increase availability of affordable homes.

Brisbane’s housing crisis, or the “Brisbane Housing Crisis,” has become an increasingly pressing issue, affecting countless lives and putting immense pressure on the city’s infrastructure.

This blog post will delve into the complexities of the Brisbane Housing Crisis, shedding light on the various factors contributing to the shortage of affordable housing and the impact on low-income households.

We will explore the actions taken by the state government and Brisbane City Council to address the issue, as well as innovative solutions and financial barriers that need to be overcome.

Get ready to embark on a journey towards a deeper understanding of this multifaceted issue and the potential solutions that could help alleviate the Brisbane Housing Crisis.

Brisbane’s Housing Crisis: Understanding the Issue

Queensland’s housing crisis is no secret, as the region grapples with a severe lack of affordable housing, leaving low-income households struggling to find suitable accommodation. One may wonder if house prices in Brisbane are falling.

The pandemic has only intensified the issue, causing vacancy rates to plummet, and rents to soar, putting further pressure on the Queensland Council to find viable solutions.

With an estimated unmet need for social housing exceeding 100,000 households, the situation is dire, and the private rental market is becoming increasingly relied upon to provide housing options for those in need.

To better comprehend the gravity of Brisbane’s housing crisis, we will examine the affordable housing shortage, the impact on low-income households, and the role of the Brisbane real estate market.

By understanding these key issues, we can begin to explore potential solutions and the actions taken by the state government and Brisbane City Council in response.

Affordable housing shortage

The affordable housing shortage in Brisbane is a growing concern. With a clear understanding of Brisbane house price growth in the last 10 years, we can see that the city’s growing population is driving up demand.

Rental prices have been steadily rising, making it difficult for many residents to secure suitable accommodation. This shortage is further exacerbated by the lack of available public housing, with hundreds of homes left vacant for extended periods.

Recognizing the severity of the issue, the State Government and Brisbane City Council have implemented various initiatives to tackle this shortage, such as investing in social and affordable housing, introducing rental reforms and regulations, and supporting the construction industry.

Innovative solutions to increase housing supply, like modular housing, community land trusts, and incentivizing development in South Brisbane, are being explored to help address this pressing problem.

Impact on low-income households

The lack of affordable housing in Brisbane has had a profound effect on low-income households, many of whom are facing exorbitant housing costs and extreme housing stress. With affordable housing options becoming increasingly scarce, many are forced to live in overcrowded and substandard conditions, leading to a rise in homelessness and poverty.

In the current market conditions, increased utilization of private rental assistance products, like bond loans and rental grants, is unlikely to significantly alleviate housing requirements.

By addressing the financial barriers and implementing measures to increase housing supply, both the state government and Brisbane City Council can work towards improving the situation for low-income households, ensuring they have access to affordable and adequate housing options.

The role of the private rental market

The private rental market plays a crucial role in providing housing options for Brisbane’s residents. However, with a dynamic Brisbane property cycle, the city is currently facing a rental crisis characterized by rapidly rising rental prices, shortages in housing supply, and increased demand. These challenges make it difficult for the private rental market to meet the needs of renters effectively.

In response, the government has been striving to ensure that the private rental market remains equitable and accessible for residents. By implementing rental reforms and regulations, investing in social and affordable housing, and supporting the construction industry, the government aims to address the challenges faced by the private rental market and alleviate the housing crisis in Brisbane.

State Government and Brisbane City Council’s Response

brisbane housing crisis

In response to the housing crisis, the state government and Brisbane City Council have taken several actions to address the issue, such as investing in social and affordable housing, implementing rental reforms, and supporting the construction industry.

Recent announcements have also been made regarding increased rental and bond support payments, as well as providing tax breaks for developers proposing build-to-rent projects.

In this section, we will explore the investments made by the state government and Brisbane City Council in social and affordable housing, the rental reforms and regulations they have proposed, and their support for the construction industry to help alleviate the housing crisis.

Investment in social and affordable housing

The State Government and Brisbane City Council have undertaken significant investments in social and affordable housing to combat the housing crisis. The State Government established the Housing Investment Fund, driving investment in social and affordable housing in Queensland.

Additionally, the government has allocated an extra $322 million in the state budget to construct 500 additional social homes. The Brisbane City Council has also taken steps to support affordable housing, including waiving over $1 million worth of infrastructure charges and development application fees for the Brisbane Housing Company.

The government is offering tax breaks as an incentive to encourage developers to construct affordable housing. These build-to-rent projects must have at least 10 per cent of the units deemed affordable for the tax relief to be applied.

These investments and incentives showcase the commitment of the state government and Brisbane City Council in addressing the housing crisis by increasing the supply of social and affordable housing.

Rental reforms and regulations

The State Government of Queensland has proposed rental reforms that include limiting the frequency of rent increases to every 12 months for all new and existing tenancies starting from July 1, 2023.

Additionally, property owners are now permitted to rent secondary dwellings, such as granny flats, to anyone, regardless of whether they are related to the occupants of the primary dwelling.

Meanwhile, the Brisbane City Council has introduced rule changes that enable buildings in other areas of the city to attain the heights of the CBD’s 90-storey Skytower, allowing increased heights for residential buildings in South Brisbane.

These rental reforms and regulations aim to create a more balanced and fair rental market, benefiting both tenants and property owners.

Support for construction industry

The construction industry plays a key role in the economy and can offer vital job opportunities. Furthermore, it can contribute to increasing the housing supply, which is essential for tackling the Brisbane housing crisis.

The government has provided tax breaks for developers proposing build-to-rent projects, which in turn supports construction workers and the construction industry as a whole.

To capitalize on the construction industry’s potential, it is crucial to create job opportunities and invest in infrastructure projects that support housing supply and inner-city development.

By doing so, the state government and Brisbane City Council can foster a thriving construction industry that actively contributes to addressing the housing crisis.

Innovative Solutions to Increase Housing Supply

brisbane housing crisis

As the housing crisis in Brisbane continues to escalate, innovative solutions are needed to increase the availability of affordable housing and alleviate the burden on low-income households. Some proposed solutions include modular housing, community land trusts, and incentivizing development in South Brisbane.

These initiatives aim to address the housing crisis by promoting affordability, increasing social housing, and implementing effective planning and zoning measures to ensure a sustainable housing supply.

In this section, we will delve into each of these innovative solutions, exploring their potential benefits and drawbacks, and evaluating their feasibility in addressing Brisbane’s housing crisis.

Modular housing

Modular housing is a form of prefabricated housing that is constructed off-site and then transported and assembled on-site. This cost-effective and efficient method of construction offers a promising solution to the housing crisis, as it can increase the overall supply of housing in Brisbane.

One example of affordable housing success in Brisbane is the Brisbane Common Ground building in Hope Street, South Brisbane, managed by Common Ground Queensland, which provides property management and intensive tenancy management services.

The advantages of modular housing include reduced construction costs, shorter construction timelines, and the potential to provide affordable housing for those in need.

By implementing modular housing, Brisbane can work towards addressing its housing crisis and ensuring a sustainable and affordable housing supply for all residents.

Community land trusts

A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a form of shared ownership of a property, wherein the land component of a residential property is owned by a non-profit organization on behalf of the community, thus promoting housing affordability and community development.

CLTs can facilitate a decrease in housing costs, provide access to affordable housing for low-income households, and promote community development. They operate by acquiring land and leasing it to individuals or families, while the non-profit organization retains ownership of the land.

However, CLTs also face some challenges, such as the need for significant capital to acquire land and construct housing, and the potential risk of the land being sold to private developers, resulting in the displacement of existing residents.

Despite these challenges, community land trusts offer a promising alternative to traditional housing models, with the potential to contribute significantly to alleviating Brisbane’s housing crisis.

Incentivizing development in South Brisbane

Incentivizing development in South Brisbane has the potential to significantly augment the city’s housing supply. The Brisbane City Council has proposed rule changes that allow increased heights for residential buildings in South Brisbane, potentially leading to the construction of 10,000 new homes.

This initiative aims to bolster the long-term housing supply in Brisbane’s inner city and facilitate population growth while preserving the city’s way of life.

By offering incentives for developers to invest in South Brisbane, such as relaxed building height limits, it is possible to stimulate more development and consequently increase the availability of housing in the area.

This innovative approach could play a vital role in addressing Brisbane’s housing crisis and ensuring a more sustainable and affordable housing supply for its residents.

Addressing the Financial Barriers

Addressing the financial barriers to increasing housing supply in Brisbane is crucial for tackling the housing crisis. Escalating construction costs, the accessibility of finance for smaller developers, and the inability of the housing supply to keep up with strong demand are just a few of the financial impediments faced.

Treasurer Cameron is on a budget. Dick recently responded to calls for changes to stamp duty and land tax; however, he ruled these out. No reforms will be made in the near future.

However, alternative solutions, such as implementing a broad-based land tax, phasing out private landlord tax concessions, and increasing crisis accommodation funding, have been proposed.

In this section, we will examine each of these proposed solutions, identifying their potential benefits and drawbacks, and discussing their feasibility in addressing the financial barriers to increasing housing supply in Brisbane.

Broad-based land tax

A broad-based land tax is a tax on the value of land, based on the market value of the land, and applied uniformly to all landowners. It is calculated by multiplying the market value of the land by a rate set by the government, typically at a low rate, and the tax is then collected and allocated for public services.

A broad-based land tax can assist in reducing inequality by ensuring that all landowners are subject to appropriate taxation and can foster an increase in housing supply by incentivizing landowners to utilize their land.

However, a broad-based land tax also presents some challenges, such as administrative difficulties and potential perceptions of inequity among landowners. Additionally, it may result in increased housing costs, as landowners may pass on the tax burden to tenants.

Despite these challenges, implementing a broad-based land tax could play a crucial role in addressing the financial barriers to increasing housing supply in Brisbane.

Phasing out private landlord tax concessions

Phasing out private landlord tax concessions has been proposed as a solution to the housing crisis, as they have not been successful in increasing the availability of affordable housing and have been observed to increase housing costs for tenants.

The potential impact of phasing out these tax concessions could result in a decrease in the cost of housing for tenants and an increase in the supply of affordable housing, as landlords would no longer be incentivized to keep rents high.

Potential solutions for phasing out private landlord tax concessions include offering landlords incentives to maintain affordable rents, such as tax credits or subsidies, and increasing the availability of affordable housing through the construction of new housing units.

However, there are potential risks associated with this approach, such as a decrease in the supply of rental housing and the possibility that landlords may still pass on the cost of the tax concessions to tenants in the form of higher rents, even without the tax concessions.

Crisis accommodation funding

brisbane housing crisis

Crisis accommodation funding has the potential to increase housing supply in Brisbane and help alleviate the housing crisis. The Queensland government has provided $64.3 million for the procurement, leasing, and running of emergency supported accommodation in Brisbane.

Additionally, the 2023-24 Budget has increased funding of $1.1 billion for the delivery and supply of social housing across Queensland, which will contribute to increasing housing supply in Brisbane.

By providing crisis accommodation funding, the Queensland government is taking a step towards addressing the housing crisis and ensuring that those in need have access to safe and stable housing options.

This funding, combined with other measures to increase housing supply and address financial barriers, can help alleviate Brisbane’s housing crisis.

The Role of the Construction Industry

The construction industry is essential for job creation, increasing housing supply, and inner-city development to address the housing crisis.

By investing in infrastructure projects and housing developments, the construction industry can create employment opportunities for a variety of skilled and unskilled personnel, including carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and laborers, as well as those in the construction supply chain, such as suppliers of building materials.

In this section, we will explore the potential of the construction industry in creating jobs, increasing housing supply, and promoting inner-city development, while also examining the challenges faced by the industry in these endeavors.

Job creation

The potential of job creation in the construction industry to increase housing supply in Brisbane is significant. Initiatives and partnerships with builders, community housing providers, and other groups can be established to increase the supply of social housing.

Additionally, private sector investment in housing construction projects can create construction jobs and bolster the overall housing supply, contributing to addressing Brisbane’s housing crisis.

Other job creation initiatives that can be employed to increase housing supply in Brisbane include incentivizing development in South Brisbane, implementing a broad-based land tax, phasing out private landlord tax concessions, and providing crisis accommodation funding.

By creating more job opportunities in the construction industry and investing in housing projects, Brisbane can work towards addressing its housing crisis and ensuring a sustainable and affordable housing supply for its residents.

Increasing housing supply

The construction industry plays a pivotal role in increasing the housing supply in Brisbane, as it is responsible for constructing new homes and apartments.

It can create jobs by investing in infrastructure projects, such as constructing new roads, bridges, and other public works, as well as investing in housing projects, such as constructing new homes and apartments.

The construction industry also plays a crucial role in promoting inner-city development by investing in projects that enhance the quality of life in the area, such as constructing parks, playgrounds, and other public amenities.

By investing in housing projects and promoting inner-city development, the construction industry can actively contribute to addressing Brisbane’s housing crisis and ensuring a more sustainable and affordable housing supply for its residents.

Inner-city development

The potential of inner-city development in the construction industry to increase housing supply in Brisbane is evident, as demonstrated by the number of approved residential units and development applications in the inner city.

By addressing the challenges and opportunities in housing development, such as the need for more affordable housing, efficient planning processes, and investment in infrastructure, the construction industry can play a vital role in increasing housing supply and improving the overall quality of life in Brisbane.

The construction industry can help create more housing options for people of all income levels.


In conclusion, Brisbane’s housing crisis is a multifaceted issue, with a myriad of factors contributing to the lack of affordable housing and the impact on low-income households. The state government and Brisbane City Council have been proactive in addressing the crisis through investment in social and affordable housing, rental reforms, and supporting the construction industry.

However, more needs to be done, and innovative solutions such as modular housing, community land trusts, and incentivizing development in South Brisbane hold promise for increasing the housing supply.

By addressing financial barriers and supporting the construction industry in job creation and inner-city development, Brisbane can work towards alleviating its housing crisis and ensuring a brighter future for all its residents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a housing crisis in Brisbane?

Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has declared the housing shortage in Queensland as a crisis, and dwelling approvals have dropped 6 per cent over the year with 2,000 fewer homes being built.

It is clear that there is a housing crisis in Brisbane.

Why is there a housing crisis in Brisbane?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a critical lack of rental housing, driving up rental prices in Queensland and Brisbane particularly hard.

Local infrastructure and rising construction costs are further inhibiting the building of new housing, exacerbating the already dire situation.

Is it a good time to buy property in Brisbane?

With house values up 4.6% since February 2023, and strong demand for A-grade homes and investment-grade properties emerging, now is an excellent time to buy property in Brisbane.

The city is experiencing a surge in demand for quality homes, with buyers looking for properties that offer good value for money. Prices are rising, but there are still plenty of opportunities to find a great deal.

The Brisbane property market is highly competitive, with buyers competing for property.

How has the state government and Brisbane City Council responded to the housing crisis?

The Queensland government and Brisbane City Council have taken action to address the housing crisis by investing in social and affordable housing, introducing new rental reforms and regulations, and supporting the construction industry.

These initiatives are aimed at increasing the supply of housing, improving affordability, and providing more security for renters. They are also designed to stimulate the construction industry and create jobs.

The government and council have committed to investing $1.2 billion in social and economic development.

What are some innovative solutions to increase housing supply in Brisbane?

Innovative solutions to increase housing supply in Brisbane include modular housing, community land trusts, and incentivizing development in South Brisbane.

Modular housing is a cost-effective way to quickly build new housing. It involves constructing pre-fabricated units off-site and then assembling them on-site. This method of construction is faster and more efficient.

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