
Who’s Responsible: Cleaning Gutters – Landlord or Tenant in NSW?

June 22, 2023
cleaning gutters landlord or tenant nsw

Key takeaways:

    • Under the NSW Tenancies Act, it’s generally the tenant’s job to keep the gutters clean, while major repairs are up to the landlord.

    • Property managers act as the go-between, making sure everyone’s on the same page and following the rules.

    • Don’t turn a blind eye to gutter maintenance, or you could be facing serious damage and potential legal dramas.

As we know, blocked gutters can cause significant problems like roof leaks and water damage. So, who’s responsible for cleaning gutters landlord or tenant in NSW?

The answer lies in the Residential Tenancies Act of NSW, which outlines landlord responsibilities, tenant’s responsibilities, and the role of property managers. Let’s dive deeper into this topic.

The NSW residential tenancies act: an overview

A ripper of a resource for understanding rental property rules in NSW is the Residential Tenancies Act. This handy piece of legislation provides a clear breakdown of what damage is the landlord’s responsibility and what’s up to the tenant. If you’re wondering, who’s responsible for pest control, that’ll be answered in the act as well.

It clearly outlines who’s responsible for urgent repairs, non-urgent repairs, and regular maintenance, including gutter maintenance. According to the Act, landlords must provide a property that’s in a reasonable state of repair, taking into account its age, character and prospective life.

If you come across urgent repairs like a roof leak, it’s typically the landlord’s duty to sort it out. The Act also considers gutter maintenance as part of a landlord’s responsibility if it’s due to reasonable wear and tear. On the flip side, if the tenant’s neglect has led to blocked gutters, then the clean-up becomes the tenant’s responsibility.

cleaning gutters landlord or tenant nsw

Understanding the landlord’s responsibilities

In general, the landlord is responsible for repairs and maintenance in a rental property. Urgent repairs such as a blocked or broken toilet, a significant roof leak, or severe gutter damage typically fall under the landlord’s responsibilities.

Moreover, if a professional gutter inspection reveals the need for repair due to wear and tear, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to cough up the dosh for repairs.

Understanding tenant’s responsibilities

Tenants, on the other hand, are responsible for keeping the premises reasonably clean and reporting any damage promptly. Regular gutter maintenance falls under this banner. So, if the gutters are blocked due to neglect, it’s up to the tenant to organise a cleaning service.

The role of property managers

Property managers act as the middleman between tenants and landlords. They ensure the laws surrounding repairs and maintenance are followed, making sure everything’s above board and fair dinkum.

The process of gutter cleaning

Cleaning gutters isn’t a walk in the park, mate. It’s a bit of a process. Steps to follow for gutter cleaning include:

  • Safety First: Always use sturdy ladders and wear protective gear.
  • Remove Debris: Scoop out leaves, twigs, and any other debris.
  • Flush Gutters: Use a hose to wash down the remaining debris.
  • Check for Leaks: Ensure water flows freely, with no leaks.
  • Dispose of Waste Properly: Do the right thing for the environment.

cleaning gutters landlord or tenant nsw

Consequences of not cleaning gutters

So, hopefully, now you have gained some insight into whether cleaning gutters is the responsibility of the landlord or the tenant in NSW. You might think, “No worries, it’s just a bit of leaf build-up,” but neglecting gutter cleaning can lead to some serious troubles. Blocked gutters can cause water to overflow, damaging the exterior and interior of the house.

Over time, this can lead to mould growth, which is not only a health hazard but also a right pain to get rid of. Even worse, it can cause structural damage to the property. If it gets to this point, you’re looking at a hefty repair bill. 

Plus, persistent neglect of gutter maintenance can lead to disputes between landlords and tenants, and no one wants to end up in a tiff over gutters. So, do the right thing, and keep those gutters clean, mate!

Frequently asked questions 

What happens if a tenant refuses to clean the gutters?

If a tenant’s been ignoring the gutters and they end up blocked due to dodgy maintenance habits, the property manager or landlord can ask the tenant to rectify the issue.

If it becomes a significant problem, it could be seen as straight-up violating their lease agreement. If the landlord notices that you’ve been slacking on maintenance, they can totally come at you for some cash to cover the damages. That’s ’cause it may be categorised as an urgent repair and neglecting urgent repairs is a big no-no.

Can a landlord force a tenant to clean gutters?

landlord can’t twist a tenant’s arm to clean the gutters. But, under the Residential Tenancies Act, tenants have to keep the place reasonably shipshape and avoid causing damage.

So, if a tenant’s been a bit slack and let the gutters get blocked, they might be up for the cleaning bill. If the tenant doesn’t play ball, the landlord can get the pros in to clean and pass the cost onto the tenant, depending on the lease agreement, of course.

What if the gutter cleaning is not covered in the rental agreement?

If the rental agreement is a bit vague about gutter cleaning, it can put you in a bit of a pickle. Usually, the tenant is expected to handle minor maintenance tasks like gutter cleaning. But, just to be on the safe side, it’s a good idea to have a look at the Residential Tenancies Act or get a bit of legal advice.

Who should pay for professional gutter cleaning services?

Usually, if gutters need a clean due to reasonable wear and tear over time, it’s the landlord who’s up to bat. But, if a tenant’s been a bit slack and let the gutters get clogged, they might have to fork out for the cleaning.

In a situation where there’s an urgent repair needed due to a serious blockage, it’s typically the landlord’s duty to sort it out.

What damage is the landlord’s responsibility in a rental property when it comes to gutters?

In a rental property scenario, when it comes to cleaning gutters, the responsibility lies with the landlord or tenant in NSW. However, in terms of repairs, it’s usually the landlord who deals with any damage that’s not the tenant’s fault. If gutters cop a beating from general wear and tear or the wrath of mother nature, it’s the landlord’s job to step in and repair the damage. 

This sort of thing is typically seen as a reasonable repair. For example, if a tree branch goes ham during a storm and wrecks the gutter, the landlord has got to step up and fix or replace the damaged section.

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